Did some more testing and reading:
- This block-extender seems to only output in direction of it's obsidian-looking-area. So it would need to face the item-transfernode to get the items out of the harvester and would need to face the liquid-transfernode to get the sludge out. (edit: Actually this seems wrong. It can extract from inventories it's focused on, but maybe not works, cause the MFR Harvester has no "real" inventory? Not sure here...)
- While how it's put in should take energy to the harvester, it seems it's incompatible with the galacticcraft-wires. (it doesn't connect with the normal wires and the ones in the block, even it looks connected, seems to be ignored by the block-extender)
- Galacticcraft-wires 'can' be used directly with the harvester, as long as it's not connected to the output in the back (forgot about that during my first testing, connected it on the side and it seems to work fine with receiving power)
- You're missing a barrel for the oak-logs, they get stucked in the transfer-node when the block-extender facing it.
(tested while the block-extender faces the item-transfernode)
And last thing: When items are in the transfer-node and the harvester harvestes something else (like leaves), while the transfernode is blocked it simply spits out everything in the back. So guess blocking the back is really necessary to not make a mess. xD
Ah, found it out:
You may want to put a "Buffer" from refined relocation instead of the block extender. The Buffer can put the different things (items and liquid) to the transfer-node where they best fit. (so logs, leaves and stuff into the item-transfernode, sludge into the liquid-transfernode)
Only problem stay with the need to block the normal-output of the harvester and with energy. Not sure how energy works with this mod. I tried changing the galacticcraft-wires into a energy-transfernode with energypipe but it still takes no energy. (edit 2: even connecting an energycell not works. So even with showing a huge energybuffer the buffer not seem to take energy at all.)
- This block-extender seems to only output in direction of it's obsidian-looking-area. So it would need to face the item-transfernode to get the items out of the harvester and would need to face the liquid-transfernode to get the sludge out. (edit: Actually this seems wrong. It can extract from inventories it's focused on, but maybe not works, cause the MFR Harvester has no "real" inventory? Not sure here...)
- While how it's put in should take energy to the harvester, it seems it's incompatible with the galacticcraft-wires. (it doesn't connect with the normal wires and the ones in the block, even it looks connected, seems to be ignored by the block-extender)
- Galacticcraft-wires 'can' be used directly with the harvester, as long as it's not connected to the output in the back (forgot about that during my first testing, connected it on the side and it seems to work fine with receiving power)
- You're missing a barrel for the oak-logs, they get stucked in the transfer-node when the block-extender facing it.

And last thing: When items are in the transfer-node and the harvester harvestes something else (like leaves), while the transfernode is blocked it simply spits out everything in the back. So guess blocking the back is really necessary to not make a mess. xD
Ah, found it out:
You may want to put a "Buffer" from refined relocation instead of the block extender. The Buffer can put the different things (items and liquid) to the transfer-node where they best fit. (so logs, leaves and stuff into the item-transfernode, sludge into the liquid-transfernode)
Only problem stay with the need to block the normal-output of the harvester and with energy. Not sure how energy works with this mod. I tried changing the galacticcraft-wires into a energy-transfernode with energypipe but it still takes no energy. (edit 2: even connecting an energycell not works. So even with showing a huge energybuffer the buffer not seem to take energy at all.)
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