[1.7.10][HQM] Tame the World - Magic and Tech, Exploration, and Pain

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can't download :(

Error while downloading modpack: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
Error while downloading modpack: java.lang.Exception: Modpack download failed


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... I thought FTB hosted on their own, looks like it's still a piggy back of my orginal download location for them I'll see what i can't do.

Edit: Just deleted / redownloaded the pack, it's working on my end. Not sure... I'll see what's going on.


Waila doesn't seem to be working. Is there something I'm doing wrong? According to the modlist, it's enabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Waila doesn't seem to be working. Is there something I'm doing wrong? According to the modlist, it's enabled.
Ah hey sorry about that

Just hit the Numpad 1 button and it should turn it back on. I think I had managed to turn it off in my test instance on accident and it got pushed out like that.

Edit Also I couldn't find anything that would prevent a download, it's all handled from FTB's end so it should be ok. Not sure what's causing the issue there.

1.10 should be ready for release hopefully... i want to say as soon as IE releases their next patch and then i'm going to kick it into overdrive to get the quest written. So let's say...

1.10 Should be out before January 15th
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Wow, it never even occurred to me that there might be controls for it, controls one could look up ingame. *facepalm*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Placing a normal oak fence gate in the world crashed and game and wouldn't let me get back in. I removed the 2 malisis doors mods and was able to get back in and delete the gate. Also I got a pumpkin seed from the sieve and it wasn't being detected by the quest Seeds of Beginning. I creatived in a pumpkin and converted that to seeds to get it to detect.

As a side note the seeds form sieving and the ones from the pumpkin stack and have the same item number.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I /think/ the fence oak issue should be corrected in the upcoming 0.1.10 thanks to an update to Malis Doors, I'm going to give it a quick test again on the test instance I run to make sure

I'll take a look and see what I can do about the Pumpkin Quest seed

Edit: Got the seed issue, was set as crafting, not detection quest, will be a detection test in future versions. Fence gates (at least when I place them in creative) seem to be ok too. I'm just waiting for IE to release Version 0.6.5 and then I'll get 0.1.10 out
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rope in the Hopped Up quest doesn't seem to be detecting either. I crafted some and I found some, neither worked. Also tried creativing it in and that didn't work either. I forgot to mention before I am really enjoying your pack. It's been a while since I've played a pack that has been keeping me this entertained. Thanks for your work on it. On a side note, is there any kind of storage options other then normal chests? Edit, I seemed to have missed the storage draws.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rope in the Hopped Up quest doesn't seem to be detecting either. I crafted some and I found some, neither worked. Also tried creativing it in and that didn't work either. I forgot to mention before I am really enjoying your pack. It's been a while since I've played a pack that has been keeping me this entertained. Thanks for your work on it. On a side note, is there any kind of storage options other then normal chests?

Hmm, that one should be gotten by crafting the rope from leads, but I'll go ahead and set it as a detection quest

Hmm how else is there to craft it I wonder?

That aside Storage Drawers is usually the best method for storage outside of regular chest, there should be a quest chain in Chapter 2 on it (Which is getting an overhaul here in 0.1.10)

Also Always happy to hear that folks are enjoying the pack!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Placing a normal oak fence gate in the world crashed and game and wouldn't let me get back in. I removed the 2 malisis doors mods and was able to get back in and delete the gate. Also I got a pumpkin seed from the sieve and it wasn't being detected by the quest Seeds of Beginning. I creatived in a pumpkin and converted that to seeds to get it to detect.

As a side note the seeds form sieving and the ones from the pumpkin stack and have the same item number.
I think a gate stopped the server from working at one point. So yea that sounds familiar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Think I found a bug. With the Immersive Engineering hammer when you combine it with copper, bauxite, nickel, gold, lead and silver ore each one will yield a different amount of copper ingots instead of grit. Iron ore seems to give grit as it should.


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Think I found a bug. With the Immersive Engineering hammer when you combine it with copper, bauxite, nickel, gold, lead and silver ore each one will yield a different amount of copper ingots instead of grit. Iron ore seems to give grit as it should.
that is a rather notorious bug atm, fullphaser is waiting for IE to update so the bug is fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was pretty excited about trying this pack but my mouse arrow is invisible when I go to my inventory or the options menu after I load my world. Anyone know how I can fix this?


