[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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lol...no no, I'd keep it in the bottle! Nothing says 'sorceror supreme' like a little bottled black hole as a conversation piece in the living room.
Hm. HMM.

Obsidian room. 3x3. Hole in the top so I can throw stuff in. I wonder if there's a way to block the hole off that the node wouldn't eat. Item Grate...some kind of block on a piston...

A black hole garbage disposal might be cool. Doubles as a very efficient execution chamber, once I have villagers who can potentially dissent my rule. Nothing a little Projectile Mark/Recall can't fix.

"Send him to the Dark Room."

Hm. HMM.

Obsidian room. 3x3. Hole in the top so I can throw stuff in. I wonder if there's a way to block the hole off that the node wouldn't eat. Item Grate...some kind of block on a piston...

A black hole garbage disposal might be cool. Doubles as a very efficient execution chamber, once I have villagers who can potentially dissent my rule. Nothing a little Projectile Mark/Recall can't fix.

"Send him to the Dark Room."

Yeah I have set up a few hungry node fueled torture chambers. For some reason nobody ever came out of that room that went in... But about the blocking of it sticky piston with obsidian should do the trick.
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Alright I started up this pack again after not getting very far in it before. Was food nerfed since 1.2.2? I can't imagine why. You have to go out into the taint to get seeds before you have any food, which means you wind up taking a bunch of taint damage which you can't regenerate because no food. Then you're expected to kill zombies for jerky, which don't spawn because tainted creepers are taking up all the spawn slots or they can't spawn on fibrous taint or something. You can't get a fishing rod either because spiders aren't spawning.

I remember night being extremely dangerous because of blood moons or some other special spawn conditions. Now it's just... nothing. So basically the early game is starvation and boredom.
Doesn't HAVE to be. Start the game by breaking the grass like a crazed lawnmower. Do that and do the first HQM quests. Find either a pure node to set your base over, or an untainted beach, so you'll have grass blocks to bonemeal when you get bonemeal from quests.
Alright I started up this pack again after not getting very far in it before. Was food nerfed since 1.2.2? I can't imagine why. You have to go out into the taint to get seeds before you have any food, which means you wind up taking a bunch of taint damage which you can't regenerate because no food. Then you're expected to kill zombies for jerky, which don't spawn because tainted creepers are taking up all the spawn slots or they can't spawn on fibrous taint or something. You can't get a fishing rod either because spiders aren't spawning.

I remember night being extremely dangerous because of blood moons or some other special spawn conditions. Now it's just... nothing. So basically the early game is starvation and boredom.

The lack of mobs is something I have been wrestling with forever. Tainted lands do not naturally spawn vanilla mobs - only the tainted mobs such as the spiders taintacles or swarms. I disabled the swarms specifically as they were the most frustrating mob ever. I still do not have a solution as mobs cannot spawn on half-blocks such as fibrous taint under any condition, and have not found a mod that breaks that rule. My only half-solution was to hackily force spawns with biome tweaker.

On top of this, the pack is designed to keep the player mobile until they get a bit of gear from dungeons and such. As long as you are constantly moving you will experience mobs and new flora.
It seems like they can spawn on Tainted Soil during blood moons, but yeah...what I've found is that the swarms of tainted creepers that are constantly roaming around the loaded chunks means that even when I have dark areas of untainted land, the hostile mob cap is always reached. Blood Moons notwithstanding since they remove the spawn caps.

It hasn't been a HUGE problem for a while for me, though I did suffer from lack of bone meal for a little while. And I hoarded the rotten flesh I got from post-blood moon kills like a madman, knowing I'd need it for tallow later.

But you do have to plan ahead, or you can have a tough time.
The lack of mobs is something I have been wrestling with forever. Tainted lands do not naturally spawn vanilla mobs - only the tainted mobs such as the spiders taintacles or swarms. I disabled the swarms specifically as they were the most frustrating mob ever. I still do not have a solution as mobs cannot spawn on half-blocks such as fibrous taint under any condition, and have not found a mod that breaks that rule. My only half-solution was to hackily force spawns with biome tweaker.

On top of this, the pack is designed to keep the player mobile until they get a bit of gear from dungeons and such. As long as you are constantly moving you will experience mobs and new flora.
Thinking about it more, I don't think the fibrous taint is the problem in my case. There are beaches nearby which means there's room for mobs to spawn, I just stopped getting them for no apparent reason. Also, because crusted taint spawns naturally during worldgen, mobs can spawn on that. Fibrous taint only seems to grow on non-tainted blocks- tainted soil and crusted taint can have mobs spawn on them, right?

