[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I've completed a large chunk of the Thaumcraft research with mostly just Eldritch stuff and the higher end TT2 that I haven't uncovered yet left to do. One thing that seems sort of interesting is the Magical Energy Conversion. Has anyone played around with this? It seems like it would be possible somehow to farm items off mobs to fuel these things. And once you get to the point of having the capability of EnderIO spawners, a wither skeleton spawner and thus farming Withers for Nether Stars isn't that out of the question. 10,000,000EU per Nether star according to FTB wikia?
The wikia page is long out of date. GT5 info is found in the FTB Gamepedia.
The netherstar is now 100mio EU(minus loss). In case you really can farm the wither without problems it might really work quite good. The magic generator is limited to MV until you have a fusion reactor to produce europium.
I don't really have an automated way to farm withers, but the last time I played InfiTech 2.x by the time I reached MV it was no big deal to kill 10 withers in a day. I'm guessing with the new Gregified Ender IO recipes that will be a little harder though. A blaze farm/enderman farm with an automated crafter making Eyes of Ender at 20k EU each isn't too bad either. The Europium requirement for HV is a bit of a pain though :)

Also on a completely different topic I was really bummed out last night when I started looking through the AE2 recipes and realized that I need titanium before I can even start this. That's a big bummer as I was really hoping to skip past the JABBA barrels everywhere phase and get into AE2 much earlier this time around. :sadface:

I guess I could start doing bee breeding today and by the time I hit HV stuff I'd possibly be able to breed the right type of bees to craft ender dragon eggs for the Magical Energy Absorber heh.
I don't really have an automated way to farm withers, but the last time I played InfiTech 2.x by the time I reached MV it was no big deal to kill 10 withers in a day. I'm guessing with the new Gregified Ender IO recipes that will be a little harder though. A blaze farm/enderman farm with an automated crafter making Eyes of Ender at 20k EU each isn't too bad either. The Europium requirement for HV is a bit of a pain though :)

Also on a completely different topic I was really bummed out last night when I started looking through the AE2 recipes and realized that I need titanium before I can even start this. That's a big bummer as I was really hoping to skip past the JABBA barrels everywhere phase and get into AE2 much earlier this time around. :sadface:

I guess I could start doing bee breeding today and by the time I hit HV stuff I'd possibly be able to breed the right type of bees to craft ender dragon eggs for the Magical Energy Absorber heh.
You can do logisticspipe once you are in LV.
Do you really have a nuclear reactor in the middle of your base without a containment room ?

What - the orange suit on the armor stand isn't enough safety equipment ?


But, yes, no containment. I like being reminded how dangerous nuclear is when I see my MOX reactor constantly on fire and starting taking damage if I'm too close to it. Plenty of hurty at 80% heat.
Tales of the Fusion NoobApprenticeNovice

Now that I know Processing Array Output Hatches void excess (thanks, @Blood Asp) and to pay very close attention to Input and Output Hatch capacities per batch (thanks, @Aiwendil), I upgraded all of my Electrolyzer Hatches to ZPM. And, to avoid having to re-design my Electrolyzer Proc Arrays (for now) to separate their Output Hatches so they aren't sharing them, I stagger-started them so their output phases wouldn't align and the shared Output Hatches wouldn't overflow/void. I also added an IC2 Fluid Regulator to keep my Plasma Turbine in its Optimal range.

The Proc. Arrays and Fusion ring have been humming away happily for about an hour now with no drop in my fuel reserves. Yeah !

Thanks to the way the production/consumption numbers work out for every phase in slight favor of over-production, the following process chain:

water --> hydrogen --> deuterium --> tritium --> helium plasma

...is up 100% of the time and I'm gaining *slightly* in helium plasma and hugely in EU. Am about to reach 100% full EU again.

Now I just need to swap over to my Plasma Generator output for my main power :)
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Going back to my original question, I'm still not aware of what this means :\ You mentioned a bedrock drum above, but you can already do this can't you? You just pull contents out into a drum, done?

Proc Array Output Hatches void excess rather than backpressuring it, which makes lossless systems that much more difficut to build. The machines inside the Proc Array don't void excess fluids on output, but rather stop working, so I was expecting the Proc Arrays to do that same, but they don't - they run constantly and void when output hatch is full.

As it is, I'm not worrying about the very slight excess that's getting voided. Tearing apart my arrays to re-build them somewhere else and re-configure them support redstone signaling when full would several take hours. I may do that later, but am ready to say "good enough" for now.
Proc Array Output Hatches void excess rather than backpressuring it, which makes lossless systems that much more difficut to build. The machines inside the Proc Array don't void excess fluids on output, but rather stop working, so I was expecting the Proc Arrays to do that same, but they don't - they run constantly and void when output hatch is full.
So...by "make proc-array backpressure" you specifically mean (in simple terms), "make the proc-array halt operations if the hatch cannot accept the projected amount of fluid output"?
So...by "make proc-array backpressure" you specifically mean (in simple terms), "make the proc-array halt operations if the hatch cannot accept the projected amount of fluid output"?

Yes - exactly !

On another note, it just hit me that Fusion Plasma (ex. Helium Plasma) makes for an incredibly portable energy source. 1 Bedrockium drum is worth over 260B EU of power, i.e 2.6K Energy Orbs. And, it just takes a 4x3x3 Gas Turbine to use it. 260B EU could power a remote base for a long, long time.

For reference, just 8 of those would equal a 2T EU Zero Point Module.

