[1.7.10][HQM] Tame the World - Magic and Tech, Exploration, and Pain

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Howdy! Having fun with the mod pack (even though I keep getting killed =P)

It appears that NEI has no recipe for Rainbow Curry. I looked it up on the FTB wiki and it doesn't look like it's craft-able in this mod pack so I can't complete The Meal quest.
Hi there, I apologize for the delayed response. I didn't even realize, that will be corrected in 0.1.12

Also news on the IE front it looks like we might have found a legitimate bug


So I'll wait for the next update push and have that out in the 0.1.12 Update

Also, I don't know if you guys actually enjoy this kind of content, but...


This is what the new quest is shaping up like
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So I've actually noticed quite a few quests that don't complete properly. I think they're set to be crafted in order to get credit, but the recipes aren't "crafting" recipes. The tanned leather, for example, doesn't complete because it's smelted and it doesn't seem to recognize that it's been taken out of the furnace. I just noticed the same with the clay jars for witchery. I think a lot of these issues would be fixed if they were set to detection tasks rather than crafting tasks.
Do you remember the name of the witchery quest? The Tanned leather quest I got taken care of so it should be fixed in 0.1.12
Going down the immersive engineering line, it tells me to break down ore with the hammer into grit. I've tried this every which way and I don't think it works that way any more. NEI says the grinder is the only way to make grit, making it impossible to finish the "Grit your teeth" quest at the stage it's presently located at (toward the start).
By the way, this pack has something strange going on with the zombies running around at warp speed, which makes fighting them completely impossible as you can barely even see them, let alone swing fast enough to hit them. My guess is there's a strange interaction between the multitudes of mob mods you have installed that are amplifying the speed settings. I read "zombie awareness" boosts speed, deadly world spawns "brutal" versions with increased speed, and who knows what else. Either way, the zombies need fixing.

Edit: I've noticed it's the ones tagged "hungry zombie" that has warp speed.
Going down the immersive engineering line, it tells me to break down ore with the hammer into grit. I've tried this every which way and I don't think it works that way any more. NEI says the grinder is the only way to make grit, making it impossible to finish the "Grit your teeth" quest at the stage it's presently located at (toward the start).

This is a bug with Immersive Engineering https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/issues/1028

By the way, this pack has something strange going on with the zombies running around at warp speed, which makes fighting them completely impossible as you can barely even see them, let alone swing fast enough to hit them. My guess is there's a strange interaction between the multitudes of mob mods you have installed that are amplifying the speed settings. I read "zombie awareness" boosts speed, deadly world spawns "brutal" versions with increased speed, and who knows what else. Either way, the zombies need fixing.

Edit: I've noticed it's the ones tagged "hungry zombie" that has warp speed.

I'll take a look, the only change had been Zombie Awareness and I've reached out to Coro already to ask them if there's anything they know about in the .10 release that might have caused it, but if it is a specific zombie varient that's got the path finding issues I can just disable it in 0.1.12

Edit: Fixed it was being caused by ZombieAwarenesses ZombieRandSPeedBoost which was set to 5. In 0.1.12 this will be set to 0
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Hello there. First of all good job with this pack.
I'd like to add some bugs/insights i've been encountering since the 2 day rush of mine.

Firstly :
The quest named Swiper no swiping, 2nd phase when it ask's for tanned leather.
I cooked 3 of them, taking them with shift + left click, right click , left click, but didn't seem to update my quest.

Your a wizard Harry -
This quest is strange, when i craft my wand it doesn't update, but i tested and it seems it requires a full wand to turn in. (as creative mode wand has all aspects)

In thaumcraft, u may add somewhere in the quest to find recipes off the thaumonomicon book and research them. Well i'm not so good at modded minecraft, but your modpack is so newbie friendly, it helped me a lot to learn the mods. Especially thaumcraft (My sincerest thanks)

For the insight thingie. Hunger overhaul and slice of life mods are really good thought. But there is a slight problem you have missed. After you plant like four apple trees, you don't need to cook or make other food. Apple, carrot etc can be eaten as many times without having a decrease. And eat four food before turning to normal can be more in my opinion, gives more challenge, and looking up to new recipes.

