Screenshot InfiTech2 Fun!
1) New reactor. Wiring not done. Electrical poles not done. Will add some blockish buildings around the central one eventually. You can see the edge of the main building bottom-left.
2) Inside the reactor. Very boring, just a single MOX reactor so far and its not even wired and infrastructured yet.
3) Reactor produces 840eu/t at a "reasonably hot" core temperature. Can peak around 1000 eu/t but I don't like when it starts setting things around it on fire. Including me.
4) Reactor power will probably run into this room or something nearby. This is the bottom level of the main base (not including mining and mob spawners)
5) Our thaumatugists have kindly set up some golems to chop down trees. Wood gets piped into the power generation room you can see in last pic.
6) View of the main base. Reactor is hidden behind it. The main base was once 85% cave and 15% good intentions. You also get a sneak peek at MigukNamja's new bee factory. He just started that on the weekend and its already coming along awesomely. I can tell I should have increased my view distance in this pic, woops.
7) Inside the base is pretty standard and boring stuff. There's several of these GT "pods" set up. Power comes up from the basement into battery buffers, which share the power amongst a certain number of machines.
Of some interest is the fact that the main pod shown has 8x wiring because its served by a 9A battery buffer. I could have used a 2xA wire (I think blue steel does that), but since I didn't, I've placed a piece of garbage into the 9th battery slot to prevent someone accidentally dropping an extra battery in and overloading the wiring.
Everything is, at best, functional here. There's torches everywhere, holes in the ground/walls, and basically nothing looks good
8) Primary Generation Room. The base is 90% powered from this room. Generation currently consists of 4 Railcraft Turbines (one hidden off to the left) for total 800 eu/t. They are served by a Large Steel Boiler, and a 36HP RC Boiler (neither visible here). Fuels are charcoal (not visible), and the 3 Fuel tanks shown (Methane, Diesel, Creosote Oil). Charcoal does 99% of the work.
Btw, not sure if Methane works in the Large Boiler, I may set up some Gas Turbines for that.
I really wanted to use GT Steam Turbines here, but its hard to justify them when the RC version is considerably more powerful.
9) The Steel Boiler is set up flush to the steam tank. @
MigukNamja kindly redid the logic for us. This thing works amazingly well.