[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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a trick to mining nether ores may be to use an excavation focus or mining spell.
P.S. on the point of spells, am i the only one that thinks the fling spell is OP?
the one from the quest reward allowed me to do 22 damage to the twilight forest dogs
Fling is potent, but it has limits. For one, it's useless in enclosed areas like dungeons. For two, you don't get 'credit' for the kill. The fall damage is environmental, and isn't attributed to you. No exp (I believe you get AM2 magic exp for successfully using the spell though).

The mining spell will still cheese off the pigmen, I can confirm. I expect the focus would too, but I haven't tried it.

Also, spells will cause the ores to sometimes explode, just like picks. So be wary. :)
Nether ores are in, yes.

The pigmen aren't all infernal, but some are. And they tend to aggro unpredictably. That's partly from Nether Ores (they are angered if you mine ore too close to them), but there seems to be a chance for them to turn hostile for no discernable reason as well. It doesn't happen ALL the time, but you definitely want to watch your back when the pigmen are around.

I recommend enclosing your portal in cobble, and slabbing all the surfaces inside that enclosure, asap. You do not want a mob of angry pigmen camping your portal. :)
i looked at the config a while ago, 5% of them are automatically aggressive, and if you attack them all the rest will get mad as well (but honestly, they are pretty laughable opponents if you got a reasonable armor and a lightning spell that can 1 hit them). also 5% of them are passive (bow holding pigmans can't attack you, in their face!).
I've been tinkering around in the configs, mostly with an eye to ramping up the world's hostility now that I'm a Mbit Tahoma more established, and thought I'd share my changes in case they appeal to anyone else (and to check with DrasticDemise that I'm not missing some really good reason to leave things as they are :) )

Anyone else customize the configs who would like to share? Who knows, maybe DrasticDemise will see something worthy of the next version :)
  • HoloInventory.cfg --- Originally, I disabled this mod because I found it distracting. But then I reviewed the configs, and with a few tweaks, solved my issues with it :) The first thing to note: there's a "/holoinventory" console command you can use in-game to add containers to a blacklist, preventing them from displaying a holo inventory:
    • I:keyMode=1 --- Not sure why this was disabled, but this enables the Holoinventory hotkey (configurable in Options -> Controls); you can use it to turn holo inventory on and off as needed
    • I:mode=3 --- This changes how items are displayed. There are a few options, all of them described very well in the config's comments. I went with option three: Displays a maximum of three items, prioritizing bigger stacks. (The default is to display everything.)
    • B:renderName=false --- Prevents displaying the name of the inventory in the hologram.
  • thaumcraft.cfg:
    • biome_taint_spread=200 --- This will hopefully make Taint spread significantly faster and more aggressively, as currently... it spread is glacial, if there's any spread at all.
    • S: portablehole_blacklist=iron_door,mossy_cobblestone,mossy_templeblock,monster_egg:3,monster_egg:4,stonebrick:1,stonebrick:2,obsidian,end_stone --- Added my standard set of blocks to the Portable Hole Focus' blacklist: This prevents the Portable Hole from penetrating things like Moss Stone Brick and Cracked Stone Brick, limiting its use in Strongholds (and other dungeons), with End Stone and Obsidian thrown in for flavor. (Considering the number of mods, this is one list that could get a whole lot bigger... but effort.)
  • SpecialMobs.cfg:
    • I:thief=0 --- (appears twice in the config file) This disables the "special" Skeletons and Endermen that steal your items, because plz no
      • in an undocumented feature, it also enables a special circle of hell reserved for whoever thought this mechanic was a fun idea in the first place :p
    • _allow_vanilla=true --- (appears multiple times in the config file) By default, "normal" vanilla mobs are disabled---every mob that is spawned is a "Special" mob. Setting this to "true" allows vanilla versions of mobs to spawn, which is important for things like harvesting essentia fragments with the Cursed Spirit's Blade. Because it appears separately for each mob, you'll need to set it each time... and you might want to adjust the mob weights in the lines below, as the vanilla weight is quite high (after all, it didn't need to be changed since vanilla mobs were being disabled):
      • I:_vanilla=# --- Except, replace '#' with the total value of all the "special types", listed immediately below. Ugh, that sounded complicated. You'll know what I mean when you see it, trust: just add up all of the numbers in the "I:baby=1, I:thief=0, etc." list right beneath "I:vanilla", and replace the default I:vanilla=30 with that total (Cave Spiders, the first mob in the config, ends up being I:_vanilla=6.) This should make vanilla mobs spawn 50% of the time---enough to maintain compatibility with the Cursed Spirit's Blade or the like.
  • InfernalMobs.cfg: I disabled some abilities I found more annoying than fun, and enabled a few others:
    • B:"MM_1UP enabled"=true --- The first time you kill the mob, he comes back. Nasty. I like it.
    • B:"MM_Blastoff enabled"=false --- I'm tired of randomly flying into the air because of a mob I can't see, and never will see... especially when, with fall damage immunity, there's zero threat to me.
    • B:"MM_Choke enabled"=false --- Never seems to do any real damage to me, and (I think) it sometimes bugs out, leaving bubbles over my hunger bar
    • B:"MM_Darkness enabled"=false --- I'm locked into Ender Affinity, which gives me night vision. There's a bug (it's a bug right? I'm calling it a bug) when combining Blindness & Night VIsion: you can't see anything... at all.
    • B:"MM_Regen enabled"=true --- Why not? Kinda makes poison, wither and fiery effects a bit more interesting.
    • B:"MM_Rust enabled"=false --- These mobs do more durability damage to gear, a fact to which I reply: [redacted]. Because I don't think this is fun. I also don't think anyone thinks its fun---a truth that is protected by some grand conspiracy to which I was not invited, because They know I'm too smart and that I'd not only see the Truth, but also follow-up with an eloquent monologue in which I swiftly convince everyone to remove their metaphorical tinfoil hats and to turn against their diabolical shadowy overlords, ideally in a betrayal montage set to some awesome music, like say Journey. But I digress.
    • B:"MM_Webber enabled"=false --- After every Blood Moon, my base is littered with Cobwebs I gotta clean up. No more!
Okay that's all I got for now :) Would love to hear your thoughts on the above, and definitely want to hear about any config changes you've made!

