[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Well, on the point 1). I've tested this locally (I've had a LAN machine running MC server + two clients, today tested it a bit with pure local installation). I still have 'ghost' blocks when digging dirt with drill. :( I get them quite a lot, actually. about every block in 20 blocks.
I have an advanced mining drill (probably not one you're describing) and if you enchant it with efficiency, it has a bad habit of doing this. I've since just rely on no efficiency on it and switch modes all the way back to big holes each time before I start mining. I very very rarely run into this issue now.
@Jason McRay Some mods are breaking the /help command as they often do, any chance on adding this mod to fix it: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/helpfixer
WTFPL license and all, so it is allowed.

EDIT: Also, any chance at removing BluePower? It is buggy as hell. I've found conditions where blue/red alloy wire stops connecting and sending signals, where the pneumatic pipes eject things when there is no backlog or any such issue, sorters can duplicate items, and more. The only thing that I've not seen an issue with is the logic plates, might be worth keeping in for that, but disable the buggy wires and replace the recipes that use them, or perhaps (and bleh saying this) but perhaps project red if you want the functionality in a substantially less buggy form. I would just say get rid of bluepower (and not use project red) if not for the logic gates as Automagy already has reliable redstone 'wiring'/crystals. Although using project red with that one frames mod, ForgeRelocation or http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-remain-in-motion-continuation-of-redstone-in or so I think it was, would be fantastic for machines.

If only Calclavia's MFFS mod still was updated, it had 'frame' type functionality that was a lot more reliable and capable, and power craving, could even transport your 'structure' cross-dimensions if you had an order of unholy amount of power.
I'll chime in as well. We had a blue power setup that checked status of steel tank and turned on the boilers or off as needed. We had a pretty bad FPS hit in general, and occasionally FPS would be 1 because the circuit would be stuck in a clock like scenario, going back and forth and had to be reset.

Once we removed the blue power setup completely, fps returned to less sufferable values. Also, when we used a run of pneumatic tubes, they seemed to have a FPS hit as well. They also showed items flowing through them when there were no items. We've since removed them as well.

Overall, it's just a shame you have to rely on this as your only place for logic gates, etc. We're eyeballing opencomputers as a replacement, but contemplating adding project red or something as a drop in replacement, but keep blue power but not use it cause of all the world holes that removing it would cause.
I have an advanced mining drill (probably not one you're describing) and if you enchant it with efficiency, it has a bad habit of doing this. I've since just rely on no efficiency on it and switch modes all the way back to big holes each time before I start mining. I very very rarely run into this issue now.
Also just get in the habit of having dirt or something in your hotbar that you can drop onto the ghostblock (you can usually guess where it is). It'll revert to whatever the block originally was and you can re-mine it.

Sucks but you fall into a rhythm and its still a stupidly-fast way to shred a vein.
I certainly hope Jason does NOT remove BluePower. IMHO, pneumatic tubes provide a much-needed, relatively inexpensive item transport system for early-game sorting networks. They are less laggy than Buildcraft pipes, have never spilled items on the ground for me (like Buildcraft is prone to do), and they serve well until the player gets to more advanced item transport methods. I agree that there are some unfortunate bugs (like item duplication... but I don't cheat so this is not an issue for me), but I have never experienced blue/red wires disconnecting or any other bug that would convince me not to use the mod. I know the mod is still in active development and I am certain the bugs will be resolved in time. Just my $0.02. :)

Its development has been undergoing a 'rewrite' for a while, the existing code has had few if any changes. And comparing it to buildcraft pipes is not necessarily a good thing, both are laggy as hell (I can show the code to back this up, they spam the network something crazy, including doing *far* too many draw cache updates, which is what causes the major FPS hit). If you want pipes that work well and are *actually* quite lagless, look at GT's item tubes, significantly better for server work, honestly no clue why BP's pneumatictubes are in considering GT can already do, quite literally, everything it can, but actually server-friendly. I *constantly* see red/blue alloy wires disconnecting on both of the Infitech servers I run, and it seems once they detach inside a chunk they never seem to attach again, they stop updating entirely, will not pass signal, anything. And BluePower, at least the version in Infitech, still had not solved the items popping out of transposers and such that redpower had at its beginning but it fixed prior to its death, so why I tried BluePower on one of my servers I ended up with a machine room full of hundreds of stacks of wood lying in the corner. The setup was just a barrel getting filled with logs, a transposer with a BP timer on it set to 21 seconds, and the transposer went to a pipe that went to the few dozen coke ovens; it worked fine for weeks then suddenly started spewing. Replacing the transposer was required to fix it, but it did it again after a few days, replaced it with GT Item Tubes with a conveyer cover and never had an issue after that, plus it fixed the chunk from updating *twice* every time the timer ticked, which was noticable...