There must be a bunch of mobs underground in my world taking up spawn slots since I haven't been moving around much. Also, it seems like tainted creepers might not want to despawn? In my experience, regular creepers will despawn at some point so you don't run into them much during the day. Not so with tainted creepers.
Tainted mobs don't despawn. I've noticed this. And for some reason, tainted creepers appear to spawn in tainted areas. I'm not sure how, or from where. I know that I never had that many normal creepers ever...so they're not all just turning.

It's kind of weird.
The lack of mobs is something I have been wrestling with forever. Tainted lands do not naturally spawn vanilla mobs - only the tainted mobs such as the spiders taintacles or swarms. I disabled the swarms specifically as they were the most frustrating mob ever. I still do not have a solution as mobs cannot spawn on half-blocks such as fibrous taint under any condition, and have not found a mod that breaks that rule. My only half-solution was to hackily force spawns with biome tweaker.

On top of this, the pack is designed to keep the player mobile until they get a bit of gear from dungeons and such. As long as you are constantly moving you will experience mobs and new flora.

If I remember correctly, there is a way to make animals that eat taint correct? Might I suggest supplying the player with a one time use spawn of an animal modified to do that, early on? Gives them a animal companion, a way to clear an area faster without having to break all the taint by hand, and the animal is unlikely to be attacked by hostile mobs, which means that after a night or two, the sheer amount of fibrous spread would be a bit negated, maybe enough to help with vanilla mob spawning.
If I remember correctly, there is a way to make animals that eat taint correct? Might I suggest supplying the player with a one time use spawn of an animal modified to do that, early on? Gives them a animal companion, a way to clear an area faster without having to break all the taint by hand, and the animal is unlikely to be attacked by hostile mobs, which means that after a night or two, the sheer amount of fibrous spread would be a bit negated, maybe enough to help with vanilla mob spawning.

Except that getting such animals is one of the things you work towards in endgame, so...That kind of nukes the impact of it in the endgame and makes a lot of the things you achieve along the way much less meaningful.

The intent has already been declared: run around like mad the first few days harvesting mats, find a pure node, create your base, then begin the necessary magical research to remove the taint.

Once you have achieved ethereal blooms you'll find it's MUCH easier to expand the untainted area, but even that is a much earlier achievement than breeding taint-eaters.
Except that getting such animals is one of the things you work towards in endgame, so...That kind of nukes the impact of it in the endgame and makes a lot of the things you achieve along the way much less meaningful.

The intent has already been declared: run around like mad the first few days harvesting mats, find a pure node, create your base, then begin the necessary magical research to remove the taint.

Once you have achieved ethereal blooms you'll find it's MUCH easier to expand the untainted area, but even that is a much earlier achievement than breeding taint-eaters.
Right, the issue being that, at least personally, I had no clue this was a possibly till someone mentioned it in the thread. Even if it's mentioned in the quests for the mod, you have to get a full infusion setup running before you can even read about it, and that'll likely be after you get to stable medium tier infusions, unless you like to gamble on how much extra essentia you'll need, damage you'll take, and flux you'll dump into the area.
Before that I assumed that the only ways to get rid of the stuff (beyond digging entire chunks away, which doesn't actually destroy taint) was biome changing or blooms, both of which are very grindy and hard to automate, if it's even possible. And I'd argue that one animal is unlikely to be very effective beyond when you first start out, and I doubt you can breed them normally (though you might be able to....)
Basically, it'd be a nice way to help people clear space, an interesting and new way to start a map, and double as a pointer to the fact that you CAN make more of the thing, as well as to the fact that it exists.
Blooms aren't at all hard to automate, once you've got automated sano collection. Golems are your friends. Your short little unimaginative friends who get hung up on every tiny little variation in terrain...
The easiest way to jar a hungry node once its fed is to use obsidian and a wand of equal trade. You build the jar replacing the glass with obsidian then equal trade the obsidian into glass and quickly turn it into a node in a jar. If you do it right you have a massive node that is ready to energize and make a massive energized node.
Two issues though. First, you have to get very friendly with that node to put obsidian around it. One mistake means having to Recall out before you feed it yourself.
Surrounding a Hungry Node with Obsidian isn't difficult, thanks to one weakness: a Hungry Node can't pull you off an edge if you're holding Shift. So, you can inch your way towards the Hungry Node by building a bridge, placing blocks down at your feet as you're dragged closer---you'll always stop before being pulled off your bridge, as long as you're holding Shift.
Second, you have to unjar it to energize it, and it stays hungry until the process is complete. With luck it won't absorb the components necessary to perform that function.
This is the real reason you don't want a Hungry Node in your base: It will retain its "Hungry" quality until fully energized, which takes a while for a big node. During that time, it'll keep eating anything around it---including the Node Transducer and Node Stabilizer you're using the energize the node.
I know it can be done, but it seems uncertain enough and enough of a headache that I'd rather just set up a 'vis room' full of feeder nodes and do it the slow but sure way. :)
But there's an easier way: When you're finished growing your Hungry Node, chuck Bottled Taint at it (or move it to a Tainted Lands biome) and wait until it becomes a Tainted Node. Aura Nodes can't be both Tainted and Hungry; the Tainted quality will overwrite the Hungry quality, giving you a very big Tainted Node. Then you bring it back to your base and energize it.

