- You can get a bed by the second night if you focus on getting wood, cobblestone and gravel.
- Obsidian makes a great hatchet head. Not only does it chop quickly, it tears right through leaves.
- In Chapter 1, wait until you've completed the main quest line and "Powering" before before starting the "Basics of Bees" quests. This will save you precious time and power.
- If you find yourself out of mutagen and materials to produce it, you can always grab some glowstone from the Nether. ..And it might be time to focus on glowstone or redstone-producing bees.
- Pumpkins give 4 seeds each in a crafting grid. This is an easy way to get tons of seed oil for impregnanted casings.
- Spending a lot of time waiting for combs to produce for quests? Expand your platform or breed better wheat and pumpkins using Agricraft!
- Use the Solar Panel V and redstone flux ducts to power your Gendustry machines, they provide more power throughput so you don't have to wait for them to charge up.
- If you hate chopping wood, get the Forestry multifarm up and running as soon as you can. Wood is probably the most used resource in this pack between chests, barrels, apiaries, alvearies, and frames.
- Use the sawmill. It provides 150% planks and the sawdust can be used to make charcoal or paper.
- The basic apiary only gives 10% production.. however, the magic apiary gives 90% production, even with no magic! Add a few frames and some ducts to setup an efficient, automated system that requires no power or intervention.
- Don't expect to get by with a single centrifuge, squeezer, and carpenter.