[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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Hi, I don't know whether or not this has been asked before or brought up at all but i've recently entered the Twilight forest, update 1.40 of the modpack idk if it matters, and i cant create a new twilight portal to get back to the overworld. I dont know if this is intentional but i need to know how to get back.
Hi, I don't know whether or not this has been asked before or brought up at all but i've recently entered the Twilight forest, update 1.40 of the modpack idk if it matters, and i cant create a new twilight portal to get back to the overworld. I dont know if this is intentional but i need to know how to get back.

Portals can't be created you need to go to one you entered with
Hi, I don't know whether or not this has been asked before or brought up at all but i've recently entered the Twilight forest, update 1.40 of the modpack idk if it matters, and i cant create a new twilight portal to get back to the overworld. I dont know if this is intentional but i need to know how to get back.
Can't create one, but you can do /cofh tpx 0 to go to the overworld. Might spawn you in the ground tho.
For the record, you *can* go into the configs, and temporarily enable creation of twilight portals. Which I am about to do, since I left the forest and spawned back into a blood moon/creeper rave ambush. -_-
Blargity, keep meaning to post and instead get distracted by playing...

That said, had recently come back to Minecraft and decided to try some modpacks. After mucking with several, I've settled on Hubris and have been playing that for about a week now and have some constructive criticism I thought I'd share(note I've been playing 1.3.0 so if any of the following's been taken care of, ignore it)

Remembering: The Defense quest - while a good idea(incentivizing and aiding players to get geared), really shouldn't be a gating quest. Between artifact armor and enchanted armor, it's considerably easy to get something that's better than the iron chest/legs the quest requires. Due to that, instead of being terribly beneficial to the player, it ends up being an iron sink.

My suggestion - Swap the positions of the Leather and Defense quests and move the recall stones reward to the More Space quest. This allows Defense to be available for those who can use it and ignored for others while allowing a more accessible progression path.

Agricraft Quest - Following this one up with another about the water tank/sprinkers that agricraft offers wouldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps a detection quest requiring 4 or so tank blocks and some water channels(remind the player in the quest text that these should be made from the same type of wood) and reward one or two sprinkers/channel valves.

General Magic: The Row Row Row(Rowan sapling) quest - While I'm not terribly fond of quests relying upon the player playing the RNG game to get the quest item, that's not my biggest issue here. The two main issues I have are as follows:
1. The rewards are from the exact same RNG pool that the intended item is from. First time I attempted this quest, I ended up with both alder and hawthorn saplings and zero rowan saplings. This means that the quest has a decent chance of making one feel like the only reward is unlocking the next quests.
2. Compared to the other magic lines(At least compared to what I've seen of them thus far), this feels like it's done a bit soon. Compared to say, the Ars Magica or Botania lines, by the time a quest requiring the usage of mutandis is asked for, the player would have had quests to actually make/obtain the items involved. In other words, I think there should have been a quest to facilitate the player in making the witches' cauldron needed for mutandis creation.

My suggestion - Change Rebirth's rewards to some extra saplings, clay bottles and perhaps a basic fume for the oven. Have the next quest be to obtain some anointing paste(with a mention in the quest dialogue about how to find seeds). Give a cauldron, block of netherrack and the eggs from Rebirth as a reward. Optionally, give a choice between a bucket or flint and steel as an additional reward. Follow this with the Something New(Mutandis) quest that already exists and perhaps also explain the recipe for mutandis instead of requiring the player to use NEI/Google to find it.

Related: NEI shows a shapeless crafting recipe for Mutandis that doesn't seem to work(White Dye/Bone Meal/Floral White Powder + Cactus Green/Floral Green Powder + Redstone = 3 Mutandis)

Natural Magic: The Basics: This one's more an overall question but why on earth is the reward mostly useless? At that point, the manastar isn't really going to be needed yet and the tiny potatoes do nothing. It kinda feels kinda meh at that point.

The Arcane: Calefactor: This quest doesn't seem to have a point. There's no reward(material or follow-up quests) to it.

A few things here:

1. From what I've read within the thread, it seems that hungercraft wasn't part of the pack at first and there was an issue with it being too easy to keep hunger satiated. Thing is, it really doesn't take much effort to remove hunger as a threat and merely make it a tedious mechanic(eating several pieces of food to fill a few hearts). It does take a smidgen longer to go from that stage to a point where hunger doesn't matter at all. This is something that could stand some looking into.

2. Non-Harvestcraft foods deserve to be looked at to bring their satiation amounts to comparative levels. I know there's a recipe or two from Witchery that should be considered either a light or normal meal and instead are considered snacks.

3. Epic Bacon has no business being considered a feast.

4. Why isn't the health regen mechanics that HungerOverhaul implements active? According to the mod's curse page, health regen should start when one has more than 3 shanks of hunger and get stronger the closer to full one is. Instead, it seems that we only heal if we're at 9+ shanks.

Overall, I like the pack setup though and look forward to where it goes.

I always thought that the mutandis RNG is stupid.

Regarding the tiny potatoes and the manastar, most people don't make them, so why not give them as a funny quest reward?

And im sure drastic made the calefactor quest so we know of the best furnace in the modpack, which is a reward in itself.

Other then that, i agree with everything else more or less.
Is it normal to find random twilight forest portals very close to spawn? I found one at my spawn and I used it to escape the taint, and I'm living there now.
Is it normal to find random twilight forest portals very close to spawn? I found one at my spawn and I used it to escape the taint, and I'm living there now.

