[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Everybody says that, but I'd like to see how people do it, because to me it seems like far more work than its worth to run a rail line from your base out to every oil geyser you find. I do collect every piece of rail I can find in abandoned mineshafts because I do like to use trains... but please realize what we're talking about here. An oil geyser can be tapped dry by one IC2 pump within a few hours... so why does everybody suggest running a train out to each one to carry the oil back to base? You mean build a train line, use it for one day, then either leave it all behind, or pick it all up immediately and lay it down elsewhere at the next oil geyser? Sure, that can be done, but... really? Tesseracts are worth their weight in Iridium ore. :)

If I'm remembering mods I've played with before well enough, I'm pretty sure that Steve's Carts could have been useful in solving the issues that you've described. I remember a track-remover attachment, a track layer, and various fluid container attachments. (I think there was also something that could pick up fluids on its own too? Not sure. Steve's carts had a lot of cart attachments.)

In my opinion, I find that in scenarios where inventory management is perhaps the real enemy to a successful mining operation, having a railroad nearby is perhaps the best thing you can do to help yourself out, assuming you've got the carts of course. Anyhow, given how VERY little I can carry, (I probably should make a 2nd magic mirror, so I can have a pair, rather then one useless mirror...) when I found and looted my first mineshaft, I had located... around 10 chest carts (& a dungeon), so obviously with all of that loot, making multiple trips would be a pain in the arse, especially given that evidently I can just sometimes SUCK when it comes to foresight & chest/storage management (so I wouldn't just be making multiple trips, I'd also be sloppily storing stuff, in poorly stacked, maybe uncombined sets, just to get it done with).

So, I found it easier to just run some track back to my place. I harvested all of the track from the mineshaft, and that alone was enough to get me halfway home (I did take some extra time recycling track to consolidate my carts first; i.e. run track to entrance, push cart, remove track to be reused later). Using some creosote I've recovered from the chests, some ingots of iron, and some wooden rail ties(?), it was easy enough to make some wooden rails for the 2nd half of the trip. It also helps that I knew that normal carts ridden/powered by human riders are sufficient enough to push other carts up hills. (Though, I did just sort of let a couple of furnace carts do some of the work as I was running track).

The point is though, don't underestimate minecarts. When I eventually go on a return trip to the mineshaft, I can at least be happy to know that I'll can have a few carts waiting to be filled with redstone/ruby ore, and whatever else I find. The amount of relief is comparable to having a few wolves and a cat.

Besides, once the tracks have been laid, they can be reused later. And given the numerous (and inexpensive) ways there are to load/unload carts, it becomes quite easy to see why they might end up being the best way to haul large quantities of supplies, at little to no expense on your part; the only real price is time, rather then energy (but honestly, it's not like taking a relaxing train ride is going to kill you, especially given how easily high-strung one can get). Dropper tracks unload using gravity, speed is not an issue to build up and maintain when booster tracks are used (much less so if you decide to employ H.S. tracks; hey, rewards are not without risk). Also, minecarts can travel through portals too I believe, so liquid hauling becomes simplified?
And, if you're one of those automated machine-inclined individuals, it shouldn't be too hard to make a sorting system for your unloading site *conjecture*.

Mid-game, I use them for travel blocks and warding blocks. I take all the doors off my base and put 1 or 2 layers of warding blocks at the entrance. Between all buildings and inside the buildings in commonly-traveled areas, I'll put the travel blocks. I'll also use them to make the grey shards in TC 4.2 to make the wands components and other mid-game Thaumcraft stuff.
Late-game, they suffer from the usual Minecraft resource problem : rare and highly desirable early game, but inventory-consuming and eventually ignored late-game.

Elaborate by what you mean by this. Do they somehow work better (like levitators do) when you stack them?
Yea, I suppose that in a way, shards are not really THAT necessary late-game. That being said, they're a very reliable source of specific primal aspects & essentia, and stockpiling them is never a bad idea. They do not come in large numbers, and it takes a surprising amount of work to get close to a stack. (Being additionally honest, very few sources of aer essentia are available early on. I suppose that past a certain point, that can easily change when you can break down essentia.)

