From Wikipedia: As with many other naval terms, flagship has crossed over into common parlance, where it means the most important or leading member of a group. It has also come to be an adjective describing the most prominent or highly touted product, brand, location, or service among those offered by a company.
You've probably seen it said that Infinity: Evolved is FTB's flagship modpack. Infinity: Evolved is the most popular and fully developed of the packs Feed The Beast offers. The term flagship is fitting for that pack.
"Flagship experience" doesn't make sense - the 'most prominent modpack made by Koretex' experience? It's not a synonym for good or quality. According to thesaurus.com 'bellwether' and 'crown jewel' are the closest.
I'm sure your pack is excellent and deserving of many positive adjectives. You could easily find one that is more fitting.