[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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So I found a Galena/Silver vein and brought my iron pickaxe but it won't break the Galena ore. Is there a chart showing the "levels" of pickaxes, such as which pickaxe material is needed to break a certain ore? I found a graphite/diamond vein but same thing - iron will break the graphite ores but not the diamond. I'm nowhere near making steel yet, but is a steel pickaxe what I will need to mine these higher-level ores? The FTB wiki is good for Gregtech, but it doesn't tell us a lot of important information like this (as far as I could find, anyways).
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Don't know of a chart, but I do know that GT pickaxes made from Thaumcraft shards will break diamond, as will GT pickaxes made from Thaumium. And, if you're lucky, you can find a Nickel/Cobalt vein. The cobalt can be mined with iron, you can vanilla smelt the cobalt, and use that to make a cobalt pickaxe, which can then pick diamond.

You can also use the Thaumcraft Excavation Focus to 'excavate' (mine) diamond, among other things.

If you haven't done Thaumcraft already, getting to Thaumium is relatively quick. It's just a few research topics in and requires just a Crucible , iron wand, iron, and a source of the purple magic 'Praecantatio' essentia, which can be found in Greatwood trees and Nether wart, among other things.

This pack is *almost* as much a Thaumcraft pack as it is a GT pack, and that's not a bad thing, IMHO. GT5 and TC4.2 go very well together.
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So I found a Galena/Silver vein and brought my iron pickaxe but it won't break the Galena ore. Is there a chart showing the "levels" of pickaxes, such as which pickaxe material is needed to break a certain ore? I found a graphite/diamond vein but same thing - iron will break the graphite ores but not the diamond. I'm nowhere near making steel yet, but is a steel pickaxe what I will need to mine these higher-level ores? The FTB wiki is good for Gregtech, but it doesn't tell us a lot of important information like this (as far as I could find, anyways).

Level 3 is required for galena, however you can mine the silver and lead with level 2.
It should also be noted that Galena is no good till you have MV power.
Excavation focus like @MigukNamja said is also a pretty damn good way to go, but harder blocks take more energy - i would also not recommend trying this with anything less than a Gold-banded Greatwood Staff... or you simply wont have the Vis storage to do anything significant.

If you have trouble with balanced shards, Candleberries give ordo, and sugarcane will give you air and water, cobble will give perdito and terra, coal and charcoal will give you ignis.
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Here is a list of all GT materials including Mininglevel: ftb.gamepedia.com/Pickaxe_(GregTech)

And here are some tips about mining: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech/Mining_and_Processing

Usually GT ores have the same mining level as the tools made from them have. To get to an higher mining level, small ores, good alloys or materials from other mods are nesseary.

I read this thread for some time now, but did not post so far. When i see the same question about gregtech in different threads, i try to add a page/guide on the wiki for that.
Thanks for the replies. I knew I had made a shard pickaxe before, but I forgot about it. Earth shards did the trick, and since I don't really do much magic (kinda sick of doing Thaumcraft so many times now), the shards are pretty much "free" to use for me.

And it's not the Galena I wanted, it's the Silver ore, the Galena was so thick I had to chop it out of the way first like using a machete in the jungle. LOL I plan to make a field of Solar Boilers this time. Last time I used Railcraft solid fuelbox boilers with coal and all I seemed to do was have to mine coal all the time. Yuck. I know I'll waste a lot of silver on them but I also realized from the last attempt that I'll be on steam for a long long time with GT. So they won't go to waste and I don't think I'll regret it. My plan is to make a small iron tank to hold steam and a bronze smelter (for red alloy ingots), I think that will be all I need to make a Steam Turbine so I'll have electricity. I've already made my Blast Furnace so I have steel on the way. I think I can pretty much skip the bronze age almost entirely, at least I hope I can.