Back on the block cache updating, in BluePower it updates the world block cache anytime a transposer changes state, anytime logic gates change redstone state, and more, it is *hell* on client FPS when you get anything decently large and fast.

What I want back is GT4's Red Logic computer thing, whatever it was called (*hint*hint* @Blood Asp ) ). It took a miniscule amount of EU (I think it was 1 EU at LV) for some functions like the clock functionality, but the pure logic gates ran without power. It had an interface inside it where you choose the function (AND, OR, NOR, RS, Various Latch's, Clock, etc...) in the normal black/greenish GT style and some other buttons to adjust variables for the input, it was a fantastic early game step before hitting OpenComputers and great for Logic Gates since it did not update world block cache and you turned the sides on/off (via screwdriver) to change whether it output or not (defaulting to no side outputting), so it was wonderfully friendly at not spamming redstone updates to anything you did not intend to unlike other systems. The inputs/outputs could be set by screwdrivering on any side/top/bottom. GregoriousT stated that he planned for a Fiber Optic wire for GT4 that would have been able to carry up to 16 'channels' of redstone at long distance by putting a special cover on it and coloring it to set the 'channel', then you could put the redstone cover elsewhere with the same color to connect them, and they acted all as one block. That combined with the old RedLogicGateThing would have been a fantastic to replace BluePower, in a significantly less laggy way. (*hint*hint* @Blood Asp )

I also miss the GT4 block that displayed the a redstone level on its screen that could be screwdriver'd for 16 different screen 'types'. (*hint*hint* @Blood Asp )

I'll chime in as well. We had a blue power setup that checked status of steel tank and turned on the boilers or off as needed. We had a pretty bad FPS hit in general, and occasionally FPS would be 1 because the circuit would be stuck in a clock like scenario, going back and forth and had to be reset.

Once we removed the blue power setup completely, fps returned to less sufferable values. Also, when we used a run of pneumatic tubes, they seemed to have a FPS hit as well. They also showed items flowing through them when there were no items. We've since removed them as well.

Overall, it's just a shame you have to rely on this as your only place for logic gates, etc. We're eyeballing opencomputers as a replacement, but contemplating adding project red or something as a drop in replacement, but keep blue power but not use it cause of all the world holes that removing it would cause.
OpenComputers is also a great replacement if you need really advanced logic, but the old GT4 Logic thing was a wonderful low-end version (it only handled 1 'gate' per block, though the gates could be fairly complex, up to counters and timers and latches of many forms, but no programming). But yeah, BluePower 'logic' by itself I've not seen issues with yet (other than FPS hit), but the wiring needs to be gone...

I do miss the old MFR redstone upgradable logic thing, would be a fantastic if that had a GT5'ish version made inside GT5u. (*hint*hint* @Blood Asp ).

And sorry for the multiple *hint*hint*s @Blood Asp , I would do the coding myself as I know the GT4/5 code base's extremely well, but I am really hating minecraft's source code right now still, it is just... just horrible, the entire monolithic OOP'ness structure of it just reeks of a bad high-school project, which contributes to its horror to mod in and utterly horror of efficiency (not Java's fault, as much as I would like to claim it was, Minecrafts code just sucks...). Although I may help if these changes are wanted by many others and no one is able to currently.

EDIT: @Blood Asp What is the official repo being used for GT5u in Infitech, is it https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial and if so which branch? Not a lot of commits on it as well?
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Question about QED component: I was sure i had seen that to liquify Enderium, you needed HV voltage. Now it require 77 EU/t. Has it been changed recently?
I'm being dumb. It's the Hot Nichrome that cost 480EU/t.
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ok, I need some clarification for something

Does Y level oregen (like in the book) apply if it's in the end? Also, if anywhere else, like moon/mars/meteors, please let me know if this is the case as well.

For example: Book says platinum/iridium is 40-50, overworld, end, etc.. but configs say they don't spawn in overworld, but also that their Y level is actually 20-40.

I was in the end just now and found a graphite/diamond meteor at Y level 165 in the end, where configs say 5-10 so I'm assuming the End is basically anything goes? Any ore that can be found there, anywhere?
ok, I need some clarification for something

Does Y level oregen (like in the book) apply if it's in the end? Also, if anywhere else, like moon/mars/meteors, please let me know if this is the case as well.

For example: Book says platinum/iridium is 40-50, overworld, end, etc.. but configs say they don't spawn in overworld, but also that their Y level is actually 20-40.

