[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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how does the twilight cloak work? doesnt seem to be working atm but idk
sneak right click with it in hand to activate it then wait for the night...and it only makes you invizible when there is no light around you...also you can attack mobs without them get angry at you
A thousand blessings upon you. Those things are HORRIBLE. I've lost my AM2 spellbook twice now in Banished to those things.
Yeah, I know the feeling---a highly-levelled Iguana TiCo sword is rough, but losing your entire AM2 repertoire of spells is absurd. I play modded Minecraft with a strict "mobs no touchy my gear" rule, and set configs accordingly. (Don't get me wrong, I like the risk of me losing my gear because, for example, I fell into the void before I could Soulbound my stuff. But a random Thief Skeleton who ninjas me while I'm busy mowing down hordes of his friends---and, incidentally, who bypasses Soulbound because I don't die? I bring death to him, his family, and his entire species... by revoking their right to exist :p )

Is cobblestone supposed to be an infusion stabilizer? Sand, bricks, end stone, nether brick, and moss stone are as well. Or at least, that's what the tooltip says.
Was wondering this myself. I assume it's a tooltip error...? I know Thaumic Infusion re-added the Ordo infusion that can turn any block into an infusion stabilizer... maybe this is messing with the tooltips?

well tought will never end

Here is the seed
What... are those villages (megalopovillages?) Or is this an especially-enthusiastic Tier 6 Blood Magic demon invasion?

...and it only makes you invizible when there is no light around you...also you can attack mobs without them get angry at you
Is this the Xeno's Reliquary item? Does it use the standard Minecraft "invisibility" mechanic... for which you need to remove all your armor and not be holding anything to sometimes not be seen?

The Spectral Mantle (from Witching Gadgets) makes you absolutely invisible to everything except Spiders, Endermen and bosses... except you can't interact with anything, or use anything on your hotbar until you deactivate the cloak. It's still awesome, though---great for scouting ahead, and absolutely amazing for gravestone-retrieval. I keep a Spectral Mantle, a stack of Cobblestone and three Interdiction Torches as my emergency "gravestone retrieval kit": Activate the cloak, find gravestone, decloak and quickly drop a perimeter of Interdiction Torches. If things are shooting you, you've got Cobblestone to build a wall. It's almost foolproof... except for the damn Spiders ;)
What... are those villages (megalopovillages?) Or is this an especially-enthusiastic Tier 6 Blood Magic demon invasion?

idk what it is but i just spawned in that world and i saw a village...then when i checked my map...

Is this the Xeno's Reliquary item? Does it use the standard Minecraft "invisibility" mechanic... for which you need to remove all your armor and not be holding anything to sometimes not be seen?

it is vanilla invizibility...but it seems to not work anymore idk why...it worked at first
Is cobblestone supposed to be an infusion stabilizer? Sand, bricks, end stone, nether brick, and moss stone are as well. Or at least, that's what the tooltip says.
Not as far as I know. Unless something changed recently, there should be pretty much no actual blocks that stabilize, only things like heads and floating flowers and candles.
A thousand blessings upon you. Those things are HORRIBLE. I've lost my AM2 spellbook twice now in Banished to those things.
i hate the damn things and disabled them in config too, but they are nothing comparing to those hungry things, i am terrified to shit out of them (of course disabled them too), they can take every item you have, not just the one you are holding, stuff in your inventory, held item slot, even your armor, and worst they toss right away about 10 meters from you, sometimes into lava, and their worst part is that most of the time i don't even know what they stole so i can't cheat it up. they are a true nightmare in servers where you have no cheats and no config.

Just corrupted my save, somehow. I was using my Armor Imbuement table (My battlemage pants finally had reached enough XP to get the fourth tier upgrades!) and suddenly the game closed. Now every time I reload that world, as soon as the game starts loading (It gets as far as the Botania update prompt) it crashes again. :( :(
happened to me too, that damn dispelling enchantment corrupts the game, which is a shame since it's hands down the best one (imagine never having to worry about poison, wither and blindness again, plus completing the immunity ring of odin gives you (fire- fall damage- status effects - drowning?)