Wonderful find, complete with mining speeds! Thank you!
So I think I'm missing some very basic greg energy theory. I have two steam turbine's feeding a 4x tin buss. The wires light on fire....why? There is only 2 amps of 32eu/tic! The 4x tin buss feeds battery buffers for an EBF and some other machines.
When the 4x tin cable really only connects 2 basic turbines with 1 battery buffer, then the only reason i know of would be a loop.
LOL, nevermind. You will need at least Imperials pre-Gendustry before you can start using Gendustry to breed new species:

var royalJelly = <Forestry:royalJelly>;

recipes.addShaped(dropHoneyRed, [
    [royalJelly, royalJelly, royalJelly],
    [royalJelly, uranium238, royalJelly],
    [royalJelly, royalJelly, royalJelly]]);
recipes.addShaped(mutagen, [
    [dropHoneyRed, dropHoneyRed, dropHoneyRed],
    [dropHoneyRed, capsuleWaxBiomass, dropHoneyRed],
    [dropHoneyRed, dropHoneyRed, dropHoneyRed]]);

...and getting Imperials without frames or massive numbers of Apiaries and gathered Princesses is difficult/tedious/long.

Haha so either way I need bees, that's fine I want to get into bees anyway. I'm setting up my base now, just goto move over my items and chests then I'm ready to get setting up farms and apiaries.

Any tips on bees?

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So I think I'm missing some very basic greg energy theory. I have two steam turbine's feeding a 4x tin buss. The wires light on fire....why? There is only 2 amps of 32eu/tic! The 4x tin buss feeds battery buffers for an EBF and some other machines.
When the 4x tin cable really only connects 2 basic turbines with 1 battery buffer, then the only reason i know of would be a loop.
I have to agree; this should work fine unless a loop is causing shenanigans. Can you post a pic?
That has the best darn info I've seen yet to date to help "novice" GregTech'ers get going and keep progressing along. Glad to see the "information black hole" shrinking down and even going away!
Yeah, the late-game-processing chart is like a litmus test for new players: if you can look at that chart without getting annoyed, you may be a potential GT player.
Yeah, the late-game-processing chart is like a litmus test for new players: if you can look at that chart without getting annoyed, you may be a potential GT player.

That chart basically describes every question I had regarding ore processing during my first play-thru of 1.7 GT. Absolutely invaluable, whoever put it together - a picture is worth a bazillion words! Edit: But I shouldn't discount the words after the chart, there are an amazing amount of very useful tips in those words as well - stuff I probably never would have figured out on my own without a huge amount of time experimenting and trying different methods.
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I have to agree; this should work fine unless a loop is causing shenanigans. Can you post a pic?
Hey, yeah. I used my fancy art skills cause I'm at work. (HARDLY! *knee slap*)

Work won't let me upload.

I'll EDIT later this afternoon with a pic.
EDIT: So in the picture...if I put a 4xTin wire int he empty spot, one of two wires sets on fire.

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Is it bigger than 1MB? Forum rejects those I believe. In that event, resave it as a jpg or gif or png and you should be fine (bmp is uncompressed and creates incredibly large files)
that might be looping on itself setup like that, @Pyure will probably be a better judge of it than me though.
Id have one buffer as a primary supply and stagger the others, around from different approaches, you'll lose a couple of eu/t but your cables *SHOULDNT* catch fire.
Failing that, upgrade the cable and see what happens.
Is there a GT wiki with up-to-date info?

Am I hopelessly trying to figure out how much steam does Steam Alloy smelter needs. I hooked it up to full 100 bucket tank with large bronze pipes and it still does one item and starts running out of steam and always resetting progress (space for used steam is clear).
Is there a GT wiki with up-to-date info?

Am I hopelessly trying to figure out how much steam does Steam Alloy smelter needs. I hooked it up to full 100 bucket tank with large bronze pipes and it still does one item and starts running out of steam and always resetting progress (space for used steam is clear).
Likely inefficient piping.
The FTB Wiki is up to date not missing that many pages anymore.

Hey, yeah. I used my fancy art skills cause I'm at work. (HARDLY! *knee slap*)

Work won't let me upload.

I'll EDIT later this afternoon with a pic.
EDIT: So in the picture...if I put a 4xTin wire int he empty spot, one of two wires sets on fire.
It seems everything is done right in that pic. I take it that all the battery buffers directly insert energy into the EBF? Try to seperate the cable in the back with an cover from the other cables or place down a 8x cable.
Likely inefficient piping.
The FTB Wiki is up to date not missing that many pages anymore.

Well, in my normal set-up it's just two 'pipe-blocks' away from the tank and i tried putting Ender IO tank right next to it set to push and it still didn't have enough. But thanks for the link :).