Some triggers are tied to some actions. For example to unlock some research in Automagy (dont remember what it was). You needed to make a pearl, throw it few times to shatter, and then scan the shattered pieces.another thing: I try to get the last few research options within thaumcraft4. I already have full warp and researched everything which is possible so far. what triggers the last few research options?
I want to build a magic energy converter but that need electrum for the arcane infusion. We tried to smelt some basic diesel generators in the alchemical furnance but that doesn't work. someone knows a way to get electrum?
Yep Small and Medium Battery Hulls are source of Electrum@nonamefhh Try battery hulls for electrum aspect.
@nonamefhh Try battery hulls for electrum aspect.
I ended up having to do about 3 knowledge fragment researches to get everything.
Some triggers are tied to some actions. For example to unlock some research in Automagy (dont remember what it was). You needed to make a pearl, throw it few times to shatter, and then scan the shattered pieces.
Which turbine? Steam?Guys I'm having some issue with the large GT turbine - I followed the controller instructions and placed the controller itself at the front centre second level, the input hatch on the left centre second level, the output hatch on the right centre second level, the maintenance hatch on the right centre third level and a HV Dynamo hatch on the back centre second level. The multiblock doesn't form; is there something wrong with the structure?
I've hit a point where I don't no what to do anymore.
I followed @Dlur100 tipp and went to the outer lands for some knowledge fragments. Half an hour later and my Research notes break into knowlegde fragments.
@Jason McRay I already did that and I also scanned and killed several monster types in the nether to get the research.
BUT still I can see 2 things inside the eldrich tab, which I can't researchdon't know how to get them
This is very very rare oregen bug. It can only happen if your world was generated way, way, back in the v3 release.
there is no recipe for the buildcraft quarry and you dont need it to build the ender quarrycan somebody post a recipe for the buildcraft quarry ? i dont get a recipe for this from NEI and i need it to build the ender quarry...
there is no recipe for the buildcraft quarry and you dont need it to build the ender quarry
There are 2 recipes for the enderquarry ...ok if i cklick the enderquarry recipe i see three items:
ender thermic pump
quarry (buildcraft)
ender core
so you say i dont need the buildcraft quarry so only a thermic pump and a ender core ? its very cheap isnt it ?