[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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@Sprigum the questbook is your friend in learning how to "plasicize" ;) A really nice quest to help players set up and run plastic processing.
@Ultimaheart4 you can buy lithium from the shop-page once you've unlocked it. It's not too expensive if you use it mainly for tools.

i heard i can buy it but again i was hoping to get a stockpile im mainly mining for a group of 9 people sharing ore veins. since its hard for everyone to mine ores. we have a cave society going on :) its fun. thanks for the tip.
i heard i can buy it but again i was hoping to get a stockpile im mainly mining for a group of 9 people sharing ore veins. since its hard for everyone to mine ores. we have a cave society going on :) its fun. thanks for the tip.
Ah, well if you have some tech up and running you could separate out lithium from clay dust, it's by far the easiest quantity source imo... especially since you could even make clay with thaumcraft.
question someone said i could buy battery things from the shop tab. did i have to complete all the battery types?
There will be one quest that allows you to buy small acid battery (18k EU, single-use) in early Steam Age (as part of helping with crops and using cropnalyzer) but thats coming in next update. Currently you can only bu material to make batteries (lithium shop, i dont remember when that opens though)

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question someone said i could buy battery things from the shop tab. did i have to complete all the battery types?
Yep, iirc once you complete the three or four different battery types you unlock one more battery related quest and completing that unlocks it in the shop.
@Joel Falk thanks to MauveCloud telling me that optimal flow is rounded off to an integer value I finally managed to calculate everything correctly. So I guess it wasn't me rounding off to an integer but rather me not doing so when I was supposed to do so.

For small fluxed electrum turbine:

Key constants:
Turbine efficiency modifier = 0.8, Turbine optimal steam flow = 16,000L/s, Test input of helium plasma = 7mB/t

Nominal plasma output = (16,000L/s * 40) / 20 = 32,000EU/t
Optimal plasma flow = 32,000EU/t / 4,096EU/mB = 7.8125mB/t rounded up to 8mB/t
Flow efficiency modifier = 7mB/t / 8mB/t = 0.875
Full-efficiency energy output = 7mB/t * 4096 = 28,672EU/t
Actual energy output = 28,672EU/t * 0.875 * 0.8 = ~20070EU/t

If using 8mB/t as helium plasma input, actual energy output will be increased to 32,768EU/t * 1 * 0.8 = ~26,214EU/t predicted, about an increase in efficiency of 14.3% I believe.
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What i was implying with my comment was just that it was rounding in the in game calculation as i could see you hadnt been rounding as i got the same numbers as you . But it is actually very interesting that you will have some variation in output based on the energy content of the fuel. Especially for plasma these rounding have a pretty significant effect on the end resoult. The same rotor could actually have +- 50% of the fuel value of 1 mb of fuel times efficiency depending on how the flowrate adds upp compared to the nominal output.
Here's a short list if things you could try:
Pick up and place down
Check if you have really have the right fuel (a lot of duplicate names with so many mods) So basically check NEI if you might have the wrong fuel
right click it with a soft hammer (it might be turned off)
Check that it can actually power something, the machine won't run once it has filled its internal buffer. If it cant get rid of the power the generator wont run so make sure the power has somewhere to go

Thats what i can come up with on the spot :p

I've tried all of that already which is what is weird. All of us individually tested our single player worlds and it seems to be fine working there with the exact same setup.
Yep, iirc once you complete the three or four different battery types you unlock one more battery related quest and completing that unlocks it in the shop.

well thats weird cause ive completed said quest that is suppose to unlock after the battery ones but there isnt any other shop tabs open. must be another quest later on or the alternate power quests?
@Sprigum the questbook is your friend in learning how to "plasicize" ;) A really nice quest to help players set up and run plastic processing.
@Ultimaheart4 you can buy lithium from the shop-page once you've unlocked it. It's not too expensive if you use it mainly for tools.

Thanks, Sven.

One additional question and I'll be out of your hair - I only have the original 3 tabs (copper/tin/iron) open in my shop - I'm ~90% done with Bronze Age and ~50% Steel age. At what point do new shop tabs become available.
Thanks, Sven.

