[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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The ovens were the easy part, having advanced diamond drill, jetpack, and nearby sources of red cobble, sand, and sandstone. The conduit on the other hand is going to be rough. Thinking I might move my entire base to a platform at the center of the spire.

If you run out of charcoal when you get that thing up and running, you may want to consider switching to a different source of energy :)
I was having a problem where Fir sapplings from the top of my tower tree farm were falling to the ground and planting themselves? Then I had all these Fir trees around the base of my tower. I didn't want to extend the lip of the tree farm to catch all the sapplings so I switched first to Birch, but some of those would grow with leaves so low that the golems would get stuck, so I switched again to Jungle trees. Those seem to be keeping up just fine with only 4 2x2 plots.

I also upgraded to use Alumentum, seems like a big improvement in fuel usage, I used to be able to run down my charcoal stockpile by running my EBF non-stop, but now I'm steadily building up more and more alumentum in the barrel.

If I need further upgrades to it, I was thinking of adding an automated Thaumcraft charcoal production setup feeding into the alumentum production, since it seems my system is slowed down by slow charcoal production from only 8 coke ovens. Anyone else tried that instead of just adding more coke ovens?

A server-mate put a golem tree farm in front of my base. I got to watch it operate day after day and realized the gather golem was pretty horrible at gathering. Lovely. So I looked for an alternative and found the Vacuum Chest from (what else) Ender IO. I installed one at the top of my tree farm tower to collect all the wood and saplings, and four more at the bottom of the tower, one at each corner. The Vacuum Chest will collect anything within 6 blocks of it. Believe it or not (I know you will believe it), those darn Fir Tree saplings still plant themselves outside the 6 block range at the base of the tower, meaning they're falling up to 10 blocks outward. Any collection effort would be way too large and too ugly IMO, so I finally just gave up caring about the stupid Fir trees that just won't quit. They're awesome for their wood of course, but what a pain in the you-know-what otherwise. Another ring of Vacuum Chests would do it, but they aren't cheap of course.

One thing about the Chest, I put it level with my Logs barrel and my Saplings barrel, and items would get stuck against the Barrels and not get to the chest. Of course, a true Minecrafter never wants to waste materials in such a fashion, so I ended up elevating the chest by one block. Even up in the air, the wood and saplings are sucked right up into it - so fast, in fact, that even if I wanted to try and pick stuff up off the ground, I can't. Break a block anywhere near it, and you won't see it, it is instantly in the chest. It can be annoying but it is awesome for the tree farm.
I'm not using thaumcraft outside of golems and boots of the traveler. Wouldn't even use the golems if there was a comparable early game tree farm option. Forestry is a lot more work for a lot less return and Ender IO isn't an option till mid-game. Thaumcraft is easy mode in this pack just like Botania is easy mode in Beyond Reality.

I think Steve's Carts might be a good fit to give a technology solution for some early game automation of tree farming and/or mining. Takes a bit of work to get going and is hardly ever entirely hands-off. It would still be outclassed by zero-energy, zero-maintenance golems but is more interesting/entertaining to work with than Forestry multiblocks. Was kind of sad when Sengir removed the old Forestry farming blocks which at least gave you some room for creativity.

Totally agree. TC research is do-able in 2 days at most, golems are simple and easy and free, and also TC steel is easy mode, my server has a few Candleberry farms with golems for the Ordo aspect cranking out the nuggets. LOL I was so foolish to put off doing any Thaumcraft for the first few weeks. I spent hours and hours making my steel the hard way via GT, waiting patiently for the Blast Furnace. I feel foolish looking back on it, but live and learn I guess.

I also think Steve's Carts should be in the pack, I always loved using that as my tree farm, and it fits right in with the "Tech" modpack concept.
The ovens were the easy part, having advanced diamond drill, jetpack, and nearby sources of red cobble, sand, and sandstone. The conduit on the other hand is going to be rough. Thinking I might move my entire base to a platform at the center of the spire.

Yep - IC2 Mining Laser for a few hundred stacks of sand in a half hour or so, and that Red Cobblestone recipe is a god-send, even tho I could never find a way to automate the recipe with the water buckets. But all I did was automate the filling of the buckets and just kept shoving them manually into a crafting table as fast as they could be sent to me. If a repetitive task provides me with a needed byproduct, I have no qualms about doing the task for an hour straight or so. Thank goodness for the Red Sandstone biome being right next to a huge desert in my world. :)
I think Steve's Carts might be a good fit to give a technology solution for some early game automation of tree farming and/or mining. Takes a bit of work to get going and is hardly ever entirely hands-off. It would still be outclassed by zero-energy, zero-maintenance golems but is more interesting/entertaining to work with than Forestry multiblocks. Was kind of sad when Sengir removed the old Forestry farming blocks which at least gave you some room for creativity.

I also think Steve's Carts should be in the pack, I always loved using that as my tree farm, and it fits right in with the "Tech" modpack concept.
Btw Steve's Carts 2 will be added in v3.2.0
So my second-time first-impressions of this modpack..
After spending about 5 month on Wurm Online, I've started to enjoy more tedious things. I've played InfiTech before Wurm for quite a while (about 2 months), and I enjoyed it less then I do now.