It's all i got in my mind, very well done and good luck for the future, nice work +

Edit : Another quest bug i forgot to mention ,
Sam as Swiper no Swiping, Decoration -> Factor it in -> Concrete
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Hello there. First of all good job with this pack.
I'd like to add some bugs/insights i've been encountering since the 2 day rush of mine.

Firstly :
The quest named Swiper no swiping, 2nd phase when it ask's for tanned leather.
I cooked 3 of them, taking them with shift + left click, right click , left click, but didn't seem to update my quest.

Your a wizard Harry -
This quest is strange, when i craft my wand it doesn't update, but i tested and it seems it requires a full wand to turn in. (as creative mode wand has all aspects)

In thaumcraft, u may add somewhere in the quest to find recipes off the thaumonomicon book and research them. Well i'm not so good at modded minecraft, but your modpack is so newbie friendly, it helped me a lot to learn the mods. Especially thaumcraft (My sincerest thanks)

For the insight thingie. Hunger overhaul and slice of life mods are really good thought. But there is a slight problem you have missed. After you plant like four apple trees, you don't need to cook or make other food. Apple, carrot etc can be eaten as many times without having a decrease. And eat four food before turning to normal can be more in my opinion, gives more challenge, and looking up to new recipes.

It's all i got in my mind, very well done and good luck for the future, nice work +

Edit : Another quest bug i forgot to mention ,
Sam as Swiper no Swiping, Decoration -> Factor it in -> Concrete

Thank you for the bug reports,
I am happy to hear that the Full wand will trigger the quest, I was little worried about that. Thankfully that bug should finally be squashed all proper like as they say in 0.1.12
Swiper no Swiping I think I've already got, but wasn't aware of the Factor it in quest, that should be fixed in today's build

With Immersive Engineering releasing 0.7.5 You guys should expect a release here... probably around next week for 0.1.12
Updated to Version 0.1.12

Version 0.1.12
Mods Added
- Gany's Nether Mod
- Squidless
Mods Modified
- Difficult Life
Mods Updated
- Updated to Weather / Storms (2.3.9 -> 2.3.10)
- Updated FTB Libs / Util ( 0.13.3 -> 0.17.6 )
- Railcraft ( ->
- Immersive Integration (0.6.7 -> 0.6.8)
- Rotarycraft (11 -> 12e)
- DragonAPI (11 -> 12e)
- Immersive Engineering ( 0.7.4 -> 0.7.5)
- Forge Multi Part ( ->
- StorageDrawers (1.9.4 -> 1.9.7)
- Reosurce loader (1.2 -> 1.3
Config Changes
- Added Tags for Tame the World for Open Eye
- Increased chance of Blood Moon from 1/100000 to 1/1000
- Zombies won't reach Warp speed anymore
- Turned growthcraft Bee Generation off (again)
Script Changes
- Added soulGlass.zs to fix Gany's Glass / Natura Soul Sand glass compatability
- Added Gany's Nether Cooked Bat Wing to cooked Meats
Quest Changes
- New Chapter - Into the Firey Depths (Nether / Gany's Nether / Natura)
- Chapter 1 - Slightly reorganized!
- Chapter 1 - Leather Tis Nobler now has a reward
- Chapter 1 - A crooked Salesmen - Changed subquest around a bit
- Chapter 1 - Weathered Down now has a reward
- Chapter 1 - charcoal quest now has a reward
- Chapter 1 - New Quest for Mushrooms / Mushroom Stew
- Chapter 1 - New Quest for door
- Chapter 1 - Swiper No Swiping - Tanning your Skins - Now detection rather then crafting
- Agriculture - Removed Rainbow Curry as quest requirement (As it is uncraftable)
- Decoration - New quest for Topiary Grass
- Decoration - Factor it in - Now a detection quest
- Decoration - New Quest for Armor Stands
- Chapter 2 - You're a Wizard Harry - Players First Wand - Set to NBT Independent Detection
- Chapter 2 - Redstone - Redstone Comparator no longer required for quest completion
- Chapter 2 - Fuming with Envy - Now a detection task
- Chapter 2 - It's getting hot in here - Set t detection for the clay jars
- Thaumaturgy - Reordered quest a bit.
- Added wget.exe to libraries folder, it went missing at some time
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Dear Server owners I need your help. I've been running Opis Profiles against my test server, and have some configuration changes planned for 0.1.13 to help with lag, but if anyone has any ideas on what is causing their servers the most lag that would be very helpful. The test server I'm running appears to get about 3000-4000~ ms behind every minute or so, which makes me think it's garbage collection, Anyone know any way to help reduce that?
Erm i have couple questions,
Are you gonna make a Chapter 3 for the end game goals of mods you put? (Like i didn't see a quest for gaia guardian/spirit in botania)
And about starting the modpack, after getting iron meteorite is easier to find and makes diamond a bit useless. (actually i only use diamond for quest's/later stuff), what would you think about making meteorite obsidian level and requiring it (so people will -> wood-stone-iron-diamod/manasteel(maybe)-meteorite)?
There will be additional chapters for the book that are planned, including chapters on Forbidden Magic, Thaumic Horizon, and other smaller mods. In addition there will be a 3rd group of chapters that focus on gameplay after the Wither FIght / The End (As Hardcore Ender Expansion as installed with this pack). HOwever the focus for 0.1.13 will be performance improvements as well as making sure any errors in the quest are dealt with