But, to feel small again, it would take 2^63 / 2^38 = 2^25 =~ 32 Million Bedrockium drums full of Helium Plasma :eek: to fill 1 Ultimate Battery and 'win minecraft' :cool:
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Oh, speaking of portable energy and such. In InfiTech 2.x I used a fair amount of enderIO Stirling Generators to power various things like my Ender Quarries, MFR tree farms, mob spawners, and more. And if I recall correctly I could pump oil fairly easily with just 4 redstone engines. I believe that stirling generators and all other RF power sources are defunct with 3.x? Are people filling up batteries in their base and powering things with CESUs and MFSUs now instead? What's a good strategy here now that RF power is sort of a thing of the past?

I noticed with the GT 5 fork we are on now that there's a Pump, which of course runs on GT power. Would I need to use this now to pump oil and start refining or can I still use the same pump with redstone engines I used before? One of my copper mines is directly adjacent to at least 4 large oil reservoirs and my base isn't that far from a spot on the ocean that seems to have a veritable oi field in it. It'd be nice to start thinking about pumping some of that now that I can make steel drums to transport it.

I used eIO Combustion Generator and Hooch as the fuel. Hooch is just potatos and sugar, which are super-easy to farm. It can power a BC Pump. BC Pump now requires actual RF power, not 'free' Redstone Engine type of power.

If you're trying to pump earlier than when you can build a Combustion Generator, go with a crappy BC Stirling Engine. It will overheat quickly, but it does produce RF super-early-game.

Oh, and if you're magically inclined the Automagy Thirsty Tank is very useful. It can be made much cheapier/easier than eIO Combustion Generator and it requires not power. It's pretty OP for this pack, actually, but enjoy it while it's here :)

Speaking of Magic, in 3.x, focusing your early game on Thaumcraft is perhaps the best use of time. You'll get tools, armor, weapons, automation, and other stuff faster than you will with tech like GT or eIO. But, you didn't hear this from me ;-)
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@MigukNamja Yeah, always tried to avoid the BC Stirling Engine exactly for the overheating issue. Standing next to an oil well and waiting for it to finish pumping isn't my idea of a good time. I need/want reliable stuff. I'll look at the tank. Seems like something to use until it's not :)
@MigukNamja Yeah, always tried to avoid the BC Stirling Engine exactly for the overheating issue. Standing next to an oil well and waiting for it to finish pumping isn't my idea of a good time. I need/want reliable stuff. I'll look at the tank. Seems like something to use until it's not :)

The tank is good for pools, but not so much for wells. But, it's cheap. For an oil well, you can dig down to the spherical part of the oil spout and put the Thirsty Tank somewhere close by.

But, if your tech is to the point of being able to use (and refine ?) oil into fuel, then you should be able to make the eIO Combustion Generator and make hooch or else simply refine fuel to power it.
OK. I am bad person. I just did this on my server:

minecraft@server:~/Infinity2/config/GregTech$ grep disable MachineStats.cfg

Tending to ~10 Multiblocks is not a big deal. Tending to 10 + 20 is getting to be tedious. And, I'd like to build a Fusion reactor on each planet, plus build more multiblocks for recycling, lava centrifuge, etc.,.. And, for *that*, I really don't want to be Stargating in and out with a soldering iron all the time.

I figure if I can build a Fusion reactor, I can surely build machines that don't need so much damn maintenance o_O

@Blood Asp Many thanks for making these options configurable :)
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I looked and couldn't find any information about this in the Internet.
Do gregtech crops have any special conditions?
For example the iron from ic2 needs a block of iron bellow, since you cant get a iron ore with gregtech (I think).
Does the copper crop needs a copper block bellow too?
I looked and couldn't find any information about this in the Internet.
Do gregtech crops have any special conditions?
For example the iron from ic2 needs a block of iron bellow, since you cant get a iron ore with gregtech (I think).
Does the copper crop needs a copper block bellow too?
The version currently used in IT2 does not need blocks below. GT 5.09.xx does need them and that version is allready used in IT2beta release.
Is there any way to whitelist fluid pipes? I have a little lavasetup in the nether with a High Pressure Lava Boiler/basic steam turbine and a reservoir as water source. The only problem is that the pipe which I have dedicated to water is filling with steam >.<
Is there any way to whitelist fluid pipes? I have a little lavasetup in the nether with a High Pressure Lava Boiler/basic steam turbine and a reservoir as water source. The only problem is that the pipe which I have dedicated to water is filling with steam >.<
The bottom side (i think) does not output steam. So connect the water supply there. With later tech, a shutter cover also prevents steam flowing into the water supply.
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The bottom side (i think) does not output steam. So connect the water supply there. With later tech, a shutter cover also prevents steam flowing into the water supply.

Just a few moments after I asked I found a cheap solution. I just build the reservoir directly next to the High Pressure Lava Boiler and right-clicked it with a wrench --> reservoir autoautputs water. No pipes needed.
I will try out shutters later.

Edit: someone knows how to use the Electrical Soldering Iron?
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Just a few moments after I asked I found a cheap solution. I just build the reservoir directly next to the High Pressure Lava Boiler and right-clicked it with a wrench --> reservoir autoautputs water. No pipes needed.
I will try out shutters later.

Edit: someone knows how to use the Electrical Soldering Iron?
Charge it up and right click on the square thing in the maintenance interface with fine soldering alloy wires in your inventory.
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