My main example being Arbor: the aspect of Wood. Arbor has Aer and Herba in it, and being one of the most common aspects out there, getting it is hardly a challenge.
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Im in Alberta and it seems that everything i do that has to leave Canada, has to go through the states - and AT&T has a shitty backbone - can play on dev, but im usually seated around 700+m/s - you get tired of it after having creepers blow you up a few times cause you lagged at a bad point.

Well the new Dev hosting in looking into and testing atm is currently based in Canada ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tippity tip for roads: concrete (GT) + ice below it. Watch yourself reaching lightspeed.

Ah, Ha! Finally a use for all this stone dust I've been OCD keeping. Guess I'll add Mixer to the list of machines to build.

Wow yeah, I also have been saving my stone dust, and every time I put another piece of it into my ME, I ask myself "why am I keeping useless stuff"? I swear I've looked at NEI for recipes using stone dust and didn't find a single useful one. But apparently I missed that it is used to make concrete. I love to build my stuff using real-world materials, so this tip will def come in very handy. I just discovered Carpenter's Blocks and what can be done with them. Fun, fun!! No more simple straight walls for me (this is gonna end up a disaster, you just watch LOL).
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They are very fast, faster than even a max-enchanted Boots of the Traveler. Now, when you're wearing the boots *and* you're using the Traveler's stones, it's sick how fast you move.

Trust me - you want to at least try it. It's a blast.
Why walk, when you can fly?
Jetpaaaaack! :3

Im also not going to quote @Learner 's post, because its huuuge and i dont want to spend so long cherry picking what i think are some very valid points, railcraft totally spoils us now with locomotives guys - just build yourself a steamer and go for a little spin to where youre mining, you dont have to build the track all of the way there, just set up a "nexus" of sorts and unload your crap from your ventures in the chest - some of the ideas people came up with in mindcrack were frigging spectacular for long distance mobility - i used to use traincraft for that because they had full freight trains with open sided cars, passenger cars, mobile crafting tables and furnace cars, even fluid tankers with capacity for over 200 buckets of liquid, lava, oil or water.
having a little cart train and a few basic amenities in this ... outpost? can come in really handy, you dont even need to pack up serious processing firepower - maybe just a LV nuker, a macerator or two and problem sorted.
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Just so that people are aware of this. Under thaumic tinker there is a research that allows you to share your knowlage of thaumcraft. i tried to look at it in SMP and it crashed me. i also tried this in single player and it kept crashing me. Ill be sending in a crash report of it tonight to those whom it concerns. Just thought id let others know so that you dont have to reload Infitech over and over again with it crashing if it is happening with other people.
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Has anyone tinkered around with IHL yet?

Edit: i built myself a heavy collector and once it actually realized there was work to do, it was quite an impressive tool, i havnt quite figured out how to get it to take off from the charging pedestal automatically, but if anything useful is dropped within 64 blocks of where you set it off this little gem will fly out, pick it up and drop it off in the nearest chest to the spawn location - she does have an issue with collisions, pathing has a few little bugs to work out.
Also, this would work so well with a railcraft setup.

Move the pedestal with a wrench, dont be dumb like i did.
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how to make a generator? It requires a re-battery, which is done in the fluid canner, which runs on electricity, which is produced in a generator ...
how to make a generator? It requires a re-battery, which is done in the fluid canner, which runs on electricity, which is produced in a generator ...

Try making a steam turbine first.

Yeah, a GregTech Steam Turbine will get you started with electricity. Then make a GT Wiremill and GT Plate Bending Machine to save on your materials as you make more machines. Work your way up until you can build a GT Fluid Extractor and a GT Canning Machine.

Note: I don't think you want the GT Fluid Canner, despite its name which may make you think that is the correct machine to use for RE-Batteries. Unless you've seen an NEI recipe using it. I think I made the same mistake when I began this modpack and I built the wrong machine. :)
Yeah, a GregTech Steam Turbine will get you started with electricity. Then make a GT Wiremill and GT Plate Bending Machine to save on your materials as you make more machines. Work your way up until you can build a GT Fluid Extractor and a GT Canning Machine.