One additional question and I'll be out of your hair - I only have the original 3 tabs (copper/tin/iron) open in my shop - I'm ~90% done with Bronze Age and ~50% Steel age. At what point do new shop tabs become available.
some unlocks are from taking paths outside the "mainline", for example quests that are associated with a specific material will help unlock those quests in the shop. And for having done 50% of steel age sounds about right, there is a big gap between the first unlocks and later on.
I think it's done that way to prevent you from skipping steps in the quest book and also give a sense of completionism after finishing a particularly hairy problem... If you want a hint, and it seems you do, then completing quests that let you tier up GT infrastructure, like the quests for an EBF and such(since those unlock higher tier material processing) will either directly or partially lead to unlocking that material inside the shop...
I'm pretty sure you can unlock both lithium and nether quartz soon, I can't recall what specific quests those where at since it's been a few weeks since I completed those.
Hey guys,

Got another question here: can an admin modify gregtech oil wells for the Oil Drill Rig? Our Base has a well for light oil, but 0L Output. I checked every Chunk once :-/
And are these wells infinite?

I think this is the longest I have ever spent in one pack/world. well done.

a couple questions:
do steam turbines consume steam constantly with nothing connected/running?
TC research, what do I need to look at to be able to research spirits/man/beast/things that move etc. Im at the point where I have (mostly) either already gotten the aspects off of something, or cant yet. or do I need to spend more time in the research table?

and a few annoying but not critical problems:

every so often one of my blast furnaces stops working. plenty of iron, charcoal, only interaction removing steel and ash, yet it completely stops mid-processing. happens more if I leave chunkload range.

similarly, my alloy smelter, while processing larger quantities of bronze, will start stalling out even with no other machines running, despite a full 5x4 iron tank of steam buffer. are the small bronze pipes (200/s) too small to fully supply the smelter?

finally, and this is a general MC issue, world holes (either 1 wide strips, or a massive area) that I have to exit the game to fix. probably nothing to be done as im already on lowish graphics settings, but I would appreciate any advice.
I think this is the longest I have ever spent in one pack/world. well done.

a couple questions:
do steam turbines consume steam constantly with nothing connected/running?
TC research, what do I need to look at to be able to research spirits/man/beast/things that move etc. Im at the point where I have (mostly) either already gotten the aspects off of something, or cant yet. or do I need to spend more time in the research table?

and a few annoying but not critical problems:

every so often one of my blast furnaces stops working. plenty of iron, charcoal, only interaction removing steel and ash, yet it completely stops mid-processing. happens more if I leave chunkload range.

similarly, my alloy smelter, while processing larger quantities of bronze, will start stalling out even with no other machines running, despite a full 5x4 iron tank of steam buffer. are the small bronze pipes (200/s) too small to fully supply the smelter?

finally, and this is a general MC issue, world holes (either 1 wide strips, or a massive area) that I have to exit the game to fix. probably nothing to be done as im already on lowish graphics settings, but I would appreciate any advice.

1. For single block turbine, no.
2. It's generally adviced to create all aspects in research table before using the thaumometer. Go find a cheatsheet.
3. Do NOT build multiblocks over chunk borders. Press F9 to check where chunk borders are.
4. Steam alloy smelters consume 48mb/t(960mb/s) steam. I suggest putting it directly under a tank valve to save pipes.
TC research, what do I need to look at to be able to research spirits/man/beast/things that move etc. Im at the point where I have (mostly) either already gotten the aspects off of something, or cant yet. or do I need to spend more time in the research table?
Do you have victus? It's a tricky one to get, I suggest you check the thaumonomicon as it tells you what to combine to make it if you haven't got it already. Otherwise remember to read the messages that give you hints as to what you need.
Man, the essentia system is so confusing. I want to setup my advanced alch furnace so that 4 of the aspects, namely alienis, corpus, mortuus and exanimis gets centrifuged however regardless of how I do it I just get that really annoying gas effect, not even just directly connecting a centrifuge works. Occasionally though using filtered essentia pipes it works, it centrifuges a few times and then shuts off. The furnace is otherwise connected to crystallizers, where I want the centrifuged aspects to go as well.
Man, the essentia system is so confusing. I want to setup my advanced alch furnace so that 4 of the aspects, namely alienis, corpus, mortuus and exanimis gets centrifuged however regardless of how I do it I just get that really annoying gas effect, not even just directly connecting a centrifuge works. Occasionally though using filtered essentia pipes it works, it centrifuges a few times and then shuts off. The furnace is otherwise connected to crystallizers, where I want the centrifuged aspects to go as well.

ok im not certain i can help without knowing what you are making? or is it just crystallizing? anyways use an essentia reservoir that can act as a buffer and pull aspects from the alembics and hold onto them in between the centrifuge and the alembics.
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