We played your pack for a couple of hours now and are enjoying it so far. The quest progression is nice and helpful as a starting point to get into the mods (which is why I chose the pack, so yay ^^).

Some feedback:
- Garlic seeds from Pam's Harvestcraft seem to be missing from the game. Garlic can't be crafted into seeds and the item is also missing from NEI. Seaweed seeds can't be crafted from seaweed either, but they show up in NEI. This way we can't finish the quest that asks for the different seeds.
- I have the same bug that Shiphty mentioned with the mouse cursor not showing up. Restarting Minecraft will sometimes fix it. I was playing in windowed mode. I feel like it might have to something with the Dragon API alert window (when the bug occurs it's also not possible to close that window for some reason).
- The locked inventory system is a little awkward. It may be because we were playing together via LAN but shortly after starting the vanilla achievements wouldn't register properly and the system doesn't unlock the later achievements until you complete the earlier ones. This way several hours in we crafted wooden pickaxes and hoes again to unlock the inventory space.
- The Creeper spawn rate (regular vanilla ones) seems unusually low. We would frequently encounter Zombies and Skeletons, but it took us several hours to find our first Creeper. Maybe just bad luck.

I'm looking foward to playing more. :) Keep up the good work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We played your pack for a couple of hours now and are enjoying it so far. The quest progression is nice and helpful as a starting point to get into the mods (which is why I chose the pack, so yay ^^).

Some feedback:
- Garlic seeds from Pam's Harvestcraft seem to be missing from the game. Garlic can't be crafted into seeds and the item is also missing from NEI. Seaweed seeds can't be crafted from seaweed either, but they show up in NEI. This way we can't finish the quest that asks for the different seeds.
- I have the same bug that Shiphty mentioned with the mouse cursor not showing up. Restarting Minecraft will sometimes fix it. I was playing in windowed mode. I feel like it might have to something with the Dragon API alert window (when the bug occurs it's also not possible to close that window for some reason).
- The locked inventory system is a little awkward. It may be because we were playing together via LAN but shortly after starting the vanilla achievements wouldn't register properly and the system doesn't unlock the later achievements until you complete the earlier ones. This way several hours in we crafted wooden pickaxes and hoes again to unlock the inventory space.
- The Creeper spawn rate (regular vanilla ones) seems unusually low. We would frequently encounter Zombies and Skeletons, but it took us several hours to find our first Creeper. Maybe just bad luck.

I'm looking foward to playing more. :) Keep up the good work.

Hi There always happy to hear folks are enjoying it.

- Garlic seeds are intentionally removed, It's intended that you uses Witchery's Garlic (which is fairly simple to farm up), in place of the garlic from Pam's gardens. Pam's and Witchery's garlics can be used in the same recipies though. Just the ones from the gardens can't be regrown. The Seaweed seeds I'm not sure what's causing that. I've opened This: https://github.com/MatrexsVigil/harvestcraft/issues/49 - A while ago but I haven't heard anything back. I man manually re-add the seeds with a .zs script in the coming update

- I'll see if the update to Dragon API / etc. fixes it which is coming out in the update, but that's the third time I'm hearing about it which is a little worrisome because as of yet I can't reproduce it in 0.1.9, or my test version in any meaningful shape or fashion, but I am looking to see what's causing it.

- On the Achievements not sure if it was the lan, but yeah the First Chapter of the Quest book is intended to be accomplished completely solo to help unlock each achievement step by step as even if you have mined up diamonds if you've never made a crafting bench it will never fire off the achievements

- I'll take a look at the Creeper Spawn Rate, I know that Special Mobs can put higher weight on other things, but that is admittedly a bit odd

Thanks for the Feedback!


About the garlic seeds: Okay, I get that. But how do I complete the "Seedy Business" Quest (you have a typo there in your quest book btw ;)) then? Because this one calls for garlic seeds specifically and I can't get those.