1.7.10 FTB Pack News

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
Even you are asking the question we all want to ask, and were the one brave enough to ask it, PREPARE TO BE BANHAMMERED!!!!


Jul 24, 2013
So, I know that this will break a definite rule and probably annoy some people, but...
I needed to ask for an update on release times *please, don't hit me*
To clarify, I'm aware of the amount of effort that Jadedcat, Eyamaz and other modpack developers put into their work, and I also know
that they don't get payed and seemingly do it all for the genuine feeling of pleasure and accomplishment. Furthermore, I know that this goes
unappreciated by a lot of the community. But on the other hand, it's been several months since we've had any real updates (beyond the Unstable test pack of course) which is fine, and definitely a large step toward further updates, but the lack of even an extremely vague release date is distancing a lot of player from using FTB. In my own case, in particular, I just want to know if it's better for me to go through the painstaking effort to build my own pack using ATL or something similar, or wait for the FTB packs which will, invariably, be much better.
My friends and I love playing modded Minecraft together, but we haven't played in a long time while waiting for updates. We really want to start a 1.7.10 server, but we also love the FTB packs.
So ... that basically translates to (and I'm really, really sorry for asking and I know I'll probably just get blocked from the forum immediately) but:
is it worth waiting another month before starting a patchy 'homemade' server?
Even a little comment like "Pack development going smoothly" or some tiny piece of update news would put me, my friends, and I suspect a large portion of the fanbase, at ease. Also when I said I was aware of the amount of effort, what I actually meant was "I struggle with making basic modded packs and therefore you must be shining gods to produce the mod-heavy, intricate FTB ones". So that's more of an assumption than anything. I don't actually have much experience.
If in fact there have been some recent tidbits of news in regards to the 1.7.10 pack development then I'm really sorry if you read through my pointless post, and could you please link them?

*grovel, scrape, plead*

Why not go ahead and work on your own pack anyway? Before you know it you won't have to ask the forbidden question anymore, at least with regards to 1.7 packs :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Prawncraft I suggest that you find a pack that's available now and get your server going. It's all good experience for you running a server and you're missing out on playing with your friends right now. Plan with your server members to try out a few packs so nobody is expecting a long-term world. This is the same expectation I would set when you get an FTB pack going - there are likely to be things found that require world resets.

Really, there's no benefit in waiting around. Today there are lots of great packs.

BTW, there are 1.7.10 packs out right now but most of them are not that stable because mod authors are taking the opportunity while rewriting their mods to add some great new features.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Insert news stuff here

Ramble about things

Deny something

Accidentally cause drama

Give another ETA that will fail to met

Complain about something

Set up for the big outro

Drop the Mic

Flash a pic


Walk off the stage
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Jul 24, 2013
Insert news stuff here

Ramble about things

Deny something

Accidentally cause drama

Give another ETA that will fail to met

Complain about something

Set up for the big outro

Drop the Mic

Flash a pic


Walk off the stage

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having a 1.7.10 pack on the launcher myself I know how hard it is to make sure the pack is perfect! A lot of work and time has to be put in because why put out a broken pack? No one would play and it would have been a waste. The guys at FTB want the best packs out there for you to play all they ask in return is patience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having a 1.7.10 pack on the launcher myself I know how hard it is to make sure the pack is perfect! A lot of work and time has to be put in because why put out a broken pack? No one would play and it would have been a waste. The guys at FTB want the best packs out there for you to play all they ask in return is patience.

I'm not a Doctor, I have no need for Patients.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Insert news stuff here

Ramble about things

Deny something

Accidentally cause drama

Give another ETA that will fail to met

Complain about something

Set up for the big outro

Drop the Mic

Flash a pic


Walk off the stage

You forgot:

Survive yet another computer fire caused by the debate about when a new 1.7 pack might ever show up! :D

Cheers ...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I know that this will break a definite rule and probably annoy some people, but...
I needed to ask for an update on release times *please, don't hit me*

Well here's the thing. They are probably done. As much as they can be. They have probaly bin done a dozzen times or more. But that dousen'r mean they can release a pack.
The posses is such.

Build a pack.
Test it.
Watch it blow up in there faces.
Try to track down why it blew up and what mod blew it up.
Inform mod devs as to what blew up and why.
Then they are done.
That's it.
That's all they can do.
Once it's done they can only twiddle there thumbs until a dev manages to release a fix.

