I was having a problem where Fir sapplings from the top of my tower tree farm were falling to the ground and planting themselves? Then I had all these Fir trees around the base of my tower. I didn't want to extend the lip of the tree farm to catch all the sapplings so I switched first to Birch, but some of those would grow with leaves so low that the golems would get stuck, so I switched again to Jungle trees. Those seem to be keeping up just fine with only 4 2x2 plots.
I also upgraded to use Alumentum, seems like a big improvement in fuel usage, I used to be able to run down my charcoal stockpile by running my EBF non-stop, but now I'm steadily building up more and more alumentum in the barrel.
If I need further upgrades to it, I was thinking of adding an automated Thaumcraft charcoal production setup feeding into the alumentum production, since it seems my system is slowed down by slow charcoal production from only 8 coke ovens. Anyone else tried that instead of just adding more coke ovens?