I just use Journey Map waypoints for my Prospector data, I color code them with a specific color so they stand out and don't get confused with other waypoints (I use green for ore waypoints, purple for my Prospector results, yellow for stuff like Mob Dungeons and Spawners, etc). And I also use a specific format, such as "HO 305" means "Heavy Oil, 305 L/cycle", or MO for Medium Oil, LO for Light Oil, etc.
And since I learned the other day that all oil deposits are 6x6 chunk squares with the origin for all such squares at (0,0) I just run the Prospector once in the exact middle of these regions. The result is that my Journey Map has a purple grid of evenly-spaced waypoints showing the oil deposits, which is all I really need.
I didn't have to do too much of this tho, since I discovered a Heavy Oil deposit right near my base with a starting value of 704 L/cycle. That means I have 36 chunks to drill oil in, and each chunk basically will give me a full Bedrockium Drum of Heavy Oil if I spend the time to clear them all out... which I'll never do, it's WAY WAY too much oil to pump and process. I made almost 3 Bedrockium Drums of Nitro Diesel just from the very first chunk I pumped out, and I still have 35 more of em. LOL
Wow 704L, that is some luck. I analyzed the chunks around my base and there is literally nothing at all. Most of the 6x6chunks don't have anything at all. The biggest deposit is 20L