You are not ripped apart by hordes of ultra zombiewolves?

EDIT: Is it save to imbue the bound armor?
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also another bug that i forgot to mention... At server we have a problem, that we often encounter mobs that just force serwer to be closed. We "repaired" it by going into FORGE config file and checked that those entities should be kicked and not forcing server to close.. But that means no wither from vanilia spawner and no ender Eye boss in ender. Also rats do that for us too.when they attack someone it closes server
No, but I did have a rat problem, but it was easy to fix as all I had to do was light the place up.

Well, you should have been though. Hordes of zombiedogs everywhere i go, unless im flying far above the trees. Unless... did you spawn in one of the open areas?
Really a mod with balls , but a problem arose really weird , if I try to update the Modpack beyond 1.3.0 adding optifine , saving crashes as well as the client ... I hope you can help me :)

No downloads plox, copy/pasta-ing to pastebin or similar is just generally easier and safer.
Anyone else getting an error unzipping the pack after downloading 1.4.1? The kb downloaded doesn't seem to match the total if that is any help.
You are not ripped apart by hordes of ultra zombiewolves?

EDIT: Is it save to imbue the bound armor?
I cant speak for every combination but imbue armor is fine on bound armor. DO NOT imbue dispelling on any armor from any mod at any time :/
Hey Guys! I'm playing Hubris A LOT! It super fun! But I have one problem, food. I did have a little bit at the start and found some in dungeons. But soon ran out, and now I have a HUGE plot for farming, so I could make my own great feasts. But I reached another stopping point. I need a few seeds such as strawberry or the white mushrooms. And looking into the inventory mod thing (The mod that allows you to see the recipes for crafting) I don't see any way, besides cheating to get these. Can someone help? Or do I have to find them in dungeons? Thanks and it's still an awesome mod pack!
Hey Guys! I'm playing Hubris A LOT! It super fun! But I have one problem, food. I did have a little bit at the start and found some in dungeons. But soon ran out, and now I have a HUGE plot for farming, so I could make my own great feasts. But I reached another stopping point. I need a few seeds such as strawberry or the white mushrooms. And looking into the inventory mod thing (The mod that allows you to see the recipes for crafting) I don't see any way, besides cheating to get these. Can someone help? Or do I have to find them in dungeons? Thanks and it's still an awesome mod pack!

Twilight forest look for blocks called berry garden and ground garden. If you break them you will get three items from the berries and mushroom selections respectively. If you right click a garden you can p i co up the block itself for inventory management.
Hey Guys! I'm playing Hubris A LOT! It super fun! But I have one problem, food. I did have a little bit at the start and found some in dungeons. But soon ran out, and now I have a HUGE plot for farming, so I could make my own great feasts. But I reached another stopping point. I need a few seeds such as strawberry or the white mushrooms. And looking into the inventory mod thing (The mod that allows you to see the recipes for crafting) I don't see any way, besides cheating to get these. Can someone help? Or do I have to find them in dungeons? Thanks and it's still an awesome mod pack!

Twilight forest look for blocks called berry garden and ground garden. If you break them you will get three items from the berries and mushroom selections respectively. If you right click a garden you can p i co up the block itself for inventory management.

In addition, save some of the gardens without breaking them into various food items, since they spread at a very slow rate, but it'll still save you some breeding if they happen to drop items further down the genetic line.
Hey Guys! I'm playing Hubris A LOT! It super fun! But I have one problem, food. I did have a little bit at the start and found some in dungeons. But soon ran out, and now I have a HUGE plot for farming, so I could make my own great feasts. But I reached another stopping point. I need a few seeds such as strawberry or the white mushrooms. And looking into the inventory mod thing (The mod that allows you to see the recipes for crafting) I don't see any way, besides cheating to get these. Can someone help? Or do I have to find them in dungeons? Thanks and it's still an awesome mod pack!

First off, I'm gonna be honest and say that I don't think feasts are terribly worthwhile unless you plan to go afk for quite some time in a safe area. The massive saturation they give is great early-game but once you have a growing operation set up, being able to keep a well-fed buff on you will help your health regen until you gain access to alternate methods of healing. With that in mind, what I have been doing my last few worlds has been to plant some apple trees as soon as I have a base started and juice the harvested apples. From there, I start a wheat farm before switching gears and working on Ars Magica stuff. Once you do the quests for spell creation, you'll have access to an easily obtainable Grow spell. At that point, I work on crossbreeding plants to obtain soybeans.

Now, if you are dead-set on using feasts, I see two that could use strawberries: Hearty Breakfast or Delighted Meal. Both have alternative options that can be used instead. Watching the cycling options, raspberries can be used for either and can be obtained via crossbreeding plants.

Another option would be to work on soybeans and a presser as well as the jaded amaranthus from Botania. Firm tofu + several dyes = Epic Bacon.

Edit: When I originally posted, was thinking of the material requirements for the rewarded dig spell when I was saying that the growth spell was easily obtained. Growth requires nine bones(combined with 8 wood ash each) for the stack of bone meal you'd need. Either hunt some skeles or roam villages till you find one with a graveyard. Break all the grave markers for a crapton of bones and rotten flesh(and potentially some mobs if you do so at night).
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@DrasticDemise I thought of a decent idea for the dryad/nature guardian. Add a quest for "the arcane" for detection of an inert spawner with a reward of a: crystal phylactery Soul of the dryad filled. Could add other criteria to the quest to balance as you see fit.