[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I was looking at this mod 7 months ago. Just started playing ftb again (I binge for a few months then play other things for a while...but can't stay away!). Been watching and enjoying youtube clips and really want to get going with the modpack.
1) with v3 will v2 youtube meanderings be less relevant or even redundant?
2) I am soooo tempted just to start and stick with a v2 build. I like learning by watching youtube lets plays so that would suit me having an aged pack. However would I be really missing out by not waiting for v3 (I don't play fast and I come and go so it would be months I would be with v2)?

You can still learn by youtube videos for the version, Im pretty sure Jason will continue his youtube videos :D Also the differences wont be dramaticaly enough that you wouldnt be able to use most setups from before. Obviously it will be a bigger change, so early game will feel different and you will have a couple of new things but as far as I know they will be pretty cool and worth the waiting. Im a little confused about the versions though, Infitech 2 v3 is already out. And I dont think he will call it Infitech 3 next update but I realy dont know lol.
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Are you aware of the standard energy output loss and have you checked it isn't that? It's on the wiki under electricity, when a GT power outputting machine outputs power it draws a few extra EU that aren't used equal to 2^tier, so an LV machine outputs at 32EU/t but actually uses 34EU/t, MV does 128EU/t and actually uses 132EU/t, HV is 512EU/t and 520EU/t and so on. Nearly certain that affects battery buffers which could be your issue, not so sure if it affects transformers.

But yes, lossless EU transfer is basically non-existent and stuff like that should be checked, if it's not that a bug report might be warranted, it's possible transformers do waste energy to an unintended degree I suppose. GT basically puts energy loss at every point though.

GT transformers do have power loss. How do I know? Put MFSU next to a gt transformer and then a machine that uses full tier voltage for a recipe (like a scanner). It won't work, due to power loss on the transformer.
2) What is best source of Tutamen in the pack? Except for leather. :>
The best would likely be max aqua tendency tutamen crops, that's a huge undertaking to attempt though. That said, some alternative sources you may not have been aware of (I wasn't aware of most, I'm just looking at the GT5u git), all resource that it is possible to produce infinitely.

  • A bottle of Cider has 1. So 3 glass bottles, some water, and two apple for 3 tutamen.
  • Scotch also has 1 tutamen, it's made from wheaty juice just like cider is made from apple juice by the way. Just in case you find wheat easier to harvest than apples, plus with the sag mill you get more than one flour per wheat increasing efficiency there.
  • Granite has 1 tutamen, the highest output source at the cost of being the most complex.
And that's it really for GT items, tutamen just really isn't all that common. Now, instructions for granite as that is somewhat unobvious.

  • Requirements to create:
    • Cobble gen
    • Macerator/Sag Mill
    • An auto-smelter
    • Charcoal farm
    • Infinite water source
    • Auto-crafting in some form
    • A piece of nether quartz
    • At least thaumcraft through to automated alchemy and alchemical duplication
  • What you do:
    • First you need to create an infinite nether quartz generator. You can do that as follows, although note this is not the only way, simply the one I would use.
      • Create an alchemical boiler and get it boiling water to create aqua
      • Macerate/Sag Mill cobble into sand, and then smelt it into glass before getting vitreus essentia. Suggest investigating thickened glass, twice as much vitreus with less smelts per vitreus at the cost of complexity.
      • Use charcoal to get potentia, charcoal should also be used as fuel as an aside. Ignis excess from furnaces can go to infernal furnaces for smelting and perditio excess of the whole process should be able to fuel an alumentum producer if wanted.
      • Use the aqua, vitreus, and potentia to create nether quartz using alchemical duplication.
    • Create Chisel Granite
      • Craft 2 cobble with 2 nether quartz to create 2 diorite
      • Craft 1 diorite with 1 nether quartz to create 1 granite
    • Get black granite plates/dust
      • Either use the cutting saw to get black granite plates or the macerator to get black granite dust from your chisel granite to preference.
      • Dust has an extra 1 perditio whereas plates have 1 fabrico, plates are slower and require either water or lubricant to run the machine however.
      • Chisel granite counts as proper blocks of granite so it's worth 9 dust/plates unlike GT granite blocks
  • Overall the process costs 3 cobble, 500mB of water, and 2 charcoal and some fuel/EU to get 9 tutamen if you wire it up right.
So yeah, as mentioned chisel granite is almost certainly the highest yield renewable way of getting tutamen, but it's definitely not simple. As a minor bonus you now have black granite production, which you can extract silicon, aluminium, potassium, magnesium, and flourine from, nothing particularly useful and all available in other ways pretty much but it might help out at some point, maybe if you hit fusion you could use the potassium and flourine to run nickel plasma?