about the configs i also disabled bosses possibility of becoming infernal, it's a nightmare when they do (the water guardian i got had 300 HP not to mention his extra abilities)
Is the picks being sorted into your adventures backpack? I was confused on my tools disappearing to until i noticed i can mouse scroll the tools with tools that are in the adventure backpacks tool slots. As for the other stuff is it a visual bug or are they actually disappearing?
I've had that problem myself. My pickaxe keeps getting replaced with a duplicate of my Ender Staff if I get unlucky. It definitely has something to do with the backpack, it's never happened when I haven't been wearing one...
Any advice on mobility early game since the recall stones are currently broken?
what do you define early game? blink can be costly in mana for low levels and you also need a green skill point for it. i used the eye of the flugal (thou it's not very early) for long range or base and blink for normal. you can also use mark recall (you get them as quest reward), it will function as a fleutble recall stone (but only a single recall stone, you can't have 2 locations marked :( ) while it's uncomfortable, you may also just have to walk, if you are early game.
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what do you define early game? blink can be costly in mana for low levels and you also need a green skill point for it. i used the eye of the flugal (thou it's not very early) for long range or base and blink for normal. you can also use mark recall (you get them as quest reward), it will function as a fleutble recall stone (but only a single recall stone, you can't have 2 locations marked :( ) while it's uncomfortable, you may also just have to walk, if you are early game.
early game as in just having started and gotten the first 2 recall stone rewards. They are permanently on cooldown and can't be bound to locations currently, even after setting configs to no cooldown :/
Okay, crash report. I got some gear and went to Twilight Forest, thinking I could fend off the dire wolves long enough to maybe mine some ore. That turned out to not be the case because of course I ran into two at once, one completely invisible and the other with Alchemist to poison/wither me and thus bypass my armor. One of them had Webbing so I couldn't even run away. I died to wither damage and got this crash:


Currently TF is useless except to farm the Infernal dire wolves for loot once you have flight or something. You can't mine there safely, you can't put a base there, there's no point in adventuring there because the loot in the overworld is superior. There are no quests to do there either. So why is it even in the pack, if it needs to be this useless? This could be improved by having the wolves NOT be infernal. Nobody's going to build a base there when there are mobs constantly pestering you, infernal or not. A player without proper gear probably won't do very well trying to mine there either, even with non-infernal dire wolves. Or if there is a way to do it, it involves not fighting them at all, so they're not even an issue.
Currently TF is useless except to farm the Infernal dire wolves for loot once you have flight or something. You can't mine there safely, you can't put a base there, there's no point in adventuring there because the loot in the overworld is superior. There are no quests to do there either. So why is it even in the pack, if it needs to be this useless? This could be improved by having the wolves NOT be infernal. Nobody's going to build a base there when there are mobs constantly pestering you, infernal or not. A player without proper gear probably won't do very well trying to mine there either, even with non-infernal dire wolves. Or if there is a way to do it, it involves not fighting them at all, so they're not even an issue.

Without getting into Drastic Demise's brain, I believe the intention is this:

1. It provides a source of saplings, botania flowers, cows, pigs, chickens, et al. long after the taint has eaten all of the ones in the overworld.
2. It isn't meant to be an "easy living" spot to build a base in so you don't have to deal with the taint. Thus the wolves.
3. Mining in TF is almost entirely pointless (ore spawns are nerfed even more than in the overworld) EXCEPT in the Hollow Hills, which are absolutely awesome.

So, it isn't meant to have quests or be a base. It's a dangerous alternate dimension to go to in order to try to get resources which have all been destroyed in the overworld.
Without getting into Drastic Demise's brain, I believe the intention is this:

1. It provides a source of saplings, botania flowers, cows, pigs, chickens, et al. long after the taint has eaten all of the ones in the overworld.
2. It isn't meant to be an "easy living" spot to build a base in so you don't have to deal with the taint. Thus the wolves.
3. Mining in TF is almost entirely pointless (ore spawns are nerfed even more than in the overworld) EXCEPT in the Hollow Hills, which are absolutely awesome.

So, it isn't meant to have quests or be a base. It's a dangerous alternate dimension to go to in order to try to get resources which have all been destroyed in the overworld.
...but you can get all of those things easily in the overworld. Just venture out into new territory and there's plenty of trees and flowers which have yet to be eaten. I wasn't aware that TF had the ore generation nerfed, which further confuses me. I guess Hollow Hills are nice but they only have vanilla ores. I was going into TF to try to get some shards. At best, it's useful for killing neutral mobs, but you can just set up a fence around a Pure node near your base and get animals that way. So really, what's the point?

I am actually not sure how you're supposed to get all the ore you need. It's not like ingots spawn very much in chests, and the ore gen is nerfed to the point where I can get diamonds easier than iron! I guess I could melt down equipment from the lower levels of dungeons to get iron via alchemy? That's really slow though.

