[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Industrial Apiary without upgrades is exactly like alveary, except it needs 30EU/t. You can insert various upgrades, from which production upgrade is the most powerful - increases production rate by 20%(or is it 40%?) per upgrade, stacking up to 8 times. However it drastically increases power usage, so the answer is - if you have tons of energy to spare, then yes it's better than alveary.

Thanks a lot. So i will start with some alvearys till i can afford the power for the industrial.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hate bees, but only because I based with Miguk once and he's amazing with bees and I saw how it made resource acquisition (a key function of GT difficulty scaling) really redundant for many key resources. It directly, negatively impacted my playing experience.

I'd see diamond veins and redstone veins and be like, sigh, why bother. I can crank out piles of diamonds and redstone whenever the hell I want.

(Now even Miguk sets himself really strict rules about when and how he allows himself to use bees, which should tell you something)

There's considerable effort up front, but the end result makes GT way easier. If that's awesome for you, coolies, but it doesn't work for me.

My solution once upon a time was to transform bees into resource-multipliers rather than resource-acquisition. You'd combine iron bee combs with iron ore to get 4 crushed ore instead of 2, etc. So you could never get infinite resources from bees, just lots more per mining trip.

Never got it finished; scripting took too long.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Miguk use Binnies instead of Gendustry at the time you played together? That would explain why you hate bees so much - Binnies (especially its alveary upgrades) is a lot easier than Gendustry and it can make bees quite OP.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Miguk use Binnies instead of Gendustry at the time you played together? That would explain why you hate bees so much - Binnies (especially its alveary upgrades) is a lot easier than Gendustry and it can make bees quite OP.
Yeah I believe you're right. Ultimately same issues for me though: lots of investment up front to remove an annoying but important part of the game :)

Tangent: I thought gendustry was supposed to be infamous for making bees simpler than everything else, not harder. No?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I believe you're right. Ultimately same issues for me though: lots of investment up front to remove an annoying but important part of the game :)

Tangent: I thought gendustry was supposed to be infamous for making bees simpler than everything else, not harder. No?

Don't know. I wouldn't say so, MAYBE default Gendustry. But in IT2 Gendustry was changed a lot, in terms of recipes, power usage and mutagen costs. Also Advanced Mutatron is disabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With a modpack and mods based on tech and as-much-realistic-stuff-as-possible with some nice magic I just cant normally live with these bees which, by far, dont belong to this modpack.

If there are tweaks to make the playthrough experience more rewarding, I'm all for it. The initial tiers of the modpack are a struggle. The latter tiers of the modpack have been easier--I've mentioned this in the past, with regards to the naquadah reactors. There's nothing stopping me from jumping from Mk1 to Mk3, so I did it. As a result, the experience of achieving LuV power generation was not fulfilling. Perhaps tiering naquadah reactor recipes to the tiers of fusion so that you need the corresponding level of fusion before you can craft the same tier naquadah reactor, would address that. Naquadah reactors could be an alternative power system for people who have put their time in on bees.

GT forces trade, communication.

If bees were to be removed or reduced to lower-tier mat generation only, I can all-too-easily see servers where players who have monopolized a rare resource charge others extortionate rates for it. Then you'll have to make the hard choice of paying, or spending a ludicrous amount of time hunting for it yourself. If that's the sort of thing you have in mind when you say trading, I see that as undesirable. When it comes to minecraft, I'm not looking for a competitive experience. There are other games I play when I want to compete.

Yes, some like playing in their room closed, alone, etc, but I hate the idea to shut yourself on your base and do some quiet fapping.

You're like a bull in a china shop, the way you keep tossing out insults while trying to make your point. Maybe this is a cultural difference. Or perhaps insulting your opposition is your tactic to remove them as your opposition. Either way, its obnoxious and detracts from your arguments.
The number of reasons in the list why these bees give a butthurt is too big.