Edit: Holy shit, I can't believe all that formatting actually survived posting. I was so convinced it would be a mangled mess, I took a screenshot and was ready to post that instead and then rage-quit.
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Holy heckfire, you can disable the floaty 'here's what's in your chest' display?


It's not so bad for chests, but I love the Bibliocraft bookshelves and shelves, and it's TERRIBLE for those.
  • SpecialMobs.cfg:
    • I:thief=0 --- (appears twice in the config file) This disables the "special" Skeletons and Endermen that steal your items, because plz no
      • in an undocumented feature, it also enables a special circle of hell reserved for whoever thought this mechanic was a fun idea in the first place :p
A thousand blessings upon you. Those things are HORRIBLE. I've lost my AM2 spellbook twice now in Banished to those things.
Just corrupted my save, somehow. I was using my Armor Imbuement table (My battlemage pants finally had reached enough XP to get the fourth tier upgrades!) and suddenly the game closed. Now every time I reload that world, as soon as the game starts loading (It gets as far as the Botania update prompt) it crashes again. :( :(
Just corrupted my save, somehow. I was using my Armor Imbuement table (My battlemage pants finally had reached enough XP to get the fourth tier upgrades!) and suddenly the game closed. Now every time I reload that world, as soon as the game starts loading (It gets as far as the Botania update prompt) it crashes again. :( :(
would it be possible for you to use the backup?
This is normal ? Im using the latest version.
Just corrupted my save, somehow. I was using my Armor Imbuement table (My battlemage pants finally had reached enough XP to get the fourth tier upgrades!) and suddenly the game closed. Now every time I reload that world, as soon as the game starts loading (It gets as far as the Botania update prompt) it crashes again. :( :(
use mcedit to remove the block
Is cobblestone supposed to be an infusion stabilizer? Sand, bricks, end stone, nether brick, and moss stone are as well. Or at least, that's what the tooltip says.