Also, I'd _love_ to see Forbidden Magic & Magic Cookies as a part of this modpack.
Yep - IC2 Mining Laser for a few hundred stacks of sand in a half hour or so, and that Red Cobblestone recipe is a god-send, even tho I could never find a way to automate the recipe with the water buckets. But all I did was automate the filling of the buckets and just kept shoving them manually into a crafting table as fast as they could be sent to me. If a repetitive task provides me with a needed byproduct, I have no qualms about doing the task for an hour straight or so. Thank goodness for the Red Sandstone biome being right next to a huge desert in my world. :)

There is a Forestry Carpenter recipe to do the same thing, without buckets, did you see it? Hopper a barrel of red cobblestone into the Carpenter, stick a reservoir set to push on the side of it, pull out the clay with your transport of choice.

Why the puck do you need these coke ovens and trees. I almost forgot about them.
Well, I don't really need more than the initial Creostak 36 with which I can generate ~1 amp of HV power. With more power I can do more things. I'll be able to add somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 36LP boilers for creosote and will probably have enough charcoal to run a GT Large Boiler continuously with enough left over to fire up multiple Large Boilers during peak load.

I'm brute forcing it with coke ovens whereas the ideal solution appears to be switching over to nuclear at this point just because I want a tower from bedrock to low earth orbit. Megaprojects like this are what I do when I run out of critical path stuff to maintain my attention.
Fir trees need a 2*2 area of dirt to plant themself, so Taumto simply made sure there is no such area around our tree farm with a few well placed dirt blocks...
Little sneak peak for 3.2 version of pack.... No more Coke Oven spamming... there will be a new GT machine, able to produce charcoal in a rate of 50+ coke ovens :) Expensive machine it is, but for sure it will be lot worth it. (especially will help reduce lag and server stress (yes I am looking at you @Aiwendil and your Cactus farm -> Coke Oven combo you had on the Dev server in InfiTech 1 (1.6.4):) )
There is a Forestry Carpenter recipe to do the same thing, without buckets, did you see it? Hopper a barrel of red cobblestone into the Carpenter, stick a reservoir set to push on the side of it, pull out the clay with your transport of choice.

Well, I don't really need more than the initial Creostak 36 with which I can generate ~1 amp of HV power. With more power I can do more things. I'll be able to add somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 36LP boilers for creosote and will probably have enough charcoal to run a GT Large Boiler continuously with enough left over to fire up multiple Large Boilers during peak load.

I'm brute forcing it with coke ovens whereas the ideal solution appears to be switching over to nuclear at this point just because I want a tower from bedrock to low earth orbit. Megaprojects like this are what I do when I run out of critical path stuff to maintain my attention.

Honestly, I went into nuclear as soon as I got to MV era, I had 2 very simple 0 chamber reactors with thorium giving me 85eu\t for 50000\run, next I went into uranium>plutonium enriching with MOX which got me a ~250 eu\t almost endlessly (limitation is uranium) and now I have full sized fluid reactor with large heat exchanger with large steam turbine which gives me somewhat 500 eu\t

I have no idea why the heck even bother with all that trouble-lagsome crap when you get just WAY simplier setups and way more compact setups with reactors. Imagine you want to move. Bwahaha
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Fir trees need a 2*2 area of dirt to plant themself, so Taumto simply made sure there is no such area around our tree farm with a few well placed dirt blocks...

Yeah I should have mentioned that. My preference is to have grass above my base, because I think if I change a large area to stone or some other block it just looks terrible and too artificial. I would have had to place non-dirt blocks over about a 16 block radius from the edges of the tower to prevent the Fir saplings from planting themselves. Of course, I've got a 50-block-tall tower right in the middle of this "natural area", so... my post probably sounds silly. The 4 Vacuum Chests at the base prevents all but the farthest saplings from growing into trees, however I eventually still end up with the ring of Fir trees around my CreoStak 36 even with those chests. The Incredible Amazing Fir Saplings that don't ever quit!
Honestly, I went into nuclear as soon as I got to MV era, I had 2 very simple 0 chamber reactors with thorium giving me 85eu\t for 50000\run, next I went into uranium>plutonium enriching with MOX which got me a ~250 eu\t almost endlessly (limitation is uranium) and now I have full sized fluid reactor with large heat exchanger with large steam turbine which gives me somewhat 500 eu\t

I have no idea why the heck even bother with all that trouble-lagsome crap when you get just WAY simplier setups and way more compact setups with reactors. Imagine you want to move. Bwahaha

If the real world ended and we all became real Minecrafters to survive... would you turn to coal power or go right for the nuclear madness? Point is... charcoal is easy, nuclear is not. Charcoal is trees and coke ovens. Nuclear is... well... how the heck would I know? I guess you just explained it to us, but that's pretty much all Greek to me.

I'm glad you're trying to push us in a good direction with your words, but realize that it's not just something we all know how to do, build a Nuclear Reactor. Charcoal, however, *IS* something we all know how to do... which should answer you question as to why so many of us go right to it and refuse to leave it.
Nuclear isn't really any more complicated, its just different. You're way more than enough skilled to handle nuclear.

I recall playing around with nuclear in Infitech 2 2.x. The server recalls it too--more than a couple smoking craters attest to my initial attempts at setting it up. :)
Nuclear isn't really any more complicated, its just different. You're way more than enough skilled to handle nuclear.

Thanks Pyrue. I know it's not difficult to do, like brain surgery difficult, or rocket science difficult... but there's just no real "common knowledge" how to build the IC2 Nuclear Reactor. You basically need to go to the IC2 forum thread on reactors (which I've read thru numerous times) and figure it all out. But my brain is lazy in my old age and never want to deal with learning it when there are easier methods (that are less efficient, totally agree).
Well, expect charcoal to become much more difficult soon once pollution comes. Combined with a boost for nuclear.

Then: Steam Age, LV = Solid fuel
MV, HV = Liquid fuel
EV, IV = Nuclear
LuV+ = Fusion