[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you sure it works with iron blocks?

I'm almost sure I remember this not being the case unless it has changed.
It was working with Vanilla Ores and IC2 Ores only... @Blood Asp did a change and now IC2 crops are looking for either Vanilla/IC2 oreblocks OR any metal block (within the same oredictionary). Not 100% sure if it is implemented in current GT in pack v3.1.9, since I am playing with the alpha GT5.09 (which is comming in pack version 3.2.x - along with other awesome stuff)

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last edited:

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From the looks of it everyone is using either fuel or steam for power early to midgame. I myself have a lovely pneumaticraft system that is self sustainable (the refineries is run on burning netherack and diesel and kerosine is cracked to gasoline using some of the LPG fuel) and produces fuel with an efficiency of 66,8% fuel to oil ratio (and quite a lot of excess LPG). However im starting to wonder how well it works in the long run. Iv'e failed to find any of the buildcraft large oil reserves, only small pneumaticraft (50-150 buckets). This means unless i find something large by the time im HV i will have to spend all my time looking for small oil ponds. Is there any other way of powering the diesel generators? does it run on more fluids than diesel and nitrodiesel?
Steam powered systems i think is pretty well covered subject, build a tree farm and then just scale it up for endless amounts of power.

But what about the gas generator? What does it run on and what kind of system could you build of it. If anyone has some experience in this i think it would be very interesting.

Myself im probably looking to get into nuclear for HV but untill then it would be interesting to have some other more sustainable system for producing power.

TLDR: What kinds of fuel can you run GT diesel and gas generators on and can you actually find large deposites of oil in infitech2?
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just realised i should be able to find the information about the fuels for diesel generators in:
"The energy values of fuels can be be found and changed in Recipes.cfg of GregTech's config files, under "fuel_0"."

and for gas turbines in "fuel_1".

Out of curiosity has anyone here tried a biomass based liquid or gaseous fuel system? I.e converting biomass from a tree or aggricultural farm into biogas or ethanol based system to run their base rather than converting it to steam. Feels like you could have larger possibilities of storing large amounts of power due to the extremly poor energy density of steam.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just realised i should be able to find the information about the fuels for diesel generators in:
"The energy values of fuels can be be found and changed in Recipes.cfg of GregTech's config files, under "fuel_0"."

and for gas turbines in "fuel_1".

Out of curiosity has anyone here tried a biomass based liquid or gaseous fuel system? I.e converting biomass from a tree or aggricultural farm into biogas or ethanol based system to run their base rather than converting it to steam. Feels like you could have larger possibilities of storing large amounts of power due to the extremly poor energy density of steam.
You can actually find large oil reservoirs in IT2. I usually see them in the oceans. The large reservoirs are ones with spouts that cover more than one block.

Biomass can be viable although you will likely want to learn Forestry tree breeding to get better specifications for your trees in order to make it viable. You need trees that grow fast, tall, have high fruit content, and the best sap content. Standard trees are not really viable for biomass from what I remember.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
@Joel Falk,
For the the fuels, you can use biofuel. There's two types: From forestry and from IC2. The generators will accept the Forestry kind.

Coverting it to nitrodiesel is a bit of a hassle to setup, but yields way more power. Alternatively, since you're comfortable with PC (And presumably ender IO), you can burn regular diesel in a combustion generator for the same amount of power that nitrodiesel produces, but the output is in RF. PneumaticCraft can convert it to EU as needed.

Gas Turbines burn Methane and Hydrogen.

I've done a few biomass/biofuel-type setups from both IC2 and Forestry. They're fairly interesting :)

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So basically either forestry ethanol in diesel generators or biogas from ic2 for gas turbines? I've worked with both and from what i remember ic2 biogas is really bad. Production is insanely slow and is way to much work for the amount of power it produces. Gonna check out all the different fuels available once i get home to see if there are some other interesting routes you can go.

Guess i have just been unlucky on the oil, will go hunting later. Really large oil deposites (up to 16000 buckets) are quite nice when you find them. Then it's actually worth setting up a system to move the oil automatically. Any idea on the best way to move oil large distances?


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
So basically either forestry ethanol in diesel generators or biogas from ic2 for gas turbines? I've worked with both and from what i remember ic2 biogas is really bad. Production is insanely slow and is way to much work for the amount of power it produces. Gonna check out all the different fuels available once i get home to see if there are some other interesting routes you can go.

Guess i have just been unlucky on the oil, will go hunting later. Really large oil deposites (up to 16000 buckets) are quite nice when you find them. Then it's actually worth setting up a system to move the oil automatically. Any idea on the best way to move oil large distances?
Biogas doesn't work in gas turbines. Like I said, just methane and hydrogen work in gas turbines.

Biogas burns in anything that consumes regular fuel.

Yeah the IC2 thing is a bit weird. The setup is kinda strict and you always net around 33% energy iirc. Which is fine, and you can scale it up as much as you like, but its not super fun after a while.
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any nice way of producing methane and hydrogen you know of?

The main problem with biogas is the net power output out of a fermenter is appalingly bad. Just to keep a MV system running on biogas requires an extremly large system that is a lot of materials and work to make. Compare it to steam you can produce an enourmous amount of steam in very little time at all. There the problem is the energy density of the steam rather than production speed.

Off topic:
Damn do they not want you making a sag mill early game in infitech2 :p Every time i try i reallize im still ways off :p Now i only have to produce electric steel (480 eu/tick blast furnace recipie and a industrial diamond for the grinding part) Guess there is no other way of making an industrial diamond but build a implosion compressor or whatever it is called :p


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Any nice way of producing methane and hydrogen you know of?

The main problem with biogas is the net power output out of a fermenter is appalingly bad. Just to keep a MV system running on biogas requires an extremly large system that is a lot of materials and work to make. Compare it to steam you can produce an enourmous amount of steam in very little time at all. There the problem is the energy density of the steam rather than production speed.

Off topic:
Damn do they not want you making a sag mill early game in infitech2 :p Every time i try i reallize im still ways off :p Now i only have to produce electric steel (480 eu/tick blast furnace recipie and a industrial diamond for the grinding part) Guess there is no other way of making an industrial diamond but build a implosion compressor or whatever it is called :p
Hydrogen you get as a byproduct of a lot of other processes.

Methane you can get from a bunch of centrifuge recipes. Lots and lots. I used to just set up a mob farm and centrifuge all the zombie flesh.

SAG mill: Yeah, its a buff machine that can output amazing byproducts of some recipes, so its expensive. If you like to explore, you can find lots of electrical steel in various chests. Making it is a pita.

Industrial Diamond: You can make it in a regular compressor using the flint/coal dust recipe.
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That means that i can make it with just some exploring, which im doing anyway to find oil

You just made my day :D


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
You'll find lots of dark steel and dark steel items too, make sure you hoard that stuff. Its awesome.

If you ever plan to do big reactors, you can save yourself a lot of grief by running your yellorite through a SAG mill with dark steel grinding balls, producing the cyanite you'll need to create a turbine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Biogas doesn't work in gas turbines. Like I said, just methane and hydrogen work in gas turbines.

Biogas burns in anything that consumes regular fuel.

Yeah the IC2 thing is a bit weird. The setup is kinda strict and you always net around 33% energy iirc. Which is fine, and you can scale it up as much as you like, but its not super fun after a while.

biogas works with gas turbines.
I've produced IC biogas and pumped it into gas turbines. that should work.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Woops then. Thanks for clarification.

Just so all points are clear though, Forestry "biogas" (otherwise known as Biofuel or Ethanol) should NOT work in a gas turbine.