Note: I don't think you want the GT Fluid Canner, despite its name which may make you think that is the correct machine to use for RE-Batteries. Unless you've seen an NEI recipe using it. I think I made the same mistake when I began this modpack and I built the wrong machine. :)

No, it is, but he would do better to can some small sodium batteries, which he would do better to make the solid canning machine for.
Also dont forget your basic polarizer, its how you make magnetic rods without spending so much redstone.
Yeah, a GregTech Steam Turbine will get you started with electricity. Then make a GT Wiremill and GT Plate Bending Machine to save on your materials as you make more machines. Work your way up until you can build a GT Fluid Extractor and a GT Canning Machine.

It would be really, really cool if Greg made an in-game book to at least give you hints on the order of machines you need to build. And, since I'm bitching/complaining, it's only fair that I at least deliver what I'm accusing Greg of not:

1. Punch tree
2. Make wood tools
3. Make stone/flint tools
4. Mine iron, either a "small" iron ore block or else mine a starter metal, make a Lvl 2 pick from that, then mine iron with that
Note : Will have to make the following GT starter tools:
A) GT Hammer (1 stick + 6 ingots of any metal)
B) GT Wrench
C) GT File

5. Find copper and tin veins and pick those
6. Make AE quartz grinder or GT mortar and pestle and grind up to make copper dust and tin dust
7. Shapeless craft to make bronze
8. Smelt bronze to make bronze ingot, then make into bronze plates
9. Make 1 or 2 small coal boilers, some small or normal-size bronze fluid pipes, and starter bronze machines. The following order is decent:
A) Alloy Smelter (3 + 1 = 4 bronze now)
B) Macerator (more efficient ore processing, but requires a diamond)
C) Hammer
D) Furnace
E) Extractor
F) Compressor

10. Make a crucible and fill with water. "Drop" dirty dusts to purify them into clean dusts when you need to.

Basic ore processing is thus :
Macerator --> Hammer --> [optional : purify in crucible]

10. Focus on copper and tin to make bronze ingot and then bronze plates
11. Make bronze blast furnace
12. Combine iron and coal coke or charcoal to slowly make steel
13. Hammer steel into plates and then make:
A) Basic Steam Turbine
B) Basic Bending Machine
C) Basic Wiremill
D) Basic Centrifuge
E) Basic Polarizer

You're then well on your way to an efficient ore processing setup.
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13. Hammer steel into plates and then make:
A) Basic Steam Turbine
B) Basic Bending Machine
C) Basic Wiremill
D) Basic Extruder
E) Basic Centrifuge

You're then well on your way to an efficient ore processing setup.

I made the same mistake, you don't want an Extruder even tho it is a 32 volt machine, most recipes in it are 128 volt type of recipes. The only 32 volt recipes are for simple stuff like rubber sheets, but I don't need a machine to make those.

I assume you mis-typed and meant to say Extractor, which turns IC2 sticky resin into rubber.

I also made a Lathe and a Polarizer early on, before I made a Centrifuge. Basically, I tried to make every machine necessary to make those GregTech Electric Motors since those things are seemingly in every machine recipe. And after that, then I made a Macerator, Furnace, Forge Hammer, Centrifuge, Ore Wash Station, etc.
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i havnt built an ore washer yet myself, im still using the steam extractor, compressor and forge hammer, no point in replacing them if they all perform the function of the electric versions right now.
i macerate, then forge hammer ores, centrifuge them. etc
could get more byproducts if i had a washer, but im more interested in getting my circuit fabricators going.
the extruder i havnt found a use for until MV because the steam alloy furnace is still able to perform alot of those functions, i was even using it to make gears for a while.
the lathe is a must if you plan on making gears efficiently before MV but AFTER steam era.
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Thanks, @asb3pe . I have updated my listed to remove Extruder and add Polarizer. I agree cutting down on the amount of redstone required is important.