[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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How does one use that command, I've tried multiple variations of typing the command but all the promt gives is "That player cannot be found" even when I try using the from coordinate x1,y1,z1 to x2,y2,z2 variant of the command...
1) radius around player "/cofh replaceblocks <playername> x y z <blockToReplaceTO> <whatBlockToReplace>
example: /cofh replaceblocks Jason_McRay 2 2 2 minecraft:grass bluepower:basalt
2) Coord based "/cofh replaceblocks xStart yStart zStart xEnd yEnd zEnd <blockToReplaceTO> <whatBlockToReplace>
example: /cofh replaceblocks 949 163 3 944 168 5 minecraft:grass bluepower:basalt

Coord based seem to not work properly with negative coords...
So better is to go to the top of volcano and just do
/cofh replaceblocks name 100 200 100 minecraft:stone bluepower:basalt

Keep in mind if you are going to change the basalt to PrRed basalt, the chat box is too small... you will need to use command block to do it (not with cofh replaceblocks because command block doesnt have permission to use that command... wtf i know; you will need to use vanilla code, which I cant help you with).

Or just load the world in MCEdit and replace the blocks in there

edit: You might be actually able to use itemIDs instead of their names... Haven't tried that... Also if you want to use meta data (the number after ":" you just replace the ":" with "#" - like minecraft:wool#1
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best announcment
buildcraft 8.0
It is adding transformers :D

Wow, if this is an April Fool's joke, it's a very elaborate and complex one! :D Well thought out, to have IC2 and BC devs in on the joke, to cross-site the announcements! ;)

Sorry - no download yet! IC2's announcement forced us to rush everything, and so we hope that the screenshots will satisfy you for the time being.

The above sentence on the link above does, however, make me suspicious as to whether any of this is real! They even got Direwolf20 to make an annoucement too! I wonder who isn't in on this, if it's a joke? :D

Cheers ...

Using the arcane terminal from energistics causes constant crashses, any reason why? Like, using primordial pearl, sometimes changing the gear, sometimes unequipping in the wand slot, shift-right-clicking for a stack, all of this causes crashes often for some reason. Will compiling the latest energistics fix it or? Almost unusable now :/
Jason, naturally spawned Skeletons shoot arrows machine-gun fast, faster than even I would be able shoot them. What is causing this effect? This is faster than even I can run away from them. The machine-gun effect only lasts until you hit the Skeleton so I definitely think this is a bug.

Cheers ...

Odd that when I updated from 3.2.3 to the hotfix, the Launcher asked me if I wanted to downgrade from 3.2.3. I assume the Launcher is confused?
I am entirely jealous that people already have thaumic energistics setups running. I really hope these are carry-over worlds from pre-3.2, so that I don't feel like a dullard.

I don't even have a plate-bending machine yet :p
You're missing a key piece of info, it's something like 8 people working together with the goal to rush tech, there's no way you could keep up alone really, even if you played non-stop since release.
You're missing a key piece of info, it's something like 8 people working together with the goal to rush tech, there's no way you could keep up alone really, even if you played non-stop since release.
Yeah I know, I'm just being silly for my own amusement. I recall them beating the HEE ender dragon after a couple days.
Maybe asked already by someone, but I wonder is there some method to 'farm' redstone without using mob farm/ic crops/bees?
Would it be possible to get white-listed on the infitech 2 public server? With the reset after the new changes, I'd like to try playing with a group of players. Good motivation to keep progressing!
Just to say it once more.
Bluepower WILL be removed in v3.2.4, possibly this weekend or early next week. So make sure to replace basalt blocks (mainly volcanos) with other blocks with MCEdit, or /cofh replaceblocks command (http://teamcofh.com/docs/cofh-core/features/commands/#replaceblocks). Make sure to do this especially for those volcanos located in water, otherwise the flowing water will cause lags for you, and if player is settled ON the volcano (in case you don't actually want floating base).

Another option is with MCEdit to remove the chunk where the volcano is located and let minecraft to recreate the chunk after BP removal.
If you are about to change the basalt to Project Red basalt, you might want to do it via server console, since the ProjectRed Basalt name is fairly long, and will not fit the ingame chatbox.

I will say this once more with the v3.2.4 update.
Hey there, couple of things:
1)How can i add GT Ore gen guide book to Enchiridion library?
2)I have unfinishable quest
what do i do with it? There is no next-step, no "claim reward" button.
1) You need to manually add it to library_books.json file in the config folder if you really want to add it
2) You need to complete the quests before it. (that you can open a quest that is not unlocked yet is a bug with HQM)
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That's a lot of alternatives you're rejecting :p
Because crops and bees can be used to produce almost any materials, but is very hard and expensive to set up. So I don't think there's need to talk about them.
Given that some materials(iron/gold/clay/bomb/etc.) can be created in much easier ways, I wonder if there's something to do for infinite redstone.

Just found out that you can trade the renewable lubricant for ancient coins, and ancient coins for redstone using PC Amadron. It can't be fully automated however.
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