I was in the end just now and found a graphite/diamond meteor at Y level 165 in the end, where configs say 5-10 so I'm assuming the End is basically anything goes? Any ore that can be found there, anywhere?

platinum {

So thats copied from the original worldgen config of GT that was inside my infitech folder. At least for me the achievements and the book has been pretty accurate so far. Im quite confused though how the oregen on Galacticraft planets/ meteors work. Good to see one can check all the spawns inside the config though :) Maybe the spawns can be added to the GT achievements? That would be awesome.
I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.
Could somebody tell me what are the options available in this modpack for chunk loading? I know of the world anchor from railcraft... any other option?
I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.
Could somebody tell me what are the options available in this modpack for chunk loading? I know of the world anchor from railcraft... any other option?
Currently: Railcraft, OpenComputers, Immibis Dimensional Anchor
In future: Railcraft, OpenComputers, ChickenChunkloader, Steves Carts. Immibis Dimensional Anchor
platinum {

So thats copied from the original worldgen config of GT that was inside my infitech folder. At least for me the achievements and the book has been pretty accurate so far. Im quite confused though how the oregen on Galacticraft planets/ meteors work. Good to see one can check all the spawns inside the config though :) Maybe the spawns can be added to the GT achievements? That would be awesome.
Ok, so I double checked, and you're right, I stopped at first section I found which was under the ore category, looking further down I found the mix one and mine lines up with yours.

Given that tho, as I said, I found a diamond/graphite vein at Y level 165 in the end, so the question about the Y levels in the end is still out there. Do Y level config options affect ore vein generation in the end?
I'm still looking for information on this question of mine I asked earlier:

On a side note, I have a question to ask: Is it somehow possible to find out if chests in worldgen have a Thaumcraft wand in them? Worldgen chests are those that generate naturally with either a spawner or village house of some sort, Blacksmith for vanilla, or Thaumcraft church for modded houses that contain a vanilla chest, or some mod's feature, like Thaumcraft's Wisp Altars. I tried searching around in NBTEdit, but I'm not sure how the data is stored so maybe I need a different search approach or I need a different program to find the wand I left in one of them. It's only an iron-capped wooden wand, so it's not too much of a loss, I just don't know where I left it during my extensive adventuring looking for loot of epic proportions!

Does anyone know how or where the data for worldgen chests are stored in the files for generated chunks? Is there a utility that can show this data to me in a readable format? My reckoning is that I accidentally shift-clicked my wand into a chest by mistake, all I need to do is find it, if it doesn't exist then I'll know I should get a replacement for it. Can't get much further in Thaumcraft without a wand, anyway, as one is required for getting further with anything requiring vis in crafting.

Cheers ...

Maybe the spawns can be added to the GT achievements? That would be awesome.
Erm..they are already are i believe. In the Gregtech achievements if you hover found ores.
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I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.
Could somebody tell me what are the options available in this modpack for chunk loading? I know of the world anchor from railcraft... any other option?
Dimensional Anchor. Though it require power to run so you won't be running it early on unless you have tons of fuel.
Erm..they are already are i believe. In the Gregtech achievements if you hover found ores.

I was reffering to add the moon/mars/asteroids spawnability. Its only telling you whether an Ore is spawning in Overworld/Nether/End but its not including Glacticraft sadly, one would have to look that up inside the configs.

Im a little curious about Y-levels of Ores in different dimensions as well. I dont think they are different though but Im realy not sure about it.
I was reffering to add the moon/mars/asteroids spawnability. Its only telling you whether an Ore is spawning in Overworld/Nether/End but its not including Glacticraft sadly, one would have to look that up inside the configs.

Im a little curious about Y-levels of Ores in different dimensions as well. I dont think they are different though but Im realy not sure about it.
Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese...so no ores spawns on it.. :P
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Its development has been undergoing a 'rewrite' for a while, the existing code has had few if any changes. And comparing it to buildcraft pipes is not necessarily a good thing, both are laggy as hell (I can show the code to back this up, they spam the network something crazy, including doing *far* too many draw cache updates, which is what causes the major FPS hit). If you want pipes that work well and are *actually* quite lagless, look at GT's item tubes, significantly better for server work, honestly no clue why BP's pneumatictubes are in considering GT can already do, quite literally, everything it can, but actually server-friendly. I *constantly* see red/blue alloy wires disconnecting on both of the Infitech servers I run, and it seems once they detach inside a chunk they never seem to attach again, they stop updating entirely, will not pass signal, anything. And BluePower, at least the version in Infitech, still had not solved the items popping out of transposers and such that redpower had at its beginning but it fixed prior to its death, so why I tried BluePower on one of my servers I ended up with a machine room full of hundreds of stacks of wood lying in the corner. The setup was just a barrel getting filled with logs, a transposer with a BP timer on it set to 21 seconds, and the transposer went to a pipe that went to the few dozen coke ovens; it worked fine for weeks then suddenly started spewing. Replacing the transposer was required to fix it, but it did it again after a few days, replaced it with GT Item Tubes with a conveyer cover and never had an issue after that, plus it fixed the chunk from updating *twice* every time the timer ticked, which was noticable...

