1.7.10 Infinity Is Nothing

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you! Which last picture may I ask?.


EDIT: 'Elevated areas* not suspended areas.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, this is very amazing.

Care to do a world download every 10 updates or so? I would really like to view this on my own.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, amazing!

Thank you, thank you

EDIT: 'Elevated areas* not suspended areas.

Aaaaah, with you know, thanx!

Yes, this is very amazing.

Care to do a world download every 10 updates or so? I would really like to view this on my own.

I can investigate this, no promises as there are a couple of issues. Firstly I have edited the modpack so you'll have to add those mods in yourself, secondly I have a 512Kb/s upload speed, thirdly I'll need some info on where to put the thing.

Apart from that it's fairly easy, just gotta upload the zip from my backups.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can investigate this, no promises as there are a couple of issues. Firstly I have edited the modpack so you'll have to add those mods in yourself, secondly I have a 512Kb/s upload speed, thirdly I'll need some info on where to put the thing.

Apart from that it's fairly easy, just gotta upload the zip from my backups.

No big deal, if you specify the mod name and version its pretty easy to download it
You can't provide the full modified modpack because trouble... so its the only option.
And I recommend Mediafire, easy to upload, easy to download.
If the world file is too big you can always use MCEdit to delete some unused chunks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No big deal, if you specify the mod name and version its pretty easy to download it
You can't provide the full modified modpack because trouble... so its the only option.
And I recommend Mediafire, easy to upload, easy to download.
If the world file is too big you can always use MCEdit to delete some unused chunks

All my mod changes are in the first post. Most are clientside or have no items in game actually, just pam's and maybe Iguana Tweaks if you want my pickaxe etc for whatever reason. Yeah I know, would never attempt to upload any mods with, that'll end very very badly.

Ok I'll look into this and let you know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can investigate this, no promises as there are a couple of issues. Firstly I have edited the modpack so you'll have to add those mods in yourself, secondly I have a 512Kb/s upload speed, thirdly I'll need some info on where to put the thing.

Apart from that it's fairly easy, just gotta upload the zip from my backups.

Okay, thanks for trying. I am sure others would like to view this aswell. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well server is set up, all's good apart from my shyte connection giving me burst of 30 000ms latency:/ however it STILL hasn't got rid of the "Can't Keep Up" error messages, more testing is required to see what's doing it.

Anyway, glad I did it, has solved a host of issues for me... Update next week only, been fiddling with these problems too long to get much done


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good news! Problem found and problem solved! Probably didn't need to go the whole server route but anyway, at least now I can go a bit more mad and not worry about melting my PC;)

Also uploading the world to the server took HOURS so I'm afraid world downloads for you guys ain't gonna happen BUT I just need to do a bit of research on server security and I can whitelist ppl for a few hours at a time to explore.

Update soon...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome, would LOVE to just roam around this world. Is there any whitelisting format or something soon?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 13: Unluckily It's Been A While

Few bits of news:

Firstly, after much angst and swearing I found the bug that's been plaguing me and driving me mad, an interface with a crafting card requesting Pam's foods that it can't make eats a server apparently.
Secondly, the world is now uploaded to a Creeperhost server and it is glorious!
Thirdly, during my troubleshooting I've reverted a lot of my changes and updated the OP, only thing different from stock Infinity is having Morph because I'm not losing out on Enderminny form.
Fourthly(is that a word), I've updated to 1.4.1. The mystcraft profiling was a biatch but after a restart when it was done all seems good now. Be prepared for a raft of New Members calling the FTB team idiots though.
And lastly, my entire neck has gone into spasm so seriously can someone come over and stab me repeatedly, thanx.

Let's get to the update.


Last weeks project, a Big Reactor room. Is a bit square and needs some more detailing but is coming along nicely. You'll be seeing a lot of visible chunkloaders from now on btw, I'm not searching for them again when I need to trouble shoot.


Inside the building, kinda modelled it on a nuclear reactor I saw in a movie once(I think), anyway I quite like how the inside of this room turned out. Especially proud of the walkways and multipart fluorescent lights, they're something I've always wanted to see in MC.


The reactor itself, 9x9x9 exterior, cooled with cryotheum. Probably not the most efficient design but is mid-game power only, I've got lots of different power generation in mind. And it looks cool...

PS: those cryo-stabilised fluxducts are the coolest things I've ever seen!


The Thaumcraft castle! A bit plain but I've run out of ideas for it atm. Looks quite good close up as I've randomly placed cracked and mossy stone bricks in it for a bit of texture. The plain look will fit well with the world story I'm going to do at the end so not sure if I'll change it, gimme some ideas!


Auto-Wither Killer

He's spawned, drops down and there's a Draconic Evolution grinder down there, middle shaft is Ender IO Dark Steel Bars and box is reinforced obsidian. The reinforced obsidian isn't even needed as none of the blast escapes. Just make sure you have bars/obs directly underneath where he blows up or all the blast will go down. Is 13 high so the blast is out of juice by the time it gets up to the AA's.


Redstone control with timer at 10 sec(makes sure the spawning construction isn't around when one blows up) and a repeater to delay the one AA placing the heads to make sure a head goes on last(just 3 clicks). Item transfer nodes with 3 World interaction upgrades each suck up the drops, controlled by a level emitter set to 64 stars in the system


And finally a peek into the Thaumcraft itself, my "completed" centi-vis node. With space for 2 more either side. Not quite ready to show the interior of the castle yet so that'll have to wait, needs a lot of work and only about 25% through the Thaumonomicion.

I've done a few functional updates to the prison to get zombie heads, wither skellie skulls, ethereal essence(auto essentia production) and emerald blocks(melting villagers). However the 7x7 of the autospawners is really annoying me so I've not done any visual stuff. I fucking hate that prison build with my whole being. It will be finished one day though!

Hope you enjoy, remember there's info on the OP if you wanna log into the server. 1300 CAT today is the last opportunity to get on for this whole weekend.



Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Using the Chisel Void set, make a tower on the Thaumcraft castle that's tainted, as a result of previous "experiments"....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Using the Chisel Void set, make a tower on the Thaumcraft castle that's tainted, as a result of previous "experiments"....

Had a think about this while packing and don't think I'm gonna do it. The evil Thaumcraft castle has been done before and in my story the wizards are the enlightened folk who were granted the castle after "The War" because they helped when they couldn't stand to see the suffering of the tech folk(who started the war cos they're twats).

The tech people(still fleshing it out in my mind) are the ones who are gonna have all the evil war machinery etc. Witchery will be isolationist and apart, still working out Blood Magic mages and Botania will be the simple folk.

But suggestions are always appreciated.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Had a think about this while packing and don't think I'm gonna do it. The evil Thaumcraft castle has been done before and in my story the wizards are the enlightened folk who were granted the castle after "The War" because they helped when they couldn't stand to see the suffering of the tech folk(who started the war cos they're twats).

The tech people(still fleshing it out in my mind) are the ones who are gonna have all the evil war machinery etc. Witchery will be isolationist and apart, still working out Blood Magic mages and Botania will be the simple folk.

But suggestions are always appreciated.
Maybe you could build a ruined structure to support the story line, no functional use, just a space filler. Something that blends industrial tech and taint. Pipes, various liquid spills, etc. Have it surrounded by the thaumcraft trees/plants for dealing with taint as a barrier.
Perhaps for your castle, a white/gold scheme, with black highlights (since Thaumcraft tech is black/dark textured).
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