[1.7.10] Engineer's Toolbox - Now with programmable sockets!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got a crash when I placed a BC Gate and tried to open it up next to one of your machines.


  • crash-2013-07-28_18.02.21-server.txt
    26 KB · Views: 107


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.5.10 is out. It adds IC^2 compatible item chargers/dischargers.


You know man, I was gonna participate in modjam as my very first modding experience, but the company I am working at started fundraising so I just had to accept I couldn't do it. But I'd really love get my feet wet by experimenting with adding some additional faces to your mod. Would you be interested in some input on the code side? I'd happily wave rights to the code and I'll make sure all my pull requests come in cleanly. I've never written a mod for Minecraft in my life, but I'm a professional software developer and pretty much live on the JVM (albeit I am a clojure dev by day).

Interested in a bit of help/hinderance with this mod?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got a crash when I placed a BC Gate and tried to open it up next to one of your machines.

I've seen that before. I didn't realize there were still issues with it though. I'll fix it for the next release.


You know man, I was gonna participate in modjam as my very first modding experience, but the company I am working at started fundraising so I just had to accept I couldn't do it. But I'd really love get my feet wet by experimenting with adding some additional faces to your mod. Would you be interested in some input on the code side? I'd happily wave rights to the code and I'll make sure all my pull requests come in cleanly. I've never written a mod for Minecraft in my life, but I'm a professional software developer and pretty much live on the JVM (albeit I am a clojure dev by day).

Interested in a bit of help/hinderance with this mod?

I'm planning on making a few major changes to allow for a public API that will allow anyone to do just that, and quite easily too. It could be out within a few days. The mod was for the most part designed with other mods adding modules in mind, but there are a few things that weren't that I now have to fix.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh by the way Emasher, I just noticed something.

2 blocks of iron and a block of diamond. For an IC2 macerator? I'm makin' shifty eyes at you, man. Shifty eyes. :D You're about as expensive as 2 hardmode GT automatic macerators just for that face, and that isn't usable further investment. Many other things are sorta costed okay, with miniaturization considered a premium. This block... is not one of those things.

But could I recommend something? Just delete it. Instead, take a cue from yoru fracking block and do something totally different. Make a face that is less expensive, but works by taking the block adjacent to it and breaking/consuming it into dusts using substantial water. This would mean you'd need ANOTHER block placer and redstone logic for coordination, and a water generator. You might wanna add like 2 steps (a fracker and electrolyzer) that can actually yield 2.25-3x (or 2.5 with a high variance). Don't get sucked into the dust production trap; Factorization is still the coolest ore processing and part of that is all the neat parts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm at the point now where I'm just finishing up the basic modules that I feel I need for a 'complete' mod. Basically, I've just got the advanced multi-io and the sorting and filtering modules (and maybe a block placer) to go. So I'm at the point where I can just start adding fun stuff to the mod. Ore processing is certainly an area I want to do something cool with, and I'm playing around with a few ideas. As it is the grinder is pretty much useless if you have another mod that adds something similar (I don't even use it in my own SSP world), so I agree that it probably has to go. The eventual solution will probably end up being more complicated (and expensive) than the dust model, but will give better yield. The idea would be to make it something that you would set up mid to late game after using the methods from other mods first. It will probably be parallel in terms of cost to the GT industrial grinder, but cooler.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Emasher,

I am very interested in this mod. Although I am also a tiny bit annoyed. I had just finished making my modpack with over 100 mods and I had resolved not to add any more until I make a 1.6 pack. I guess that resolution is going down the pan. Only joking, I am not annoyed and I can't wait to add this to my pack. Even though you said it was buggy I think I will add Gascraft too. It looks so fun. Some notable forum members including KirinDave have said that minecraft shouldn't be a considered to be purely a resource collection game. I agree that building cool machines/structures/farms or anything else you want is at the heart of minecraft but I am all for novel approaches to resources in the world and their collection. I like the fact that Gascraft provides a new set of "natural" resources to acquire with new ways to acquire them. Furthermore, engineers toolbox looks like it will satisfy the builder in me too.