Taint damage is barely any issue once you have a wispy dreamcatcher so it's not like TF is some wonderland. Your base is elevated from the start to evade the taint, and you can make tainted saplings anyway for blocks that resist fibrous taint, so eventually you can make a base anywhere you want on the overworld. I am already at the point where I can make my first tainted sapling, actually! Yet I can't go into TF for anything? How does that make sense?
I'll just say that I was struggling a bit on metal resources, especially iron, before I decided to hit a Hollow Hill.

My troubles are now over.

I will say though, that you really REALLY want flight before you do this. The modpack has a ton of relatively easy paths to accomplish this though.
...but you can get all of those things easily in the overworld. Just venture out into new territory and there's plenty of trees and flowers which have yet to be eaten. I wasn't aware that TF had the ore generation nerfed, which further confuses me. I guess Hollow Hills are nice but they only have vanilla ores. I was going into TF to try to get some shards. At best, it's useful for killing neutral mobs, but you can just set up a fence around a Pure node near your base and get animals that way. So really, what's the point?

TF is also a great source of untainted nodes. As for setting up a fence around a Pure node near your base...Maybe. If you don't know much about spawning distances it's not hard to put your base in a spot where there are no pure nodes in the range in which passive mobs will spawn. Even with careful base selection I've sometimes just had the RNG screw with me until heading into the TF to grab leather was much faster than waiting to find and breed cows (pigs, pigs, more pigs, argh!).

I am actually not sure how you're supposed to get all the ore you need. It's not like ingots spawn very much in chests, and the ore gen is nerfed to the point where I can get diamonds easier than iron! I guess I could melt down equipment from the lower levels of dungeons to get iron via alchemy? That's really slow though.

As the pack notes, you're primarily supposed to use magic. Yes, diamonds are easier to find than iron. On my original Hubris world I ended up with almost 3 stacks of diamonds before I had a single stack of iron banked. In the long run, Botania is your resource for passive ore generation.

Taint damage is barely any issue once you have a wispy dreamcatcher so it's not like TF is some wonderland. Your base is elevated from the start to evade the taint, and you can make tainted saplings anyway for blocks that resist fibrous taint, so eventually you can make a base anywhere you want on the overworld. I am already at the point where I can make my first tainted sapling, actually! Yet I can't go into TF for anything? How does that make sense?

Interesting. I've never noticed the Dreamcatcher to make that much of a difference. I eventually dumped it in a chest in disgust, because it just didn't seem to do that much.

Your RNG loves you when it comes to Dreamcatchers I guess...And hates you on the TF. That puppy combo you got going in was admittedly nasty. I've done a fair bit of TF exploration with a stone sword and no armor, early on. Just move carefully, don't go into dense areas where wolves can sneak up on you, keep your eyes open for them, and if you spawn through the portal and they're waiting, walk them through the portal so they end up in the real world (just be darned sure when YOU go back to the real world that you've got full health and are ready to dance them through the portal again!).

re: elevated from the start, I always considered that something of a cop-out. I play enough skyblock with AS2. For Hubris, I like setting up on the ground in a pure node zone and just expanding outward.

But then, the whole reason I like DrasticDemise's mods so far is that they aren't a cakewalk. If you'll pardon the pun. ;)

I'll just say that I was struggling a bit on metal resources, especially iron, before I decided to hit a Hollow Hill.

My troubles are now over.

I will say though, that you really REALLY want flight before you do this. The modpack has a ton of relatively easy paths to accomplish this though.

It's also quite easy to noobpillar to the ores if you clear out the HH first and make sure to light it all up so you've got plenty of time to mine. Clearing an HH isn't at all a bad use of enough early-game iron to make armor and a sword.
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You can yeah, but the mobs in there are sufficiently numerous and nasty that flight is required to make the effort trivial. :)
Three strategery questions for you finer and capabler folk than I. A thousand blessings upon you for reading---and even more blessings (just a few trillion shy of a quintillion) for replying :)

How's My Armor?

This is my current "combat gear" set. Any suggestions/improvements/oversights/"ermahgerd-n00b-u-wear-wat?!"? I'm nowhere near Bound Armor as I haven't started Blood Magic, though I could pull off a full set of Elementium if I really wanted to. (Of course, replacing any of my primary gear means starting from scratch with AM2's Armor Infusion, and sweet Jesus it takes forever to level up gear.)