If you're lobbying for why bees should be removed, an exhaustive list of why bees are undesirable should be provided. In this case, however, I think that removal of bees, alone, wouldn't achieve the modpack gameplay experience you're looking for. It sounds like you have a pretty clear picture of what you believe is a better experience. I'd be interested in seeing a detailed description of your ideal playthrough, from beginning to end, and which mods should be included. Then Jason would either be convinced you're correct, and he'll modify his modpack to suit, or he'll disagree with you, and you'll have to make your own modpack. But at that point you'll have a well-thought-out modpack plan and you'll be well on your way.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
. The initial tiers of the modpack are a struggle. The latter tiers of the modpack have been easier--I've mentioned this in the past, with regards to the naquadah reactors. There's nothing stopping me from jumping from Mk1 to Mk3, so I did it. As a result, the experience of achieving LuV power generation was not fulfilling. Perhaps tiering naquadah reactor recipes to the tiers of fusion would address that.

That was suggested right after release of v3 in June by DarknesShadow and me. Sadly Jason didn't change naquadah reactors. I, too, felt that higher tier naquadah reactors were really cheaty, providing IV and LuV power generation quite early. That's why I went for mk1 reactors even though I could've easily made mk3. I just felt it would spoil my game experience. Changing recipes to require mk1 fusion for mk2 naquadah reactor, and mk2 fusion for mk3 naquadah reactor would balance it a bit more. So europium rods instead of plutonium 241 rods in mk2, and americium rods instead of enriched naquadah rods in mk3.

One final word from me about bees. I play this pack because it provides challenge while rewarding your efforts. At no point in the game (and I'm right at the end now, with my mk3 fusion) I felt that bees would allow me to skip large portion of GT progression chain and I never felt tempted enough to use them as main source of materials, even though I love bees. With one exception - when I discovered Osmium Bees I was like "whaaa?".
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That was suggested right after release of v3 in June by DarknesShadow and me. Sadly Jason didn't change naquadah reactors. I, too, felt that higher tier naquadah reactors were really cheaty, providing IV and LuV power generation quite early. That's why I went for mk1 reactors even though I could've easily made mk3. I just felt it would spoil my game experience. Changing recipes to require mk1 fusion for mk2 naquadah reactor, and mk2 fusion for mk3 naquadah reactor would balance it a bit more. So europium rods instead of plutonium 241 rods in mk2, and americium rods instead of enriched naquadah rods in mk3.

One final word from me about bees. I play this pack because it provides challenge while rewarding your efforts. At no point in the game (and I'm right at the end now, with my mk3 fusion) I felt that bees would allow me to skip large portion of GT progression chain and I never felt tempted enough to use them as main source of materials, even though I love bees. With one exception - when I discovered Osmium Bees I was like "whaaa?".

btw how can you get osium beside bees? I don't even know how to find iridium ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're lobbying for why bees should be removed, an exhaustive list of why bees are undesirable should be provided. In this case, however, I think that removal of bees, alone, wouldn't achieve the modpack gameplay experience you're looking for. It sounds like you have a pretty clear picture of what you believe is a better experience. I'd be interested in seeing a detailed description of your ideal playthrough, from beginning to end, and which modpacks should be included. Then Jason would either be convinced you're correct, and he'll modify his modpack to suit, or he'll disagree with you, and you'll have to make your own modpack. But at that point you'll have a well-thought-out modpack plan and you'll be well on your way.

