[1.7.10][240+ Mods] SeriousPack - Magic, Tech and Adventure | Custom Ore Gen

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Hey mate, anything going on with the server? At the moment unfortunately had a stopped server for a few weeks cause of the issues that should be fixed with the updates. If there is any other way for me to help, let me know.
Hey mate, anything going on with the server? At the moment unfortunately had a stopped server for a few weeks cause of the issues that should be fixed with the updates. If there is any other way for me to help, let me know.
Count me in with the brain, Narf!, I can offer a hand too if you need some help mate.
Seems like the author vanished. Since I just got back home I suppose I will get a similar pack made up so I can keep playing until he comes back. Ah well.
Seems like the author vanished. Since I just got back home I suppose I will get a similar pack made up so I can keep playing until he comes back. Ah well.

He's been putting up Terraria 1.3 vids on a regular basis, I can totally understand how he could get sidetracked by that. ;)
I checked this thread everyday since the last update... Just yesterday I went ahead and updated the pack, added new mods and removed some. Its allot of work testing a maintaining a pack of this size. I could totally understand why he would not have the motivation to update.:(
Sorry guys /o\ Yes indeed, Terraria kept me a bit too busy :P I'm not getting any email notifications from new posts her for some reason.

I'll get to work on the new update this week, so hopefully that will fix some of your issues too.
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Hey guys,

really sorry that it's taking so long for a new update to come out, my life is a pretty mess right now heh, so it's hard to find some time to update this.

I actually got one ready the last time i mentioned it, but then didn't find time to upload and send it out for review. By now a lot of mods have probably updated again.
I'm gonna try to take some time this weekend and get it ready, but i can't really promise anything.

I know it's frustrating to wait on someones pack to update (reason why i started my own in the first place) especially when some of you guys have pretty bad bugs, so i'll try my best!
There seems to be really cool new updates to some mods (especially botania, holy cow), and i also added the no more recipe conflict mod as suggested, super useful!

Will keep you guys update as much as i can!

Version 1.6.7, the "Better late than never" update is out!

Sorry that it took so long but i finally got around updating the pack and uploading a new version.

Some changes though:
  • Removed Factorization
  • Removed Technomancy
  • Removed Computronics
  • Removed Binnies Mod
  • Added Storage Drawers: Misc Pack
  • Added Wood Stuff
  • Added NoMoreRecipeConflicts

I'm gonna guess that some people might be upset about removing binnies mod, and this is actually only a temporary thing for us right now.
Forestry has been updated, binnies hasn't. I tried to use an older version of forestry but some mods i updated relied on it as well.
I don't have a lot of time anymore so i decided to remove binnies for now and maybe add it back later.

Also, reason i got to update the pack is because i started streaming more again and setup a server with my pack for patreons and long term viewers.
So if anyone is interested in playing on a stable server, feel free to read more about it in my twitch description: http://www.twitch.tv/seriouscreeper

As always let me know when you run into any issues and i'll try to get them sorted out asap.


Get please
in Misc.zs
and replace id biome in TwilightForest.cfg for example
biome {
so they do not conflict with biomesoplenty

Get please
in Misc.zs
and replace id biome in TwilightForest.cfg for example
biome {
so they do not conflict with biomesoplenty

Right i forgot to remove that line from Misc.zs, thanks!

I double checked the ids for twilight forest, only two seem to conflict (118, 119). I'll get those sorted out, the rest should be fine with their default values though?

Thanks a lot for reporting this! :)
I had a server crash when placing a Block named 'Crystal Growth Chamber' from AE2Stuff. It happen each time I am placing it.

This issue has already been mentionned in comment 25 on curse project page of AE2Stuff :

And the way to fix is in next comment (26) :

Mismatched versions.

If you are using AE2 rv3 alpha - use AE2 Stuff with -rv3 in the name

If you are using AE2 rv2 stable - use the normal AE2 Stuff (without -rv3 in the name)​

I checked the mods folder : you are using AE2 rv3 but with normal AE2 Stuff.

