[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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That values will change a bit soon for rebalancing.

That is interesting, as i read the description , and with my setup on mind, it would not take long to hit the second stage were it would start damaging my place.

but I think the pollution is per machine and doesnt check for fuel used.

yes it is machine base, and fuel as well, but what i get that is most crucial is time of operation, as pollution is generated based on running time, so more advanced machines that produces faster are less polluent ... i suppose.

So yea... The only way "around" this is to get the "cheat quest book" by using /hqm edit

it was what i did, so i thrown every reward as sacrifice to the lava god of minecraft, it will be funny when people watch it.

Was there a recent change that made Cells dissapear when right clicking them into containers?

that is some bug, that if you try with stacks of cells it disappears , but if you use non stacked one it will not, as a ruler of easy, i use an input hatch with a pump cover to empty any type of cell into something else (energy free).

Also, it might be a good idea to realise that Gregtech is a mod that intice you to build large.
i prefer to think that gregtech entice you to build smarter, also gt5u is not made by the same person as gt5.
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I have an issue with my new and shiny Electric Blast Furnace.

It works, ( thats not the issue though =P), but it only makes one steel before it stops.

I googled around, and ssaw mention about the Muffler as well as if it would not have enough power it would only do one or stop before that one is done (like other machines) etc.
Well, I checked my muffler and its placed as it should be (middle top) and it is not covered by anything,, i tried to break and replace it as well, no difference.
Power wise, i DO use LV, which i think might be the issue, even tho the 4x 1 slot battery buffers, one for each energy hatch, have a full sodium battery (50K EU), it still won't keep running :(

Then i was thinking, is it a "feature" with LV? so that you can't automate it fully when still using LV?
I haven't progressed to MV yet, so i haven't been able to try if that would fix it.

Any ideas are welcome :)


Solved it!

I hadn't noticed i still had an unsolved "problem", so it was using more power than i could supply!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nevermind, I see there was a GregTech mod update. I thought v5 was static by now since Greg is working on v6 for at least a year now. My bad for assuming anything.

I might as well post this (the GTu5.09.24 changelog) for anyone interested, since I went and dug it up:

I copied the seed I used to make my v3.2.10 world, made a new world in v3.2.11 and copied all the journeymap files over.

The worlds are exactly identical except for one important detail: all the GT ores are no longer in the locations where I had made waypoints for them.

Apparently there was a GT oregen change in the new version that makes the ore deposits spawn in completely new locations? Why would the worldgen be exactly the same but the GT oregen isn't?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that is some bug, that if you try with stacks of cells it disappears , but if you use non stacked one it will not, as a ruler of easy, i use an input hatch with a pump cover to empty any type of cell into something else (energy free).

Nice. I was using a fluid canner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might as well post this (the GTu5.09.24 changelog) for anyone interested, since I went and dug it up:

Check this changelog entry out!! TYVM
-Made GT machines sounds adjustable with sliders.

And this one could result in some "fun". Oh yay. hehe
-Large Turbines now explode when producing more than the dynamohatch voltage tier.

I think this deserves its own quotebox, way to go dev team!!

.24 directly after .23 even trough .23 took months? Well, this version has only one, but a huge change we prefer to keep seperate for now. Muramasa- rewrote the whole Materials and Metaitem system. The changes were huge, so quite possible that some things are still broken. The important points about the change. We again can add more materials. Before it was limited by the maximum size of the materials enum. Everyone can add and change materials. As addon or even in the config! Materials now load dynamicly depending on the mods loaded. Less Materials = faster startup. Players/Modpacks that use materials that are now disabled must reenable them in the config! Unused Metaitems also got disabled for even faster startup times. Same here, should they been used in the modpack, they have to be reenabled in the config! It is possible to enable the whole metaitem type or single metaitem/material combinations. These changes again brought a huge improvement in startup time. Depending on prior performance 10-40%! So .24 compared to .22 improves in some cases to less than half the load time
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as i tried to log in ... the game crashed again on the quest, it maybe be a problem with teams, as previous i was on a team (alone) and made another one new (alone again) and then crashed, i am now with no team, lets see how that will work.

Did something got update and not posted ? i ask because now my cobalt turbine is giving twice as much power than before the update, it was 400eu and now is 800eu, meaning that if it was active it would have exploded!

JoFlash Studios

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everybody, question completely unrelated to the new release:

I'm having an issue where the tech in my base runs even when I'm not logged in. I haven't verified that this extends to non-GT stuff, but I'm pretty sure it's just plain old chunkloading for some reason.
My question: does anybody know of ways I might have unintentionally chunk-loaded my base?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any way to control a large steam turbine with a redstone signal? I failed to place a machine controller on it.

Hey everybody, question completely unrelated to the new release:

I'm having an issue where the tech in my base runs even when I'm not logged in. I haven't verified that this extends to non-GT stuff, but I'm pretty sure it's just plain old chunkloading for some reason.
My question: does anybody know of ways I might have unintentionally chunk-loaded my base?

Just a long shot but is it possible that even a small portion of your base is being chunkloaded? (Maybe other people on the server (assuming you're on one) or being near the spawn area). I seem to remember someone mentioning ender io fluid conduits chunkloading if any connected conduits were in a loaded chunk.

JoFlash Studios

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit: Mystery solved - PortalGun portals load the chunks around them.

Just a long shot but is it possible that even a small portion of your base is being chunkloaded? (Maybe other people on the server (assuming you're on one) or being near the spawn area). I seem to remember someone mentioning ender io fluid conduits chunkloading if any connected conduits were in a loaded chunk.

I've checked a few potential chunk loading sources (an inactive arcane bore and an inactive world anchor), but haven't found the cause yet. I use conduits throughout my base a lot, but not in connected sequences - all the long pipes are GT plastic pipes. The enderio conduits are just little bits for convenience.

So, I did some more investigation on this in Opis, and this is what I found - even when I've traveled 600 blocks away, the GregTech-containing parts of my base remain loaded. It's specifically where there are GregTech machines and (or?) GregTech pipes.

The only other loaded chunks on the server are where I'm standing and the spawn chunks.

@Blood Asp, any ideas why GT would be doing this?
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For anyone concerned about the Nugget exploit in latest version of InfiTech, you can re-download GregTech on GT forum, which should have that bug fixed.


If I build double electric blast fournace, can I use one energy hatch for both?
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Would I need machine controllers on the shutters?

indeed , but is better to work with pipes than with controlers blocks you cant use (it is the case on large turbines, unless some advanced wireless redstone is possible to do so, need to check on future) .

If I build double electric blast fournace, can I use one energy hatch for both?

yes and no, yes you can because most recipe uses only 1 amp and the energy hatch can request two, but to be able to pull that the energy source will needed to be direct at the hatch, but it is just theory as i always give each EBF its own hatch.

as i tried today, the exploit has been fixed, thank goodness.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I updated and all my lanthanum dust got turned into "gt.metaitem.01.2064.name".

Edit: haha why do void metal nuggets smelt into more void metal nuggets?
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yes and no, yes you can because most recipe uses only 1 amp and the energy hatch can request two, but to be able to pull that the energy source will needed to be direct at the hatch, but it is just theory as i always give each EBF its own hatch.

Just tested, one mv or hv energy hatch for two furnaces works fine.


so i noticed that some of my processing has stopped, and checking it i discover that after the update , we can no longer turn mercury into quicksilver balls in the solidifier... is that intended?