[1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

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Does the Weathering the Storm quest line currently work? I chose the Survival/Weathering the Storm quests from the book, but I've had no meteors and it's a couple of (minecraft) days in now. I am running a small 2 player server if that makes a difference.

Edit: Also is there a way to turn off magnetism on the meteorite armor? The keybind never seems to actually work..
You need the trigger device in your inventory for that.
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Sometimes when you magnet items to you through magnetism items disappear. Lost so many items this way :/
If anyone is having fps and chunk loading slowdowns, I'd recommend installing the pack with just the default mods and biome generation. I did my usual thing of enabling all the disabled mod (except project red) and throwing optifine, fpsplus, fastcraft, and shaders in the mods folders and the game ran sluggishly awful. but then I reinstalled with only shaders and journey map and it ran perfecto-mundo.
Ok so all the people who are seeming to have all of these new performance issues with 1.7, are u now playing in a single player world run on your won system and not on a multiplayer server which is doing most of the heavy lifting in regards to world gen and the like.
I believe Impact said that he played on a personal server in an earlier post while testing this pack, well ding ding ding thats part of the reason you arent experiencing the performance issues that most of us who are playing on a single player world, running on our own system.(This is one of the reasons i almost always play on servers or play on skyblock packs where there isnt much world to gen)
Not saying that 1.7 doesnt have issues, there is obviously something causing a memory leak becuase i have seen the same steady 10% then it will quickly raise into the 80%+ range. So this new memory problem compounded with the fact that most of these packs aren't 100% "stable" so big servers that would run these packs well arent up and going yet, meaning we run single player versions of these packs, is all making it harder for the "average PC" to run.

Just my 2 cents.

Does anyone know why my world is generating funky? I've had issues with 1.7.10 modpacks loading like this in a few places but nothing like this.
Does anyone know why my world is generating funky? I've had issues with 1.7.10 modpacks loading like this in a few places but nothing like this.
Woah. AE looks like it's messing something up.
Try finding the line in minecraft/config/AppliedEnergistics2/AppliedEnergistics2.cfg and changing this line to false:
And see if that helps.
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Does the Weathering the Storm quest line currently work? I chose the Survival/Weathering the Storm quests from the book, but I've had no meteors and it's a couple of (minecraft) days in now. I am running a small 2 player server if that makes a difference.

Edit: Also is there a way to turn off magnetism on the meteorite armor? The keybind never seems to actually work..

I didn''t know there was a keybind. And it seems like the meteors come in groups of two or three and about couple of days. You can turn up the rate at which they fall by upping the meteor detterance to 18.. that is what I have it on my personal server. I got a lot of flak early on for having it come so quick[DOUBLEPOST=1411313439][/DOUBLEPOST]
Does anyone know why my world is generating funky? I've had issues with 1.7.10 modpacks loading like this in a few places but nothing like this.

As far as this.. I've had it happen on about 1 in 20 worlds that get generated.. its just an AE2 world gen quirk.[DOUBLEPOST=1411313499][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sometimes when you magnet items to you through magnetism items disappear. Lost so many items this way :/

Yeah I've noticed this. Its the meteorite armor, the magnetism is too powerful and will actually throw the items behind you. I'm debating about changing it in my next update.
I added this mod on my ftb platform, i downloaded it i loucnhed it but it doesn't seems to do anything. Any ideeas?
this error i found in my console what is the problem???
Error while running launchMinecraft(): java.lang.NullPointerException
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Any advice on finding a village? My friend and I were trying to do SMP, but couldn't find a village after a comically long amount of time. Generally I just push on, but it was putting a bit too much stress on the server computer, and we did pass 5 *dungeons on our journey
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Vanilla village generation is typically a bit sparse - if you play with Enhanced Biomes I've actually increased the village spawn rate which makes it much nicer. Also you can turn on journey map and that will make it much easier to find them.

Furthermore, I would also install ACT (Admin Command Toolbox) from Professor Mobius and pregen as much of the world as you want to.
Would be a perfect tutorial modpack if there wasn't meteors, same thing goes for weathering the storm but it's optionnal. I mean, why bothering with that griefing mod when the only thing the modpack want is making us learn mods ? I don't really want the land around my meteors shields f***** up.
Also - the pack since about Beta 0.8 the pack has evolving from a hardcore tutorial pack into a themed hardcore pack with the reward of tutorial style quests once you survive. It makes it much more fun for me because its not just a punch tree, get wood kind of start to the game. However I understand some folks don't want the challenge of the meteors and that is the purpose of the shields in builders mode. That should protect your base in a pretty large area, however the config file should disable it all.

Have a great day.

Paste this in your config folder.

PS - as noted in my Reddit post - I will be adding much more content to the weathering the storm aspect, and providing maps for survivors to address these issues. If I provide maps I can directly control the meteor spawn rate, and so for builders worlds they should not have the issue.
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~Is it normal to have so much trouble with meteors?
I have completed the survival branch quests, now looking for meteor chips. But when they crash, I find alien creepers and/or a giant forest fire, but there's never those meteor blocks on the ground to mine?