I m not egging for a complete removal of magic bees\gendustry. My point is, that if you play standalone forestry (or an "easier" modpack without an emphasis on higher tier machinery and stuff) with these bees - then these bees are just about ok. In 2\3 modpacks they are ok. As I stated many many times above - these bees right HERE as of current - throw gaming balance off completely. If they were a simply alternative route, like a thaumcraft - it would have been fine. However, these bees (mostly) are totally not an "alternative". They are pretty obvious endgame targets with their ability to produce rare\find only resources. An easy way to complete minecraft, if you insist. I agree that you can't jump from LV into Naq area. However, should you be somewhere at higher tiers, you can go through these bees with a breeze, provided you have knowledge of beekeeping and automation. Bees cross out later-game of gregtech almost completely. They cross out need for advanced power generation. They cross out MOX enriching (not power generating, but enriching of u238). They cross out industrial-scale fluid reactor setups. They cross out need for fusion, almost cross out plazma power generation. Cross out need for UUM and replicating. They cross out need for constant searching and exploring. They cross out need for exploration. Feel free to add here. By far, that is not the whole list and just what I came with right now in a matter of seconds.
Gendustry is a particular thing. It allows to mass produce bees, in the same way you mass produce iron by throwing ore it into macerator.
Without that ability to duplicate - you would have to work much harder to get several bees of wanted resource. Almost impossibly hard. That is where it becomes close to adequate. And even still - for things to be balanced, they should be balanced regarding Gregtech. By that I mean that production costs of things with bees should be comparable to that of in the Replicator. Bees might go as alternative, they may go as a cheaper alternative (as you need to climb up) but production costs\processing of EACH item should be comparable to that of a replicator.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Look in the End. Check gregtech manual, I dont remember the exact hight. I found platinum-iridium vein maybe 7-10 minutes after I defeated enderdragon.
last I checked, plutonium didn't spawn with iridium.

Both veins load in the overworld though. You do get osmium by processing iridium; check NEI carefully for the optimal processing route.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
last I checked, plutonium didn't spawn with iridium.
I said PLATINUM, not plutonium.:\ Im pretty sure, that iridium spawns in platinum-sheldonite-iridium vein
And yes, the only way to get osmium is to get it as a byprduct of iridium processing and after that you need to replicate it, as finding enough platinum ore veins is quite a feat.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
btw how can you get osium beside bees? I don't even know how to find iridium ...
Normally you get osmium as a byproduct of properly processing Iridium ore. Iridium ore can be found in the overworld at roughly y45, but it's incredibly rare (I've only found 1 iridium vein on overworld). Iridium is more common in the End (the age of your world generation has some effect on this), and also I'm to understand it can be found through Galacticraft on Mars and Asteroids.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gendustry is a particular thing. It allows to mass produce bees, in the same way you mass produce iron by throwing ore it into macerator.
Without that ability to duplicate - you would have to work much harder to get several bees of wanted resource. Almost impossibly hard. That is where it becomes close to adequate. And even still - for things to be balanced, they should be balanced regarding Gregtech. By that I mean that production costs of things with bees should be comparable to that of in the Replicator. Bees might go as alternative, they may go as a cheaper alternative (as you need to climb up) but production costs\processing of EACH item should be comparable to that of a replicator.

Here's my experience as someone who has bred every single bee available in the game to date: Gendustry isn't necessary for me to duplicate bees at all. I duplicate my princesses the old fashioned way, by putting a PRISTINE princess in an apiary with 3 necrotic frames (or 1 oblivion) and a stack of drones. I automate the apiary and let it go until the princess takes on all of the traits of the drones.

Sure, I certainly can collect liquid DNS and liquid protein and combine them with a complete genetic template to create princesses, but those princesses will be ignoble every single time. I have no use for ignoble bees at all other than to trade to villagers. Ignoble bees don't last more than 1 full day (RL) playing time. Anyone running production bees that understands how bees work will run only pristine princesses/queens. And the only way to get pristine princesses to apply traits to is to go out in the world and collect them. In the past month I have broken thousands and thousands of hives in the wild to get the amount of pristine bees that I need to ramp up my production to levels where I can sustain resource collection from it (and I'm still not there with over 50 alvearies and 10 industrial apiaries). I have spent significantly more time running around the world with a bee scoop looking for hives than I have core sampling for ore veins.

