[1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

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For me i can validate the quest and get the reward to do the next quest but the quest stay "unclaimed" statut too, but it's not really a problem because i can continue to go ahead
For me i can validate the quest and get the reward to do the next quest but the quest stay "unclaimed" statut too, but it's not really a problem because i can continue to go ahead
Yes, exactly. It's not a big deal, but would be nice to see a fix, it can be confusing.
you need to fix the ender tank and chest they use the quantum entangled singularity
you did that i hope but way to make them is the same you can not make the tank
I changed my java arguments, and am now able to play this modpack. apparently, the java arguments to make previous versions work well do not work well with 1.7. However, Ive restarted twice because I cant find a village. is there anyway to increase frequency of villages? I get tired of mapping my world with my freezerite boots running around the coast and find myself switching to creative flight so I dont leave an ice trail.
How can you beat the quest asking for meteor items if you cant craft the items? Is the only way through strange meteor's and RNG because if so my RNG is terrible and I'll never get the specific items? ):
by the time you get to those quests your world should be sufficiently ravaged by meteors. apply liberal pickaxe to fallen rock to get stuff. or if you chose build mode, plop down a shield, apply red stuff, check back later for stuff.

also, I found another quest that says unclaimed. its the third machine frame for thermal expansion.

and one more thing. i tried to make an elevator
i was disappoint. is magic or compressed air my only remaining option to graduate from ladders?
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Playing this is basically not possible atm. I had my world just delete itself several times over now. Not trying again soon.
Playing this is basically not possible atm. I had my world just delete itself several times over now. Not trying again soon.
Well, giving a "bad review" on a pack coz it has errors while not reporting them is kinda of a shitty attitude.

Was the world deleted coz it was hardcore and you died? Then, its not kinda of a pack problem....
Did it crashed and deleted your world? Did you post the crash reports so the pack creator could be aware of them and try to fix them?

Just dont talk bad about the pack without giving any context or proper reason. It gives a bad impression of the pack that is not real...

Also, world's "deleted" from crash's are not really deleted, its just the level.dat that got corrupted. You just need to make a new world with the same name and it should fix himself.
Well, giving a "bad review" on a pack coz it has errors while not reporting them is kinda of a shitty attitude.

Was the world deleted coz it was hardcore and you died? Then, its not kinda of a pack problem....
Did it crashed and deleted your world? Did you post the crash reports so the pack creator could be aware of them and try to fix them?

Just dont talk bad about the pack without giving any context or proper reason. It gives a bad impression of the pack that is not real...

Also, world's "deleted" from crash's are not really deleted, its just the level.dat that got corrupted. You just need to make a new world with the same name and it should fix himself.
Well I entered the nether and the game closed itself and the world was not available to load on restart. No crash log, bar "device closed with error -1" in the launcher log.

Same happened again but while raiding a village

and then again while crafting dynamos.

It has been reported before. I don't have any logs to post because forge literally generates none.
The whole world not loading after one play-through happened to me as well. I managed to get almost all of the first chapter done in the first time too, I was just handling the whole grind of killing the 50 of each monster quest when I logged out and logging back into the world just caused it to shut off. Shame, I was looking forward to getting further into the pack. Maybe I will after an update or two.

Also slight suggestion; don't make the beginning tools TOO good. Make them at least like bronze and not say, a manulynn head pickaxe right from the start, and a regular hatchet instead of a lumber axe. Of course, you could just toss them out and not use them, it's just that it seems a little silly to not make you have to progress much with tool tiers if you just stick with the reward tools. Ag Skies is alright, with the fact that they just gave you netherrack tools.
Not sure if these issues are reported yet but I'll add them here anyway.

Not all quests seem to make sense, case and point "Not your average conduit" requires you to craft 32 conduits, which is fine, however it only counts each craft rather then the amount you craft. This is opposed to other quests of the same vein counting the multiple items from a single craft. I think it was the quest "Colors, so many colors" that counted most of the multi-item crafts properly thought I think one of them didn't (I think it was the orange one). This has happened for a few quests.

There is a couple of quests that's I've encountered that con't properly complete, they are "Punch tree, get wood" and "Reactionary power". Quest will complete as you would expect the first time but it never stops being purple and counting as a quest if unclaimed rewards. Further clicking on claim items and trying to turn in the quest nets you nothing, it's just an annoying bug. There might be other quests that do this but as I haven't been through the whole pack yet I'm not sure.

I would agree with boondockArtist with the whole manyullyn tools right off the bat is a bit much, I can understand because of the idea behind the first quest line is more about moving and not staying still, but I don't think you would need better then steel even if you wanted people to be able to mine everything from the start. I personally think bronze is a much better choice as it still allows for some upgrade, and gives you more of a reason to do the repair quests in the first quest line. I also agree with the whole hatchet over a lumber axe as well.

Overall though I think this is an interesting styled pack though I'm not sure what this pack wants to be. To me it just seems confused. I love the fact that it has tons of quests, though some of the quests seem to try to be a tutorial style while other ones just seem to say "you figure it out". For someone who has not used a particular mod the quests serve, more or less, to help them craft the item, however not how to use it. I will also point out here that one of the major mods I think that needs a quest line is AE2, besides looking at videos online I haven't been able to work that mod out, they changed it took much I think.

I will also mention here that there is a small "exploit" regarding the ender chests, nothing major like duping or anything just there is a way to get around the "alternate" recipes. Only noticed this one as I've crafted a million of the suckers in the past and know the recipe without looking it up, crafted 3 ender chests before trying a "white, white, white" one and got hit with the alternate recipe, which requires, in my opinion, the quest line I mentioned above.

Just thought about it, is there is in fact an AE2 quest line in there and I just haven't gotten to it yet, maybe it should be an earlier quest, maybe with it's own tab.
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in the line that starts with making chest upgrades, there is something about turning in water, iron and nether quartz that leads into ae, but i havent turned in the second quest, so I dont know how helpful it is.
Thanks, I'll take a look. I'm not very diligent with doing to the quests and I know there is a bunch in the chests quest line I can do, just didn't feel like making 162 pistons so I didn't bother with any of them.
I posted this crash on the github page but thought I would post it here to.
--When i try and repair the bone pan that was given as a reward with a bone it crashes the game. tried it twice with the same result and same crash. Here is a link to the pastebin that has the crash report.