Feeding Hungry Nodes is, by far, the easiest path to a large Energized Node in your base: Simply surround it with Obsidian, put a Chunkloader down, and feed it a steady supply of Crafting Tables (the Fabrico aspect can break down into any of the six primal aspects). You can feed it by leaving a gap in the side of the Obsidian cage, running a stream of Water past it, and (using a Magic Mirror, or an Ender Chest --> Hopper --> Open Crate) steadily dropping Crafting Tables upstream, one-by-one. The Obsidian cage will protect anything upstream from the Hungry Node, and the Hungry Node can't eat flowing Water blocks. If you automate the entire thing (Logs --> Planks --> Crafting Table --> Drop into Mirror/Ender Chest) and keep it chunk-loaded, you'll have a node with 500 in every aspect in no time (for an Energized Node that puts out ~22 cV/tick). Use Bottled Taint to taint it on the spot (less jarring means less opportunities to damage it), then bring it home. I suggest finding one in the Twilight Forest, so you don't risk your Hungry Node becoming tainted prematurely in the Tainted Lands biomes of the Overworld.

In other, unrelated news: Black Aurem + Siren's Lure + Blood Moon = PROFIT.

Hm. Interesting notion. Does involve having taint in my lab, briefly, but that can be cleaned up in a jiff once it energizes.

Food for thought, should I ever need a larger energized node than the one I have now.

As for the blood moon Aurum, that's a cool idea, but now much dark etherium do you ever actually -need-? :) It feels like overkill.

Stylish, hilarious overkill. :)
Surrounding a Hungry Node with Obsidian isn't difficult, thanks to one weakness: a Hungry Node can't pull you off an edge if you're holding Shift. So, you can inch your way towards the Hungry Node by building a bridge, placing blocks down at your feet as you're dragged closer---you'll always stop before being pulled off your bridge, as long as you're holding Shift.

This is the real reason you don't want a Hungry Node in your base: It will retain its "Hungry" quality until fully energized, which takes a while for a big node. During that time, it'll keep eating anything around it---including the Node Transducer and Node Stabilizer you're using the energize the node.

But there's an easier way: When you're finished growing your Hungry Node, chuck Bottled Taint at it (or move it to a Tainted Lands biome) and wait until it becomes a Tainted Node. Aura Nodes can't be both Tainted and Hungry; the Tainted quality will overwrite the Hungry quality, giving you a very big Tainted Node. Then you bring it back to your base and energize it.

Feeding Hungry Nodes is, by far, the easiest path to a large Energized Node in your base: Simply surround it with Obsidian, put a Chunkloader down, and feed it a steady supply of Crafting Tables (the Fabrico aspect can break down into any of the six primal aspects). You can feed it by leaving a gap in the side of the Obsidian cage, running a stream of Water past it, and (using a Magic Mirror, or an Ender Chest --> Hopper --> Open Crate) steadily dropping Crafting Tables upstream, one-by-one. The Obsidian cage will protect anything upstream from the Hungry Node, and the Hungry Node can't eat flowing Water blocks. If you automate the entire thing (Logs --> Planks --> Crafting Table --> Drop into Mirror/Ender Chest) and keep it chunk-loaded, you'll have a node with 500 in every aspect in no time (for an Energized Node that puts out ~22 cV/tick). Use Bottled Taint to taint it on the spot (less jarring means less opportunities to damage it), then bring it home. I suggest finding one in the Twilight Forest, so you don't risk your Hungry Node becoming tainted prematurely in the Tainted Lands biomes of the Overworld.

In other, unrelated news: Black Aurem + Siren's Lure + Blood Moon = PROFIT.

Hmm hadn't thought of the twighlight forest idea. Might have to explore that option in the future.
Ah, that reminds me!

Is there really a reason to go to the Twilight Forest? Seeing as how it's peopled by packs of insane Infernal Death Dogs and has no ore generation?

I've never played through TF far before, so I've no idea if the 'loot' of the mod is competitive with the loot of the other mods in the pack (artifacts and reliquary in particular). I suppose if the dog spawns can be controlled with lighting or something, you could set up a pretty nice village and/or farm there.
