[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Thanks for the tip - I'm just breaking out of the bronze age now so perfect timing :)

You just need a centrifuge for the lepidolite for some lithium.

Also for those low on power, if you process native aluminium clusters you get 2x ingots for the same power input/time. Though you lose the potential to gain more aluminium, but with a clay duplication that won't really be a problem.
You just need a centrifuge for the lepidolite for some lithium.

Yeah - was just seeing which was more accessible - lepidolite in a centrifuge or spodumene in an electrolyser. The latter's out for the moment as it needs 90 EU/t.
Yeah - was just seeing which was more accessible - lepidolite in a centrifuge or spodumene in an electrolyser. The latter's out for the moment as it needs 90 EU/t.
Look at the ore washer for them also.
Not sure if this well-known or not, but I just noticed pipe sealant gives 2 ordo and nothing else. I've seen Pyure's beeswax post from before but that requires bees (duh!).

If you haven't got access to cacti yet, 8 eelgrass -> extractor -> 32 cactus green -> 64 ordo.
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Naw I have a good idea how it works, the only trick is scooping up the goodies. Early-game, I probably consider flowing-water into a hopper.
I suggest using Glass Panes and not fences. They have a smaller hitbox which makes it less likely that the cactus item will hit the cactus block.

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Does the whole trick of having an adjacent block still work, where the cactus auto-breaks?

Yeah that's what I was thinking of - I did a small farm not so long ago in a different pack and I'm sure that was 1.7.10. Whatever, I'm going to have a go at it later. Will report back.
I remember seeing a link by someone on here with all the IC2 crop names(Przzzzz) been breeding them like mad but trying to get everything sorted out.. and well I'd rather just look up the name then wait for the damn things to grow rofl..
Ill second the note about cobalt, it's amazing tool metal and it frees up your steel for more important things (as well as being a whole tier higher) so you can mine more complex stuff with it.
I have to say that i feel a little bit dumb for not messing around with electric tools sooner ...i'd done everything so far on this world with standard tools until i reached stainless steel capacity, boy they make things easier.
No, temperature and humidity wanted are species bound traits, the only way to change them is to change the species. It's just one of the catches of bees, partially because it'd defeat the point of jubilant/specialist products existing if you could just change bees to whatever biome you were in.


On this topic : while many (most) traits can be overwritten, there's a few key ones that are bound to the species that can't be overwritten at all as part of base Forestry code (design). Chief among these bound traits @Xavion mentions are the product(s) produced, the native temp. and humidity (ex. Hot / Arid), and the 'native' biome that some species need to produce their secondary product / byproduct.

In IT2, finding the +3/-3 species and then breeding or imprinting those traits onto the extreme temp / humid species is quite valuable. You should then be able to have every species possible in the pack do its thing natively (sans Gendustry climate module or Alveary Heater/Fan) in a 'normal' biome like a Forest.
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On this topic : while many (most) traits can be overwritten, there's a few key ones that are bound to the species that can't be overwritten at all as part of base Forestry code (design). Chief among these bound traits @Xavion mentions are the product(s) produced, the native temp. and humidity (ex. Hot / Arid), and the 'native' biome that some species need to produce their secondary product / byproduct.

In IT2, finding the +3/-3 species and then breeding or imprinting those traits onto the extreme temp / humid species is quite valuable. You should then be able to have every species possible in the pack do its thing natively (sans Gendustry climate module or Alveary Heater/Fan) in a 'normal' biome like a Forest.

With Forestry4 Bee's can be locked to only produce special items in there natural Biome(Way around this is thru the Industrial Apiary, using the specific biome frames, You can also use the special Alveary Fan/Heater/Hydroregulator blocks to do this, but if you think the Industrial Apiary's are a powersink haha) You can still get them to work correctly in normal biomes, but they will not produce there special item(Like Austere needs Desert in order too produce, powdery combs) I'm not sure how IT2 is creating it's special bees. From what I have seen most of the Bee stuff now requires this, especially the Shard bees'
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Early game question ... what is the first decent tool should aim I for to clear out veins. At the moment I'm still really in the bronze age (just got my first turbine + bender going) and still using wrought iron picks (which are okay, by the way).

I asked Jason what is good for mining anything it wants to, and he replied saying the Vajra is what I needed. Just be careful with that thing though, it can mine just about anything and could make your base disappear and reappear as items at your feet quite easily! :D if you're familiar with IC2 and don't mind setting up a complicated charging infrastructure for it, IC2's Vajra or Mining Laser seem to be the way to go. Also, if you haven't already, about 4 Forestry Miner's and Digger's backpacks each solves a lot of inventory clutter issues and enables you to haul off most of a vein plus some excess cobble for building with if you're so inclined.

Cheers ...

and the 'native' biome that some species need to produce their secondary product / byproduct.
Doesn't actually exist, that's the specialty product and just requires an exact match on the temperature/humidity. Seen the devs comment on that before, while there are biomes that match which can give the illusion of needing a specific biome you don't actually have a biome requirement.
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Does anyone use the xact crafter? It constantly crashses, lags really bad and pretty much doesn't work. You have to reopen the interface each time you want a new recipe, the pump makes an immense amount of noise, and for some reason it crashes when you craft stuff you just added items for.