To be honest, I'm starting to move away from trying to create a single Energized Node for my base, to instead creating multiple Energized Nodes where I need them. Big Aura Nodes with 100+ of a single Primal Aspect are fairly common, and it's not too hard to find a Bright one. I have a pure Ignis Energized Node fuelling my Infernal Furnace and Infernal Blast Furnace, a pure Aer Energized Node for my Thaumostatic Spire, etc.Hm. Interesting notion. Does involve having taint in my lab, briefly, but that can be cleaned up in a jiff once it energizes.
Food for thought, should I ever need a larger energized node than the one I have now.
I use the Arcane Deconstructor a lot, and absolutely love the Otherworldly Aura---both of which gobble up lots of Dark Etherium. But yeah, I have a lot of extraAs for the blood moon Aurum, that's a cool idea, but now much dark etherium do you ever actually -need-?It feels like overkill.
Stylish, hilarious overkill.![]()

There are lots of reasons to go to the Twilight Forest:Ah, that reminds me!
Is there really a reason to go to the Twilight Forest? Seeing as how it's peopled by packs of insane Infernal Death Dogs and has no ore generation?
- Aura Nodes: They're just as common in the Twilight Forest as they are in the Overworld, and none of them are Tainted.
- Botania's Mystical Flowers: They're everywhere---bring a Horn of the Wild and a Flower Bag and you're set pretty much permanently. (There's also plenty of grass for all manner of other seeds.)
- Mining: Only vanilla ore generation has been disabled in the Twilight Forest. You can still find Thaumcraft and Ars Magica ores, so the Twilight Forest is a great source of crystal shards, Vinteum Ore, etc. But there are plenty of opportunities to get vanilla ore, too:
- Hollow Hills: Only natural vanilla ore generation has been disabled in the Twilight Forest. Point an Arcane Bore at a Hollow Hill, and harvest all those ore-riddled stalactites.
- Treasure Bags: Yes, those Infernal Wolves are absolutely infuriating... but they're also a nearly endless supply of Rare Treasure Bags, which are an excellent source of Diamonds, Gold, Emeralds and (especially) Ender Pearls.
- And let's not forget you can get Nether Stars (!) and Primordial Pearls (!!!) from Rare Treasure Bags. Sure, the drop chance is incredibly low, but I've gotten one of each so far. (The Primordial Pearl was especially ridiculous.)
- Hollow Hills: Only natural vanilla ore generation has been disabled in the Twilight Forest. Point an Arcane Bore at a Hollow Hill, and harvest all those ore-riddled stalactites.
- Passive Animals: Transformation Powder is extremely common Twilight Forest loot, and it allows you to transform the (also extremely common) Deer into vanilla Cows, Hogs into vanilla Pigs, and Rams into vanilla Sheep. This is the only way I was able to get a breeding pair of Cows after my existing farm animals had maxed out the passive mob cap in the Overworld (which stopped vanilla mobs from spawning).
- Early on, Twilight Forest is also the easiest place to get Wool, Leather and meat---just by running around and killing the animals.
- Thaumcraft Research: Along with the Aura Nodes, most Twilight Forest items, blocks and entities have Thaumcraft aspects---scanning them gives you lots of research points (though, again, anyone who's hurting for research points in Hubris isn't scanning enough Aura Nodes).
- Twilight Forest Loot: There's plenty of Twilight Forest loot that can be worth raiding a Lich Tower, Hollow Hill or Leaf Dungeon (fly to the canopies of those huge Twilight Oaks, and listen for the hissing of Spiders---they're guarding a Chest or two of loot). I've already mentioned Transformation Powder, but there are a few other very useful items:
- Uncrafting Table --- spend experience to "uncraft" any item that has a crafting recipe, getting back the components (it can be very profitable to uncraft dungeon loot, as they sometimes contain very valuable ingredients)
- Mining Tree Sapling --- plant it, grow it, and it'll start materializing blocks of ore all around it---basically a free Orechid; you don't even have to give it Stone
- Tree of Transformation Sapling --- another magical tree, this one will change the surrounding biome to Twilight Forest
- Ore Magnet --- this item works like a Bow: draw it, then let go, and a random block of ore appears at your feet. Each use costs durability, but that's why we have Arcane Reconstructors. It's definitely overshadowed by better methods later in the game, but this item is very common (even the smallest Hollow Hills are likely to have at least one in a Chest) so it's quite useful early on
- Cool Decorative Blocks: Fireflies are the perfect natural lighting for a thematic Witchery setup, while the Smokers and Flame Jets from the Fire Swamp are awesome for jazzing up your base with some "special effects" (just use Silk Touch to pluck them out of the ground).
- Really Fun Dungeons: Twilight Forest is the oldest "adventure" mod, and it's been in continuous development from the beginning. It shows: the dungeons are fantastic. (The Ur-Ghast's tower is my favourite, but they all offer unique challenges---especially if you approach them "as intended," which means---in particular---no flying.)
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