1) radius around player "/cofh replaceblocks <playername> x y z <blockToReplaceTO> <whatBlockToReplace>How does one use that command, I've tried multiple variations of typing the command but all the promt gives is "That player cannot be found" even when I try using the from coordinate x1,y1,z1 to x2,y2,z2 variant of the command...
example: /cofh replaceblocks Jason_McRay 2 2 2 minecraft:grass bluepower:basalt
2) Coord based "/cofh replaceblocks xStart yStart zStart xEnd yEnd zEnd <blockToReplaceTO> <whatBlockToReplace>
example: /cofh replaceblocks 949 163 3 944 168 5 minecraft:grass bluepower:basalt
Coord based seem to not work properly with negative coords...