Please can you fix this problem in next update.
Thanks in advance.
I had a server crash when placing a Block named 'Crystal Growth Chamber' from AE2Stuff. It happen each time I am placing it.

This issue has already been mentionned in comment 25 on curse project page of AE2Stuff :

And the way to fix is in next comment (26) :

Mismatched versions.

If you are using AE2 rv3 alpha - use AE2 Stuff with -rv3 in the name

If you are using AE2 rv2 stable - use the normal AE2 Stuff (without -rv3 in the name)​

I checked the mods folder : you are using AE2 rv3 but with normal AE2 Stuff.

Please can you fix this problem in next update.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the great report!
Will fix and update it very soon!
Thanks for the good new

I was looking for a big modpack with AE2 (+AE2Stuff & ExtraCells 2), Big Reactor, Blood Magic, Botania, Builcradft, Compact Machines, Draconic Evolution, Thaumcraft (& lot of associated interesting mods) ... and I find ours by chance when comparing modpack on https://www.modpackindex.com/modpack/1-7-10/seriouspack (the list of mods may not be updated: for example, it is missing Ancien Warfare 2 in the list. I prefer telling you in case it was you who added and maintains these info on this website).

And there are also interesting mods for Bees ( Forestry, Extra Bee, Gendustry, Magic Bee), Ender IO, MineFactory Reloaded, Bibliocraft, Ender tech, Open computer, Solar Flux, Steve Factory Manager, Storage Drawer...

I just think that some mods are missing like 'Ex Astris' ( and 'Ex Nihilo' that need it), to have an alternative to 'generate' ressource using RF (and cobblestone, sand, gravel ...) instead of doing huge quarry that may create big holes in the map (if we don't use the ender quarry), in case you may be interested to add it in your modpack.

I hope you will maintain this modpack a long time.
Thanks for the good new

I was looking for a big modpack with AE2 (+AE2Stuff & ExtraCells 2), Big Reactor, Blood Magic, Botania, Builcradft, Compact Machines, Draconic Evolution, Thaumcraft (& lot of associated interesting mods) ... and I find ours by chance when comparing modpack on https://www.modpackindex.com/modpack/1-7-10/seriouspack (the list of mods may not be updated: for example, it is missing Ancien Warfare 2 in the list. I prefer telling you in case it was you who added and maintains these info on this website).

And there are also interesting mods for Bees ( Forestry, Extra Bee, Gendustry, Magic Bee), Ender IO, MineFactory Reloaded, Bibliocraft, Ender tech, Open computer, Solar Flux, Steve Factory Manager, Storage Drawer...

I just think that some mods are missing like 'Ex Astris' ( and 'Ex Nihilo' that need it), to have an alternative to 'generate' ressource using RF (and cobblestone, sand, gravel ...) instead of doing huge quarry that may create big holes in the map (if we don't use the ender quarry), in case you may be interested to add it in your modpack.

I hope you will maintain this modpack a long time.

Really glad to hear, thanks! :)
I do not manage the modpackindex thing, i submitted that list when that website just came out (and it wasnt possible to manage the list myself back then). But i'll get back to it and see if i can update it myself!

I'll check out Ex Astris but from what i remember, ex nihilo was in agrarian skies and once you got a lot going, it was extremely easy to generate resources, right? Might not fit into a pack like this.
There are some ways to get ores without destroying the landscape - enderquarry from extra utility replaces mined blocks with dirt, digital miner from mekanism can place blocks you give it to replace the ores it mines as well (it doesn't even touch the stone/gravel/etc, only the ores you tell it to mine), lasers from MFR generate ores from nothing using RF.
Probably a few more i'm missing, but just some options!

Pack has been out for a year now i think (geez, time flies!). I am trying to keep it up to date for as long as possible but there might always be times were i'm to busy to keep it up (like the last couple of month until the recent update).
But i'll try my best!

Note about extra bees: It's currently not in the pack. Binnie's mod doesn't update very often and unfortunately the current version doesnt work with forestry, and the version i used was necessary for some other mods. I'll probably re-add it once it finally updates, but for now it's out unfortunately.