Well, I was hoping that I wouldn't be downloading and installing new mods to my instance but I feel happy to make an exception this time (and probably the new logistics pipes that has been added to some of the FTB packs too! May as well add them all at once eh?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've made some progress on the API, but the changes are taking longer than expected. Once I've got it ready, I'm going to attempt to fix all outstanding bugs and exploits to try and get a really stable release. I hope to have that ready by the end of the weekend. Once that's done, I'm going to re-write GasCraft as an ET addon, which has been long overdue.

After that, I suppose I should think about updating to 1.6


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a quick update:

I'm pretty close to having the API finished. I've got everything working with it, but there are still a few features I have to add to it, primarily to support custom rendering of textures. And there's a small list of bugs that I still need to address, which includes:

-Certain modules render incorrectly when placed on the bottom of a socket
-The wrench is missing some standard functionality
-Transparent facades create an x-ray exploit
-The server packet handler ignores dimensions when sending data to clients
-Sockets tile entities sometimes persist when dismantled
-BuildCraft pipes don't insert items into modules on the bottom of sockets
-Some IC^2 api calls are made client side that shouldn't be

I intend to fix all of these in the same release as the API, which I hope will be out within the next week. Barring any newly discovered bugs, I expect it will be the final release for Minecraft 1.5.2. Because BuildCraft is now out for 1.6, I'm going to be shifting development of all of my mods to 1.6 as well. This means that GasCraft probably isn't going to become an ET addon until I update it for 1.6 as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Engineer's Toolbox and Emasher Resource (formerly EmasherCore) are now out for Minecraft 1.6.2.

Emasher Resource has seen quite a few changes. The most obvious is that it now adds ores, gems, and metals, and the terrain blocks and hemp have been moved to it from AS#B. All world gen can be customized and disabled, and all but hemp and algae now have retro-gen.

Engineer's Toolbox hasn't changed a whole lot from the last 1.5.2 version. It now has the spray paint and hand boiler from GasCraft in it, and all the known bugs are fixed. Unfortunately, dismantled sockets no longer have the shimmering effect, and you can no longer control the EU output voltage (due to IC^2 API changes).

The developer API is still coming. I meant to have it out ages ago and for 1.5.2, but until about a week ago, I've been really busy IRL, and just haven't had the time. Once I get defense and GasCraft updated, I'll finish off the API and release it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've just released Engineer's Toolbox It has the deployer like module (called the "activator"). Just be aware that it may still have a few bugs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does this mod works fine with the e net changes of the IC2 1.6.2 or are the inputs/outputs power modules are not coded for the e net yet? If not will this mod cause problems with having IC2 or I can just use the other features of the mod fine?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ahh sweet finally something that will reduce the use of the e net. Then I can use Mj "that is a proven energy system" and then put these directly to the machines (just need transformer upgrades so they can take 512 eu/t without blowing up) Not to mention also cobble generation and infinite water without unreliable pumps!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks pretty neat, i will definitely try this out once i switch to 1.6 version.
Keep up the good work ;).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks pretty neat, i will definitely try this out once i switch to 1.6 version.
Keep up the good work ;).

Just so you're aware, there is a version for 1.5.2 on the download page as well.

For some reason you have both EmasherCore (a Minecraft 1.5.2 mod) and Emasher Resource (the 1.6.2 version) installed. Since you're running Minecraft 1.6.2, you need to delete EmasherCore. It should work fine then.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Engineer's Toolbox is now out. It adds various modules for processing ores, as well as a few other minor changes. Emasher Resource and Defense also have minor updates.

See the wiki for the full changelog and more details on the new machines.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Engineer's Toolbox is now out. It adds various modules for processing ores, as well as a few other minor changes. Emasher Resource and Defense also have minor updates.

See the wiki for the full changelog and more details on the new machines.
This fixed the aforementioned texture problem with the red sandstone.