Really though, look here.

Didn't understand how many people are working on this. Great job so far, looking forward to this! Work could of course be accelerated if those silly hocus pocus-parts would be skipped... Oh well, let the kids have their fun when adults are working. Kehehehe.
Didn't understand how many people are working on this. Great job so far, looking forward to this! Work could of course be accelerated if those silly hocus pocus-parts would be skipped... Oh well, let the kids have their fun when adults are working. Kehehehe.

What do you mean by "silly hocus pocus-part"?
You can still learn by youtube videos for the version, Im pretty sure Jason will continue his youtube videos :D Also the differences wont be dramaticaly enough that you wouldnt be able to use most setups from before. Obviously it will be a bigger change, so early game will feel different and you will have a couple of new things but as far as I know they will be pretty cool and worth the waiting. Im a little confused about the versions though, Infitech 2 v3 is already out. And I dont think he will call it Infitech 3 next update but I realy dont know lol.

Am waiting and watching :p

Thanks Jason and sundry for all the effort you have put and continue to put into this pack.
Didn't understand how many people are working on this. Great job so far, looking forward to this! Work could of course be accelerated if those silly hocus pocus-parts would be skipped... Oh well, let the kids have their fun when adults are working. Kehehehe.

Just remember, Greg himself likes Thaumcraft, and has integrated it with GregTech 5. Jason is taking advantage of this fact so those of us who know GregTech and Thaumcraft very much like both mods! Even though I'm still a newbie at Thaumcraft, I like it when it comes to the transmutation parts. If Jason is rebalancing this, that is great news!

On a side note, I have a question to ask: Is it somehow possible to find out if chests in worldgen have a Thaumcraft wand in them? Worldgen chests are those that generate naturally with either a spawner or village house of some sort, Blacksmith for vanilla, or Thaumcraft church for modded houses that contain a vanilla chest, or some mod's feature, like Thaumcraft's Wisp Altars. I tried searching around in NBTEdit, but I'm not sure how the data is stored so maybe I need a different search approach or I need a different program to find the wand I left in one of them. It's only an iron-capped wooden wand, so it's not too much of a loss, I just don't know where I left it during my extensive adventuring looking for loot of epic proportions! :D

Cheers ...

I wonder why Uranium-238 Ingots & Blocks are not radioactive, while Uranium-238 (compressed macerated ingot) is. Is it a bug? I think, all of them should require hazmat to operate.

Also, I've read somewhere on Reddit that there is no point in making mv machinery, and one can move to hv era only with mv ebf, If one can provide enough power. Is this still true?
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Also, I've read somewhere on Reddit that there is no point in making mv machinery, and one can move to hv era only with mv ebf, If one can provide enough power. Is this still true?
In 3.2 at least no, advanced circuits which are needed for HV need an MV assembler, forming press, and laser engraver to create.
Didn't understand how many people are working on this. Great job so far, looking forward to this! Work could of course be accelerated if those silly hocus pocus-parts would be skipped... Oh well, let the kids have their fun when adults are working. Kehehehe.
Well. Those hocus pocus-parts might seem unnecessary but let us have fun. You are having fun playing and we are having fun doing those hocus pocus things :)

