I'm going to answer one by one 
) I agree that "filling the void" in the modpack is not easy... You have to wait for the bees to work... I'm trying to think in something to "fix" that, but I like @RehabOholic said, it's not easy to find any mod that fulfils that (not having to wait for bees)... About the "automatically get cobble", I give you an Igneous Extruder!? I didn't understand that, sorry?
Mob hunting: In the "Minor Informatios" Spoiler, I wrote: "You are not required to go to the Nether; all quests can be done in the overworld (might be changed in the future);" - From here, you have to see that the purpose of the modpack is not build a mob farm or kill monsters... "Oh, you creepy bastard, you force us to kill a wither", I know... I promise that's the only mobthat you have to kill! And I only did that so you can think on building a wither proof room! This is not Agrarian Skies, but sometimes I have to force some non-Bee related stuff... Wither is the only mob that you have to kill!
I think I answered every single message! Thank you for the responses
I'll try to change some things in the future, and many of the changes are because of this discussions ^^

I'm one of the persons that said that "bees are slow"! I agree with that! But, you have to remember, I tryed (really tryed) to make the pack focus on bees and that implies that is a "horrible" process to get resources and combs, I know that! But, if you watch carefully on the images that I put on the first page (http://i.imgur.com/fV2IIrk.png), you will see that I give some upgrades early on (in the next version, I changed some stuff and you now have the automation upgrades)!I've never played with bees before, but I've always bee-n curious, so I thought I'd give it a go. So I tried this pack last night, and it is quite nice, but I agree with others that the 'bee' part of the pack is too slow.
It took me 3 in-game days to melt a block of redstone for forcing a mutation - and since I had no wool and therefore no way to sleep through the nights, solar power meant that the nights were quite unproductive, bee-wise. I maxed out a few Agricraft species, built up a big stockpile of logs, and used the builder's wand to expand out the platforms significantly.
That's partly my fault though - there's a quest where you hand in 64 cobble and get two industrial apiaries in exchange, and I avoided doing that because I thought it was the end of the questline, and all my power was being used by the mutation machines so I didn't have a use for the apiaries anyway. It was only later that I finished it, and found that I could get the more powerful solar panels and the wool for a bed, which would have sped things up considerably.
Still, after about 4 hours of play, I have produced about 8 honeycombs... and no other bee products.
The energy issue (this is a response for both of you) is also an issue, yes! But I received a lot of critics saying that "it's not good doing this, why not making people doing some early power?", ok, that's a good question! But, if I really wanted to be a "bad person", I probably force you to build your first Bee House, then waiting hours and days for combs, then you make some Apiaries, and wait for Bees to die... So, my solution? Make a pack that pick up the core of the Bees, and show it to people, in a faster way (please, don't judge me, I know that this "faster way" is still slow)! So, how did I thought? Well, Gendustry exists... So I tested out Gendustry, and I did have some good results with breedings and mutations! So I made the modpack focus more on Gendustry (for speed)! But, Gendustry requires a loooooooooooot of power... This was an issue even before I released the modpack! So, I has a dilemma... A: Did I put the modpack focus on Big Reactors Bees and only use normal Apiaries? B: ust focus on Bees and having people playing with it with all the power they need? C: Neither A or B? Well... It was the C... Using Solar Panels ensures that people will try to put down as soon as they have one! So, they can start having some RF energy soon in the game! But, when it's night, people have to choose if they power the machines, or reserve power for other things! And wool? You have a quest for wool (http://i.imgur.com/fV2IIrk.png)! I did a test (and I talked to @rivvest when I did that) and the Basics quest set took me only 2h to complete it all... For me, it's not slow, I have to be honest! The main problem was getting gravel, but that's fixed in the new version that will be released any time soon!Power is definitely an issue early on in the pack, and the fact that you can't sleep doesn't help especially with all the rain that you get because of not sleeping. A few things that bee noobs don't know about bee production, is that apiaries without frames are terrible at producing resources, I imagine it is the same thing with industrial apiaries without upgrades. Bee Houses are your friend early on as they allow for 100% production of your bees and they only cost wood to make. Once you have string you can make regular frames and that would make regular apiaries produce faster than bee houses. Which brings me to one of the things you can do while you wait on your queens to die. Work on agricraft mutations to get cotton, so that you can get string, so that you can make a bed. You can also grind out 10/10/10 plants, although not really necessary in this pack it gives you something to do.
Skyblocks in general tend to be grindy early on it's just the nature of the beast, but I'm a big fan of the something from nothing way they work. Plus I enjoy a good challenge, if I had designed the pack there would be no early gendustry machines and you'd be grinding your way slowly through REAL BEE breeding, which is a very slow and very painful process.![]()
I agree, but its still fun. I was trying to think of a mod/few to recommend to our great pack creator that wouldn't be any effort to add to kind of fill the waiting game a bit but am coming up short. The issue is that if the mod is resource heavy you would still have to wait heavily on bees for said resources, and its hard to find a mod that you can still do on a skyblock map. The pack is fun anyways, but there seems like there should be a few things to fill the void so to speak![]()
(I'm going to agree on every single post"Fill the void" I see what you did there...
Anyway, I agree. I've never been the most patient individual so something to do while waiting for the bees to die other than mine cobble would be appreciated. Maybe a small thing to set up to automatically get cobble? Sort of like a cheaper but SLOWER version of the transfer node/world interaction upgrade combo?

To be clear: I give you upgrades, but I cannot give it for "free"... I know that it's tough to wait for the combs, but after that, you'll get enought upgrades to put in your Apiaries! And no, giving a full energy cell it's not in my plans :\ I give you a lot of solar panels... The worst part of the modpack is the beginning... Like in every other modpack, this is not very fun... Gathering resources, punching wood? Yeah, normal stuff... A little boring for me, but it's part of the game!Maybe just give us some free production upgrades at the start? Or a fully-charged energy cell, that you have to hand back after the mutation quest, or perhaps after the 8 honeycombs quests?
Or for side quests - maybe some mob hunting? Give zombies a chance to drop drones or something, and a quest to kill 10 zombies to get a bee-alyzer. Or add a bee-keeping villager with some trades that you can pay for with agricraft crop products.
Mob hunting: In the "Minor Informatios" Spoiler, I wrote: "You are not required to go to the Nether; all quests can be done in the overworld (might be changed in the future);" - From here, you have to see that the purpose of the modpack is not build a mob farm or kill monsters... "Oh, you creepy bastard, you force us to kill a wither", I know... I promise that's the only mobthat you have to kill! And I only did that so you can think on building a wither proof room! This is not Agrarian Skies, but sometimes I have to force some non-Bee related stuff... Wither is the only mob that you have to kill!
I'll kept that in mind! I'll work on better texts to help people that don't understand well Bees! I agree that sometimes texts are a bit confusing :\ I already said this, but I'm portuguese, I know english but like everybody else, sometimes I also commit errors...Oh, I wanted to mention that quest.
As someone relatively new to bees, that part was very unclear to me. Was I supposed to submit the items right away, or use them to produce something? I had submitted them at the time, but it wasn't obvious if I had screwed the progression that way. It should probably get a more newbie-friendly quest text.
I think I answered every single message! Thank you for the responses