For the really adventerous, you can also
Rock Crush the Tetrahedrite for a 10% chance at antimony. Rock Crusher is kind of expensive early-game, though. Lots of steel and takes a lot of MJ power to run. But, far easier to just macerate the Stibnite ore.
And, I have to say I really love EXBL with this ore-gen. I found a Tetrahedrite vein waaaaay up at around Y=110 or so in a beautiful EXBL biome that has lakes, trees, cliffs, and floating/disconnected pieces of land way up high. Well, there was a large cavity beneath the Tetrahedrite vein, and lurking in the dark cavity were monsters. As I'm making my way up, I'm getting shot by a skeleton. As I try to angle to get the skelton, a zombie comes up.
While I'm busy with the zombie, I get shot off the side of the cliff by the skelton and plunge to my death.
It took about half a day to get there. So, next time, I come better prepared, build my access a little further way, dispatch with the monsters, mind the Tetrahedrite for over an MC day, and when I'm done, I build a "diving platform" out of cobblestone, and
end a hard's day of mining with a dive and a swim in the lake.
Long story short : the Stibnite, Copper, and Tetrahedrite ore in my chest have good memories now

Huh. I could have sworn the sides didn't work for fluid extraction. I'll have to try that next time in-game.