Personally, while smart moving is neat an all, it also gets in the way alittle, for example, you can't hold shift to "swift glide" on the glider without making some edits to the smart moving config. It's nice to have, but I wouldn't cry to see it go.BTW guys i tried to look into fixing some of the armor not rotating with the character because of Smart Moving, but it seems like it's impossible to fix some (like the Thaumostatic Harness from Thaumcraft).
Sooo i guess i'll kinda have to decide if we should leave Smart Moving in but have weird models, or remove smart moving.
Any thoughts on this?
Also, I wouldn't cry to see insomnia go either, since I have all my server members remove it anyways. Buahaha.
PS: Here's a link to my server advert for anyone who wants to join up.