I'll take a look at doing something about making meteorite so easy to find as I happen to agree it's a bit to easy
I'm really enjoying the pack as well. I will say I did add Reactorcraft and Expanded Redstone. I'm going to take a stab and guess that Reactorcraft wasn't added for a specific reason?

Has anyone tried making themselves a mob spawning tower? I can't for the life of me get mobs to spawn in dark areas intentionally, is there a mod that plays with that or am I just messing it up?
I'm really enjoying the pack as well. I will say I did add Reactorcraft and Expanded Redstone. I'm going to take a stab and guess that Reactorcraft wasn't added for a specific reason?

Has anyone tried making themselves a mob spawning tower? I can't for the life of me get mobs to spawn in dark areas intentionally, is there a mod that plays with that or am I just messing it up?
How far are you from it? How tall is the space? How much darkness lies underground? Is there another place mobs can spawn? Is it nothing or just barely anything?
How far are you from it? How tall is the space? How much darkness lies underground? Is there another place mobs can spawn? Is it nothing or just barely anything?

It's your generic mobfarm, a little over 30 blocks from the entrance to my base. I did discover that i's about one of the Artifacts/Battletowers dungeons that has a whole bunch of mob spawners. Perhaps that is causing it not to work. A test room 40 blocks in the air had mobs spawning as well as a different test room 50 blocks in another direction had mobs spawn inside. It appears that the problem is the dungeon underneath.
So I just started this modpack excitedly, due to it being the first modpack I found on the curselauncher with Rotarycraft in it. The DragonAPI notification tells me I should hold Ctrl to be able to remove it, but this isn't working. Every time I try ot move my cursor to the corner it immediately springs back to the middle of the screen. Am I missing something here?

I'll comment some more once I get a bit deeper into the pack, since currently I just started with the first chapter and got a stone pick.
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Version 0.1.13
Mod Downgrades
- Zombie Awareness Downgraded to Verion 1.9.6 (TPS Lag resulting in 50% lag on some servers)
Mod Updates
- Rotarycraft (12E -> 13A)
- DragonAPI (12E -> 13B)
- Immersive Engineering (.75 -> .77)
- Applecore (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1)
- Roguelike Dungeons (1.4.4 -> 1.5.0)
- Fastcraft (1.2.1 -> 1.2.3)
- Journey Map ( -> )
- Railcraft ( 9.10 -> 9.12 )
- CookingForBlockheads (1.3.4 -> 1.4.0)
Config Changes
- Silex were getting to frisky and lagging servers, made them a hint less frisky
- Adjusted Spawn Weights of Jengu / Zephyr / Silex
- Adjusted Ika SPanw rate
- Vanilla Versions of the normal mobs will spawn rather then special versions of those mobs
- Meteorite Ore no longer has natural ore generation, you have to get it from falling meteros
Quest Changes
- Chapter 1 - Swiper No Swiping - Bigger and better now a detection quest and using a different backpack.
- Chapter 1 - Vroom Vroom Shroom - Mushroom Soup Bowl detection updated
- Quest book forgot what heart canisters were, it was reminded.