Back on the block cache updating, in BluePower it updates the world block cache anytime a transposer changes state, anytime logic gates change redstone state, and more, it is *hell* on client FPS when you get anything decently large and fast.
I agree GT item pipes would be a better solution. However, rubber in 3.2 will require sulfur. I know sulfur can become somewhat abundant after a player gets to the LV/MV era, but I have had difficulty finding enough sulfur to make the motors required for the conveyor covers in the early game. Plus, players are going to need to save all the sulfur they can for all the electric machines they need, so a player is back to having other no good, lag-free item transport or sorting capabilities before LV/MV or so... which is where BP comes in.

Although I never noticed any server lag when using a fairly large BP system, I did notice a big client FPS hit when transparent BP tubes were "overused". So I switched to opaque tubes instead transparent and my FPS problems went away. I did not analyze the improvement too much, but there seemed to be a strong correlation.

So, what are some other ideas for a basic item transport and sorting for early game? I just want to be able to come home from a day of adventure, drop my spoils in a chest (or a relay, or whatever), and have it sort all my things into storage drawers all contained within the same chunk as the drop-off point. Are there better ideas than Buildcraft or Bluepower that but can be implemented before GT LV/MV? Or should players have to sort their stuff manually until they reach LV/MV? Ideas welcome :-)
Does anyone know an early game mass storage solution for single items (something like MFR's DSU) that are better than barrels?
Does anyone know an early game mass storage solution for single items (something like MFR's DSU) that are better than barrels?

So, what are some other ideas for a basic item transport and sorting for early game? I just want to be able to come home from a day of adventure, drop my spoils in a chest (or a relay, or whatever), and have it sort all my things into storage drawers all contained within the same chunk as the drop-off point. Are there better ideas than Buildcraft or Bluepower that but can be implemented before GT LV/MV? Or should players have to sort their stuff manually until they reach LV/MV? Ideas welcome :)
Thaumcraft Sorting Golems (which Are Awesome).
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I agree GT item pipes would be a better solution. However, rubber in 3.2 will require sulfur. I know sulfur can become somewhat abundant after a player gets to the LV/MV era, but I have had difficulty finding enough sulfur to make the motors required for the conveyor covers in the early game. Plus, players are going to need to save all the sulfur they can for all the electric machines they need, so a player is back to having other no good, lag-free item transport or sorting capabilities before LV/MV or so... which is where BP comes in.

Although I never noticed any server lag when using a fairly large BP system, I did notice a big client FPS hit when transparent BP tubes were "overused". So I switched to opaque tubes instead transparent and my FPS problems went away. I did not analyze the improvement too much, but there seemed to be a strong correlation.

So, what are some other ideas for a basic item transport and sorting for early game? I just want to be able to come home from a day of adventure, drop my spoils in a chest (or a relay, or whatever), and have it sort all my things into storage drawers all contained within the same chunk as the drop-off point. Are there better ideas than Buildcraft or Bluepower that but can be implemented before GT LV/MV? Or should players have to sort their stuff manually until they reach LV/MV? Ideas welcome :)
Golems. My entire bronze machine shop, the half-dozen bronze blast furnaces and all were fully automated by golems.

EDIT0: I also quickly moved on to pneumaticraft logistics handling via its pneumatic tubes, also significantly less laggy, but does require you having found oil (I got lucky with a *lot* of close oil pools that I picked up with a bucket and a drum), before I finally found a good source of zinc and started to set everything up with GT tubes before I finally moved on to AE fully once I hit HV.

EDIT1: The golems were not even mine, someone else on my server supplied golems while I supplied them bronze and bronze tech. ^.^
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realy nice pack, the more I look into details the more Im suprised how many things got tweaked in order to stay balanced. Anyways I found a couple of things that could be considered to be rebalanced, I have no idea if they are already on the to-do list for the next version though. First NASA workbenches require reinforced Iridium plates which makes such a core mod like Galacticraft a little luck-based. Many people including me arent lucky enough to find a platinum vein and there is realy no other way than dungeon chests to get the iridium in that case. This is especially a problem if one wants to build a main base somewhere far away from earth. I would consider using Platinum Gears instead. Next Im thinking balance between EU and RF Stargate-Power-Units is a bit off. Maybe increase the price for RF ones while making EU ones a little cheaper. I calculated I would need six of them for two connected Stargates. 24 Chrome as well as twelve tungstensteel per Power-Unit is a bit too much for that in my opinion.