Battlemage Circlet
Enchantments: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Soulbound
Infusions: Burnout Reduction, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance​
Earth Armor
Enchantments: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Soulbound
Infusions: Mana Regeneration, Physical Resistance​
Battlemage Leggings
Enchantments: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Stealth V, Pounce V, Ascent Boost I, Soulbound
Infusions: Mana Regeneration, Physical Resistance​
Boots of the Meteor
Enchantments: Protection IV, Repair II, Stealth V, Haste III, Soulbound
Infusions: Mana Regeneration, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance​
Talisman of Remedium (Amulet)
Enchantments: None (I vaguely recall you could get Repair on this somehow...?)
Ring of Runic Shielding +5 (Ring)
Ring of Runic Shielding +5 (Ring)
Note: I'm very unhappy with Runic Shielding. Am I doing it wrong? It goes down after a single hit from just about anything, even back when I was wearing Runic gear in all my Baubles slots. Right now, I just can't think of anything better to stick in the ring slots for combat.
Tectonic Girdle (Belt)

[Answered!] Best Long-Lasting, Hover-Capable Flight Mechanic?
The modpack has a ton of relatively easy paths to accomplish [flight] though.
Could you (or anyone!) elaborate on this, please? I'm trying to build a mage tower with a lot of aesthetic complexity, and not having the ability to fly (hover, really) for extended periods of time is pretty much the one thing keeping me from finishing it. So far I've tried and/or considered...
  • Air Sled (Ars Magica 2) --- This thing handles like a parachute with palsy in a sharknado. I can barely move without it skipping and stuttering. Anyone else have success with the Air Sled?
  • Thaumostatic Harness & Thaumostatic Spire (Thaumcraft & Automagy) --- I've been extremely disappointed in the Spire's performance in keeping my Harness topped-off with Potentia: It has terrible range unless you boost it with Aer essentia, but it consumes that Aer faster than anything I've seen---a Warded Jar per minute, at least. Flying with this set-up always makes me feel like I'm running out of time.
  • Enchanted Broomstick (Witchery) --- I haven't started Witchery, but I'm pretty sure you can't hover with this.
  • Flügel Tiara (Botania) --- Requires 4x Gaia Spirit to craft, and since I'm still too afraid to fight the Arcane Guardian (yes, I know, I'm a delicate flower), I'm definitely not all that excited about facing the Gaia Guardian.
  • "Flight" Spell Component & Hourglass Ritual (Ars Magica 2) --- Requires a Red Infinity Orb. See above re: too delicate to summon the Arcane Guardian (I mean, I at least need to get all my gear up to Armor Infusion rank 3, for Magic Resistance, right?).
EDIT (Solution):
for flight look up belt there a belt that cost some nether stars and some feathers and that lets you fly like in creative mode
You're awesome. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.

To anyone else with the same question: It's the Belt of Flight from Runic Dungeons, and it's exactly as dathwesix described: some Leather, Gold, Feathers and a Nether Star is all you need.

[Answered!] Best Auto-Crafting Solution?
Feeding a Hungry Node requires a really simple production line: Oak Log --> Oak Planks --> Crafting Table. Are fiddly Crafty Crate setups or multiple golems & Golem's Workbenches my only two options? Any easier ways to automate converting logs into Crafting Tables?

Edit (Solution): I immediately re-read the Crafty Crate entry in the Lexica Botania, and discovered Crafting Patterns. Crafting Patterns make simple recipes extremely easy to mass-produce with nothing more than a Crafty Crate and a Hopper.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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for flight look up belt there a belt that cost some nether stars and some feathers and that lets you fly like in creative mode
Awesome: Exactly what I needed. You're good people, thanks a ton! I've edited your solution into my post for others to see.
Awesome: Exactly what I needed. You're good people, thanks a ton! I've edited your solution into my post for others to see.

Long version:

either you are mid- game or you prefer good base then good equipment. anyway, the talisman is a great decision, the runic rings are crap. also you are not too much into the enchanting, i think by the time i had bound armor i needed to replace a fully imbued armor. anyway are you invincible? if not, replacing the boots is a possibility. also, you were wise to not fight the gaia guardian- that damn things kills armor like butter. the II guardian destroys even earth armor! anyway, elementium is pure crap, however consider terrasteel for an unbreakable armor until you get bound armor (or just stay with terrasteel- with protection IV i think it's equal to bound armor in physical damage resistance, if not better). another option is to go with blood magic right now- you don't really need well of suffering for bound armor if you have lots of self sacrifice along with a single fallen kanade and a bit of power. generally you can pretty much stop blood magic in tier 4, you have more blood capacity then you can ever waste, a nice amount of rune slots, the bound blade and armor and all the good sigils, you really are pretty set up. also well of suffering is unnecessary if you don't intend to go tier 6- you may not be able to keep your bound blade on all the time, but you can easily make yourself enough blood for whatever you need it, and since there is no machines to automate with lava\ smelting, large amounts are not required. anyway the gaia guardian II can drop an amazing ring you really should get, which gives you 10 extra hearts as well as fire and fall resistance (ring of odin). fight both gaia guardians with terrasteel sword, magic and bows don;t effect them and they have damage caps, so bound blade, spells, bows and i believe wands are useless, making terrasteel beam the only ranged option (and since you can't get any better damage then that of an enchanted terrasteel sword on the guardian, no use in bound blade or any other sword). also flight is unefficent during the fight, so don't relay on that.