From the devs side.
Build a mod.
Test a mod.
Watch it blow up in there faces.
Try to track down why it blew up and what mod blew it up.
Try to fix it. Or inform what ever dev's mod broke it.
Go to 2 until stable.
Release a mod.
Wait until someone breaks it.
Try to find out for it broke.
Try to fix it.
Go to 1:

This process takes time. A lot of time and people. Some of witch have school and or jobs to deal with.
So the most many have to work on this is a few hours a day.
So it will always take months to put out a pack.
It would take months of continues effort to do so. And with only a few hours a say available to most. Yah please hold your breath it'll make you feel better.

Oh and I probably forgot a few steps.
I know you would like updates. But the amount of repetition of those steps would require a massive amount of updates to even make since. And would make things take so much longer.


Forum Addict
Team Member
Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
If you are playing with 4 or less players on the server, you are legally allowed to distribute it by whatever means you like (except for ad.fly, or ad.fly-like links). If you are playing with more than 4 other players, you can put the modpack through the launcher IF you have the permissions from the mod authors. Here is a OneDrive doc from someone ages ago that tabulated those that allow FTB modpacks or not (these may be outdated, so double check before you request to put your modpack on the launcher):

Also slightly offended by being called someone from ages ago. I've put a lot of hours into keeping that thing updated.


Relatable Gamer
Trusted User
Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
Also slightly offended by being called someone from ages ago. I've put a lot of hours into keeping that thing updated.
Watchful recently added tons of new mods to the spreadsheet. There were only four mods in all of Running Red that weren't on the spreadsheet, and those were either very recent or not very widely known mods. He did amazing work on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I know that this will break a definite rule and probably annoy some people, but...
I needed to ask for an update on release times *please, don't hit me*
To clarify, I'm aware of the amount of effort that Jadedcat, Eyamaz and other modpack developers put into their work, and I also know
that they don't get payed and seemingly do it all for the genuine feeling of pleasure and accomplishment. Furthermore, I know that this goes
unappreciated by a lot of the community. But on the other hand, it's been several months since we've had any real updates (beyond the Unstable test pack of course) which is fine, and definitely a large step toward further updates, but the lack of even an extremely vague release date is distancing a lot of player from using FTB. In my own case, in particular, I just want to know if it's better for me to go through the painstaking effort to build my own pack using ATL or something similar, or wait for the FTB packs which will, invariably, be much better.
My friends and I love playing modded Minecraft together, but we haven't played in a long time while waiting for updates. We really want to start a 1.7.10 server, but we also love the FTB packs.
So ... that basically translates to (and I'm really, really sorry for asking and I know I'll probably just get blocked from the forum immediately) but:
is it worth waiting another month before starting a patchy 'homemade' server?
Even a little comment like "Pack development going smoothly" or some tiny piece of update news would put me, my friends, and I suspect a large portion of the fanbase, at ease. Also when I said I was aware of the amount of effort, what I actually meant was "I struggle with making basic modded packs and therefore you must be shining gods to produce the mod-heavy, intricate FTB ones". So that's more of an assumption than anything. I don't actually have much experience.
If in fact there have been some recent tidbits of news in regards to the 1.7.10 pack development then I'm really sorry if you read through my pointless post, and could you please link them?

*grovel, scrape, plead*

You could probably get a rough estimate by researching the time period from the release of Minecraft 1.6.4 to the time when Tech World 2, Agrarian Skies, Monster, Direwolf or any of those 1.6.4 modpacks were added.
I'd do it but I already have enough research to deal with in my engineering studies.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could probably get a rough estimate by researching the time period from the release of Minecraft 1.6.4 to the time when Tech World 2, Agrarian Skies, Monster, Direwolf or any of those 1.6.4 modpacks were added.
I'd do it but I already have enough research to deal with in my engineering studies.

Probably not. Not this time. No number IDs have changed the process to much. It's faster for pack makers to work but the switch took longer for devs.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Insert news stuff here

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Give another ETA that will fail to met

Complain about something

Set up for the big outro

Drop the Mic

Flash a pic


Walk off the stage

Well done



Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2014
One question... Can I be slapped silly by the staff?

(Insert trollololol song)

Edit:FTFY ~eya

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