Yes, Ex Nihilo and Ex Astris, that allow automation of elements of Ex Nihilo, provide a very easy way to generate ressources. It is up to you to decide if it may fit or not because it is YOUR modpack after all.

EDIT : You can add it as optionnal too. I look at MFR Laser, as you mentionned it is generating ore from RF but the only differences with Ex Astris are the cost in RF (6M RF by ore for Laser but much lower for Ex Astris (don't have exact value but I think it was, without upgrade, 20RF/tick and it take 200 tick to have a chance to have a fragment (one quarter) of an ore: so we can calculate 20 (RF/t) * 200 (tick) * 4 (fragments) = 16 000 RF for an ore from cobblestone) and the variety of ressources that can be generated : MFR Laser only limit to ore, while Ex Astris can generate ore, redstone, glowstone, lapis, diamond, certus quartz, emerald (from cobblestone, gravel or sand), seed (from dirt), quartz (from soul sand), Berry Bush (from stone) ...

I was aware about enderquarry, digital miner but I didn't know about laser of MFR, I will maybe give it a try but I will start with Digital Miner.

My mistake about ExtraBee, I quiclky look at the list and see forestry, magic bee, gendustry ... and I assumed it was here too.

The first post dated from 27 october 2014 : one year yesterday ! Happy birthday for your modpack !
Last edited:
Version 1.6.8 is up on the launcher now!

  • fixed biome id conflicts
  • removed old custom recipes
  • added Aroma Backup
  • updated pneumaticcraft
  • updated AE2Stuff for AE RV-3
  • updated Logistic Pipes
  • updated Railcraft
  • updated Buildcraft
  • updated OpenComputers

As always let me know if you find something broken!
Thanks for the update ... but there is a crash at server launch with AromaBackup.

Here the reason and solution (I had the same 5 errors in crash report than the one linked here):
AromaBackup need to be updated to last version b25 instead of b20 to fix this problem.

Also the files "LaunchServer.bat" & "LaunchServer.sh" are not calling the right file for "forge-1.7.10-" (problem was already present in previous versions but it was easy to fix in copying/pasting the right filename and so I forgot to mention it before).

After fixing these 2 issues, the server and client seems to work fine for me.

On another topic: could you add this mod in your modpack to be able to see recipes of Thaumcraft directly in NEI please ?
(I already add it, and it seems to work fine without problem with your modpack)
Version 1.7.0 is out!

IMPORTANT NOTE: from this version on i am using a custom ore gen. More about this at the bottom of this post


  • removed aromabackup (gave me a lot of issues on the server for some reason, but feel free to try it out on your own)
  • updated immersive engineering
  • updated immersive integration
  • updated storage drawers
  • updated botania
  • updated rftools
  • updated buildcraft
  • updated draconic evolution
  • updated logistics pipes
  • updated pneumaticcraft
  • added thaumcraft nei plugin
  • added enchiridion
  • added mariculture
  • added realistic terrain generation (need to select it when creating a world)

I decided to give a custom ore gen a try. The idea was to reduce having a lot of small pockets everywhere, and change it so that veins are huge but not as common.
It may take longer to find ore you want, but once you do, you get a lot of it.
If you have trouble getting started with coal, make charcoal :P
If you have trouble with iron, you can find some iron gravel on the surface or some ores in those spires here and there.
Some ores are mixed, coal has a chance to also generate diamonds.

We tried this for a bit on our server and i think it's a lot more fun and adds a bit of a twist to it.

It's possible that i change some of the values for each ore type if some happen to be too common or uncommon.
I couldn't get this to work with Thaumcraft ores so for now they are normal.

If you don't like any of this, delete the json files from config/cofh/world and download the standard Vanilla and ThermalExpansion-Ores one from their website.

Let me know if you have any suggestions, find bugs, complaints, tell me about your day, etc :P

Will this new update cause any issues with a already in-use world? I have been using 1.6.8 and don't want to update if it'll mess things up.