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1) This is a general minecraft issue. If you harvests blocks too fast it might result in a desync. Usualy this happens on servers so am I right you are playing on a server connected via internet? However ghost blocks can also occure on SinglePlayer its only far less likely. As I said the problem isnt the drill but more a tiny desync thats getting a problem by harvesting blocks too fast.
2) There are some more sources, like any armor piece I believe, but leather is the most viable to pick. At some point a cow farm is the best way to go I guess.
Well, on the point 1). I've tested this locally (I've had a LAN machine running MC server + two clients, today tested it a bit with pure local installation). I still have 'ghost' blocks when digging dirt with drill. :( I get them quite a lot, actually. about every block in 20 blocks.
Well, on the point 1). I've tested this locally (I've had a LAN machine running MC server + two clients, today tested it a bit with pure local installation). I still have 'ghost' blocks when digging dirt with drill. :( I get them quite a lot, actually. about every block in 20 blocks.

yeah, it happens on local machines as well. Its just more likely to happen on servers. I guess you are a little unlucky then. But theres realy not much to do about it but taking a slower tool.
Yeah it's a general minecraft issue for ghost blocks when mining too quickly, in some vanilla servers I've gone on with stuff like mcmmo that let you turbocharge dig speed I've been able to easily observe blocks that aren't viewable client side. I think TiC has something they do with sending extra updates or something to try and combat it with the hammer, not sure though and it's not really relevant here, unless it could be used as a source for fixing the issue with GT I suppose.
@Jason McRay Some mods are breaking the /help command as they often do, any chance on adding this mod to fix it: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/helpfixer
WTFPL license and all, so it is allowed.

EDIT: Also, any chance at removing BluePower? It is buggy as hell. I've found conditions where blue/red alloy wire stops connecting and sending signals, where the pneumatic pipes eject things when there is no backlog or any such issue, sorters can duplicate items, and more. The only thing that I've not seen an issue with is the logic plates, might be worth keeping in for that, but disable the buggy wires and replace the recipes that use them, or perhaps (and bleh saying this) but perhaps project red if you want the functionality in a substantially less buggy form. I would just say get rid of bluepower (and not use project red) if not for the logic gates as Automagy already has reliable redstone 'wiring'/crystals. Although using project red with that one frames mod, ForgeRelocation or http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-remain-in-motion-continuation-of-redstone-in or so I think it was, would be fantastic for machines.

If only Calclavia's MFFS mod still was updated, it had 'frame' type functionality that was a lot more reliable and capable, and power craving, could even transport your 'structure' cross-dimensions if you had an order of unholy amount of power.
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EDIT: Also, any chance at removing BluePower? It is buggy as hell. I've found conditions where blue/red alloy wire stops connecting and sending signals, where the pneumatic pipes eject things when there is no backlog or any such issue, sorters can duplicate items, and more. The only thing that I've not seen an issue with is the logic plates, might be worth keeping in for that, but disable the buggy wires and replace the recipes that use them, or perhaps (and bleh saying this) but perhaps project red if you want the functionality in a substantially less buggy form. I would just say get rid of bluepower (and not use project red) if not for the logic gates as Automagy already has reliable redstone 'wiring'/crystals. Although using project red with that one frames mod, ForgeRelocation or http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-remain-in-motion-continuation-of-redstone-in or so I think it was, would be fantastic for machines.

I certainly hope Jason does NOT remove BluePower. IMHO, pneumatic tubes provide a much-needed, relatively inexpensive item transport system for early-game sorting networks. They are less laggy than Buildcraft pipes, have never spilled items on the ground for me (like Buildcraft is prone to do), and they serve well until the player gets to more advanced item transport methods. I agree that there are some unfortunate bugs (like item duplication... but I don't cheat so this is not an issue for me), but I have never experienced blue/red wires disconnecting or any other bug that would convince me not to use the mod. I know the mod is still in active development and I am certain the bugs will be resolved in time. Just my $0.02. :-)
While playing on my local server, whenever I'm online, my server log gets this spam: http://pastebin.com/6C0CY5cS

Any idea what's causing it?

Im not realy sure but it seems to be some kind of event related to achievements causing this. If it isnt any problem for you I would try to test run it after removing your achievements (should be somewhere in the players files, and make sure to make a backup). If it solves your problems you can still cheat yourself stuff in to get the achievements back. However, there are some people here who can read much more from your log file (Jason).