I think this is the longest I have ever spent in one pack/world. well done.
a couple questions:
do steam turbines consume steam constantly with nothing connected/running?
TC research, what do I need to look at to be able to research spirits/man/beast/things that move etc. Im at the point where I have (mostly) either already gotten the aspects off of something, or cant yet. or do I need to spend more time in the research table?
and a few annoying but not critical problems:
every so often one of my blast furnaces stops working. plenty of iron, charcoal, only interaction removing steel and ash, yet it completely stops mid-processing. happens more if I leave chunkload range.
similarly, my alloy smelter, while processing larger quantities of bronze, will start stalling out even with no other machines running, despite a full 5x4 iron tank of steam buffer. are the small bronze pipes (200/s) too small to fully supply the smelter?
finally, and this is a general MC issue, world holes (either 1 wide strips, or a massive area) that I have to exit the game to fix. probably nothing to be done as im already on lowish graphics settings, but I would appreciate any advice.