Try to create the world in singleplayer and copy it to the server...
Just tried that (a couple of times to be sure), and it crashes on server start with a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 21.
Try to create the world in singleplayer and copy it to the server...
Bees, of course! Effect: EctoplasmAlso, I just went on a server (for fun since I'm busy waiting for mutation), and saw another guy's island covered in green cobweb thingies. How did that happen?
That log is not from this modpack...Just tried that (a couple of times to be sure), and it crashes on server start with a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 21.
That log is not from this modpack...
Haven't seen or heard of this problem. Pics of the setup might help, and it does take a few stacks of drones (depending on the species) to get enough mana for the Rooted Drone.Is there something wrong? I've dropped over 1000 drones next to my 8 Beegonias and still don't have enough mana to drop a Rooted drone into the pool.
Yes, the Beegonias are linked to the spreader, and yes the spreader is linked to the pool. But the mana barely registers as there at all and once the first sliver shows with the wand it never increases.
Don't see anything wrong with that... not sure why you're not getting mana after the initial burst. You might try tearing up and re-placing everything.Ok, here is my screneshot.
That log is not from this modpack...
Maybe they opened the Bee Happy map on a Galacticraft server?
Just tried that (a couple of times to be sure), and it crashes on server start with a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 21.
No :\ I don't understand... Everything is correct, even the map... Did you check out if you installed everything?Okay, ignore that idiot up above. It doesn't crash when I copy a brand new single player world into the server area. I do, however, get exactly the same messages about missing tile entities, and the map looks identical to the single player screenshot I posted earlier; that is to say, Granite Slabs from Botania, and Pink Leaves from Chisel 2.
Any thoughts @jtmnf ?
No :\ I don't understand... Everything is correct, even the map... Did you check out if you installed everything?
Some missing tiles are from Railcraft...
In an effort to further fault-find, I've run the 'server' package on my local machine, and connected from the client to that. This appears to work correctly (as in, the blocks are correctly formed). This would appear to suggest that it's a problem at my server provider end. I'll raise a ticket with them and see if they are aware of any issues.
Hm...You are cutting my options offJust done a direct copy of the working (locally) server instance to the commercial server, started it up and had the same errors, all blocks have changed as per my original notes. This *must* be something to do with their hosting, but I don't know what - I'll see what the ticket comes back with.
Hm...You are cutting my options off(joking) - I was going to checj the differences between the client and server .zips, but you did that for me
so, if that is not the problem (all that mods are client only), I'm not seeing any other solution... How did you configure the server?
These recipes could be replaced with ModTweaker, but I'm not sure what would be a good replacement for mana petals.
#magicbees botania fix
mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe("beegonia", [<ore:petalYellow>, <ore:petalYellow>, <ore:petalYellow>, <ore:petalWhite>, <ore:petalWhite>, <MagicBees:miscResources:8>]);
mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe("hiveacynth", [<ore:redstoneRoot>,<ore:petalLightBlue>, <ore:petalCyan>, <ore:petalCyan>, <ore:petalCyan>, <ore:petalBlue>,<ore:petalBlue>,<ore:petalBlue>,<MagicBees:miscResources:7>]);
mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe("hibeescus", [<ore:redstoneRoot>,<ore:petalPurple>, <ore:petalBrown>, <ore:petalRed>,<ore:petalRed>,<ore:petalRed>, <ore:petalMagenta>,<ore:petalMagenta>,<ore:petalMagenta>,<ore:petalMagenta>, <ore:petalOrange>,<ore:petalOrange>, <ore:runePrideB>, <ore:runeEnvyB>, <ore:runeGreedB>, <ore:runeSummerB>, <ore:runeAirB>, <MagicBees:miscResources:12>]);
Did you pick the first one in the Advanced Mutatron? The 2nd will not work for the turn-in.Is there still an issue with turning in a Common Queen on the Genetics #1 quest? Just installed this pack yesterday and it won't accept a common queen so stuck on the quest line. :c