[1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

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I actually use those terms interchangably. It essentially means that all quest lines open up and there is no survival aspect to the pack.

The meteor chips are hard to find as they do disintergrate so you must find a meteor quickly. However once you get 1 of each kind I then give you the summoners so you can summon them yourself... which is actually pretty fun :)
Hey , i have a problem . i play this modpack from yesterday and i arived at a mision named "Saw .. One ? " i repair my sword and pickaxe with the oak wood that the mision give me .. and when i open the quest book the sword is 100% and the pickaxe is 0% .. but i repaired bouth of them and i cant finish the mision. plz help . i enjoy this modpack so far and now i cant play it :(
I just started it and the WTS quest is just awesome!

Just sad is so short.... But, I read you thoughts on reddit and YES to all!

There are 200 punch tree/get wood/build empire packs. Adventure ones are rare... Go for it!
Ok I've been playing the pack for a few days now, first great pack. I know its still in beta but come across a few problems in the "NOT ENOUGH THINGS" line, don't know if they have been mentioned before.
1: Black holes are bad... and good, will not accept the Quantum Entangled Singularity
2: Lock it down, will not accept the Biometric Card
3: Interface Me, will not accept the Pulverizer (Resonant)
4: Dis/Appearing Chests, recipes for the Ender Chest and Ender tank are the same.
I picked up this pack yesterday and played it straight for 8 hours and I didn't have any crashes or bugs that are the fault of the pack, so good job there ImpactFlux
My thoughts are as follow:
1) Love the initial Weathering the Storm quest chain, it really forces you to familiarize yourself with some aspects of the pack, like Iguana Tweaks & Spice of Life, before you get to the real meat & forces you to live on the go.
2) Was expecting a real storm but the meteors, dare I say, were not frequent enough. I fixed this by turning the meteor deterrence rate in the config down to 10.
3) After Weathering the Storm most of the other quests feel like tutorials, I would recommend going all in on the theme and having the chapters each end in getting you a Red Gem or meteor shield instead of giving you tons of both right after WtS.
4) Would recommend a few mods with the pack; Hunger Overhaul and Forestry work well with Harvestcraft and Spice of Life, then if you add Forestry the mods Magic Bees, Binnie's Mods, & Gendustry could give you a new chapter worth of quests.
Aroma backups doesnt seem to be working correctly..

It backups at the beginning but not anymore. My game crashed on a sensible location, aka, pushed against a cobweb while being attacked and with no lives left. When I come back, I died do to the initial lag and the last backup was from 2 hours ago... :(

The crash was nothing to do with mods, just Minecraft giving a tick error due to the 200 mobs on the other side of the wall :P
Will there going to have Minefactory Reload when its update ? Or will you interrest in using foresty since food is a bit of a problem when you really cant full automatically it...
also like many people said "Weathering the Storm quest" Does really harder than other quest Especially When going to the rogue like dungeon Maybe you might only specifically to goes only 2-3 floor of dungeon since going all along to the last floor are really hard and 8 Meteor shield is too good reward maybe you might interest to have last part of weathering the storm a single Meteor Shield and a customized recipe of Meteor shield to use (Extra Utility) Bedrockium Ingot, (blood magic) and/or a (Hardcore Ender expansion) item to help make this precise Meteorite Shield a end games object
may be increased a intense of a Meteor drop or a quest that bound you to protect a village
Hey , i have a problem . i play this modpack from yesterday and i arived at a mision named "Saw .. One ? " i repair my sword and pickaxe with the oak wood that the mision give me .. and when i open the quest book the sword is 100% and the pickaxe is 0% .. but i repaired bouth of them and i cant finish the mision. plz help . i enjoy this modpack so far and now i cant play it :(

I actually just ran into this exact issue: The problem is if you use either the sword or pickaxe before turning in this quest, you cannot turn it in. The book, I assume, checks for the base versions of the tools, but Iguana Tweaks adds experience to them; if an item has gained experience at all, I assume the metadata changes, and it doesn't register for the quest properly.

I'm not sure how to fix it, honestly, so it might be in your best interest to use NEI to spawn in the tool parts (wood pickaxe head, paper binding, netherrack tool rod) and the tool station to put them together. That /should/ work, and then you can just get rid of the cheated items after completing the quest.
Ok Ive been playing this modpack for a while now. I changed a couple of things, and your videos said if we want new mods to come over here and ask about adding them. I added flatsigns which allows to to place signs on the ground. You might want to consider adding hunger overhaul(instead of Spice of Life), and fastcraft to help with frames. Other than that, its a great mod pack. Anyone who is playing this I highly suggest playing with the enhanced biomes. Much better than vanilla.
do not fix tinkers construct bone tools in the tool station the game dies and
the tool is gone win you go back in i have a log file if you need it
this is part off it at iguanaman.iguanatweakstconstruct.replacing.ReplacementLogic.handleMaterialTraits(ReplacementLogic.java:239)
i was just fixing the tool not replacing the handle
what good is a mod if take out all the good stuff the meteors mod you can not
make the tools or the armor what the heck the meteor chips are not any good for anything
but the meteor caller and shield and the stuff that tells you where they land
and you do not need any of that if you can not the tool and armor
I was having lag every 3 sec playing this pack,but i dissabled JourneyMap,then it was ok.
Yeah jorneap causes some lag because of the mob radar. Disable the radar and it gets better.

Also, add fastcraft, it helps a LOT. it doesn't come with the packs because the dev does not give permission for it.

Sent from my CUBOT ONE using Tapatalk
i tried playing this. was not able to. its far too laggy. i play SSP. servers are not an option. i play offline using MultiMC. really disappointing because all I want is a great non skyblock HQM mod. similar to agrarian skies but on a direwolf20 type modpack.
Hey here, i just wanted to say that i noticed something :

When i do thaumcraft stuff (quests/opening-exploring thaumonomomonomicon/doing research) the game become laggy.

So maybe there is something to search about this because i'm sure there is something to find to fix one more 1.7 issue.

I hope it will help :)
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I've noticed a little issue.. I'm almost at the end of the first questline, but I am required to turn the armor I was given early on back as part of a quest.. Which is fine, except that the freezarite boots have fairly low durability, and mine have broken during the process of clearing out a Roguelike Dungeon. It looks like the recipe to make them does not exist in the game, so.. I'm not really sure what to do at this point, aside from cheating a pair in for the explicit purpose of finishing the quest.
Hey, anyone else having problem with claiming rewards? I am half way through the vanilla quest line and suddenly the quest Punch tree, get wood says I have unclaimed reward (though I have already claimed it the first time), so I choose the wood as a reward, but can't claim. Though it stays as unclaimed but completed, it is a bit annoying.

Note: It happend to me before, in the first Survival quest line, but it was early on, so I just started new world. I don't want to really do it this time.