In my opinion the power of Gendustry lies in the ability to reliably and accurately mutate/breed bees without fail, and to a lesser degree reducing the amount of time it takes to breed preferred traits into bees. It saves time. That's why I use gendustry, and that's why I mined up many veins of uranium and turned it into Mutagen and also turned many diamond veins of diamonds into labware. But duplicating bees? Nope. Ignoble bees suck. I've never even once used the Genetic Replicator, even though I have one and could use it at any time. It's useless.

As for a solution, yeah I think Osmium Bees should go. There's also iridium bees which give 3 types of combs: Iridium, Tungsten, and Platinum. Tiny osmium dust is a rare chance byproduct of the iridium comb. Get rid of the osmium bees that give shards. In fact, though it pains me to say this most of the Magic Bees that give shards instead of combs are sort of broken and just way too easy to get product out of. Leave the iridium bee and anything else that makes a comb. Require the 3 combs from the iridium bee to be centrifuged in EV voltage or higher. Naquadah comb should be EV voltage or higher also, and so should Naquadah dust to Enriched Naquadah dust be EV+. This makes the highest end materials (tungsten, iridum, osmium, platinum, naquadah) require at least EV era equipment and also large amounts of EU in order to process.

Additionally I skipped right past the MK1 and MK2 naquadah reactors for the MK3 last night and now have 1.6 billion EU stored in just a few blocks with a very simple setup. Tier the MK3 reactor recipe with fusion as suggested as it's actually simpler to run a MK3 naquadah reactor than it is Mk1/2 because you can easily turn the enriched naquadah dust into cells, whereas with bolts you need to put it in a EBF, vacuum freeze it, and then extrude it. Plus the MK3 naquadah reactor is more efficient than 1/2, which is backwards from most GT power gen?

Edit: FWIW centrifuging Naquadah dust ( the dust, not the comb) to get enriched naquadah tiny dust is already a HV centrifuge recipe at 320EU and it's at a cost of just over 1million EU per dust. You've got a 50% chance to get enriched naquadah tiny dusts, so that's around 18million EU on average to get 1 enriched naqaudah dust. Still a net gain in EU, obviously, but it's far from free.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Normally you get osmium as a byproduct of properly processing Iridium ore. Iridium ore can be found in the overworld at roughly y45, but it's incredibly rare (I've only found 1 iridium vein on overworld). Iridium is more common in the End (the age of your world generation has some effect on this), and also I'm to understand it can be found through Galacticraft on Mars and Asteroids.

Age of world generation? What is this wizardry?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
By the way, when you exit the GC rocket, it doesnt revert you to 1st person view. bug, probably

f5 should help you. I wouldn't consider this a bug, because it doesn't break the game except f5 is not working. Either it is a design choice or lazyness :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
f5 should help you. I wouldn't consider this a bug, because it doesn't break the game except f5 is not working. Either it is a design choice or lazyness :D
Nope. When you land from freefall - you are correctly automatically returned from 3rd person to 1st person. For some reason - not the case with a rocket. ofc f5 but you know
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My solution once upon a time was to transform bees into resource-multipliers rather than resource-acquisition. You'd combine iron bee combs with iron ore to get 4 crushed ore instead of 2, etc. So you could never get infinite resources from bees, just lots more per mining trip.

Never got it finished; scripting took too long.
I think that solution would be good but not for all resources.

The beginner resources you can get from bees (iron, copper, redstone, tin, ...) up to mv or hv resources can stay how they are now but for the high end materials your resource-multipliers rather than resource-acquisition method would be alot better.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I think that solution would be good but not for all resources.

The beginner resources you can get from bees (iron, copper, redstone, tin, ...) up to mv or hv resources can stay how they are now but for the high end materials your resource-multipliers rather than resource-acquisition method would be alot better.
Why would separating the mechanics be beneficial? Honest question.

I can see how you might want to be able to still produce stuff like iron in infinite quantities via bees, but rather than use a different mechanic, I'd want to instead examine the possible merits of simply increasing the multiplicative return on those ores. So while diamonds might be x4 output, iron might be x8. Etc.