Short version:

my endgame build:
armor: all bound armor, choose your sigils
rings: one odin, one far reach
amulet: the talisman is fine
belt: flying belt
weapon: AM2 unmodified projctile lightning.
rushing blood magic for the armor is a good idea, use self sacrifice instead of well of suffering will actually make things easier, get fire resistance on the armor if you intend to wait a while before the next stage.
when you have the armor, fight the gaia guardian I and then II with a terrasteel sword, until you get ring of odin. excaliber is also very useful, doing a better job killing him then the terrasteel sword.
get a few botania rings of your choice.
your pretty much done.
Eunomiac, sorry it took me awhile to see your post. Darthwesix has already spilled the beans on my favorite flight technique, as it's easy and completely maintenance free.

The Flight spell in AM2 is also easy enough. You do have to either luck out on dungeon loot (infinity orbs find their way in there sometimes) or wait until magic level 41 before you can nab it. I wouldn't bother too much with the Hourglass ritual myself. It's easy enough to recast. And later on you'll get the duration modifier which helps a lot.

Thaumostatic Harness is the one that's potentially available the soonest, since it doesn't require any exotic ingredients. The Potentia is renewable by burning charcoal, and a full tank lasts long enough to be worthwhile. You'll need some inventory spaces for refills, but with the backpacks and ender bags and so on, that's unlikely to be a big issue. :)

Agreed about the spire. Not worth the investment unless you have some kind of automated Aer farm.

The Gaia Guardian, in its first iteration, isn't TOO bad a fight, especially if you have a Talisman of Remedium. You won't want to wear your AM2 armor for it though. It does a lot of armor damage. Unbreaking diamond armor is better. Terrasteel better still. You may need to adjust tactics to compensate for reduced Ars Magica potency. You can't chain hits on the Guardian; it teleports each time it takes damage. Focus on attacks that hit hard, but slowly. Keep a faster attack technique on hand though, since as it gets low on HP it'll start summoning swarms of normal mobs to help out. Also, resistance to knockback via the tectonic belt or an artifact piece is -highly- recommended. Oh, also, you can't fly during that fight by any means. So don't bother bringing your flight bauble.

The tiara is a great flight technique though! Almost as good as the belt of flight, and leaves the belt slot open for other baubles. Just be sure to have a good supply of mana. The ring slots are useful for upgraded rings of aura and mana, for this purpose. Later you can make a mana mirror to connect to a dedicated pool.

Don't bother with Elementium in my view. It's only slightly better than iron armor in defense, and the pixies aren't all that potent. Maybe if you use the ring and sword from the set...but there's MUCH better weapons and baubles to be using.

I've been using a suit of battlemage armor to level it, but I also have a 'high threat' suit of diamond artifact armor. Regeneration, damage resistance, knockback resistance and many other abilities make it a nice suit to wear in situations where I'm not sure if the mage gear will be enough. Great for dungeon crawls. Unlike vanilla mob armor, artifacts have no Thaumcraft aspects, so are essentially useless except for vanity displays if you don't use them. A lot of them are junk, but you can find some real gems out there too, if you keep looking.

The Runic Armor is not SUPER great, no. Big bad mobs will swat it fast. What it IS good for is protecting your health from hunger-sapping hits from peons. In a dungeon environment, it's not uncommon to get swarmed by lesser mobs. You may not take much damage, but any damage softens you up, and forces you to eat and deplete resources. Runic armor will block several hits from vanilla mobs, and recharge quickly and at only a small cost of a resource that isn't terribly useful for much else in combat (your wand foci will be playing second fiddle to your AM2 spells until they're super upgraded, and even then will often be overshadowed). And even blocking one hit from an infernal or boss mob can save your hide.

I am using an Amulet of Runic Armor most of the time. I have a Talisman of Remedium for harder fights, and fights I know I'll need it. You may be able to stick Repair on it with a book, but I just put it in the Ars Magica Arcane Reconstructor. Expensive in etherium, but I don't use it for a whole lot else. :)