Personally I think with the addition of Big Reactors and OpenBlock that will make the pack almost perfect. All the mods that are in serve a purpose and it is not cluted with a load of mods that no one would use. The last thing I may suggest is maybe adding Chicken Chunks and FastCraft, Chicken Chunks for chunk loading if happen to build a massive base (which I tend to do). FastCraft to help those people with slightly less powerful computers.
OH almost forgot, this is a skyblock map and I guess the intention is for you not to travel to any other dimesions. So why has Dense Ores been included when no ore generation takes place on a sky block. Now if in the future you intend to add other dimenions or the means to travel to other dimensions (say via RFTools or Twilight Forest or other such mods) then fair enought.
Chicken Chunks!!!! I completely forgot that... Oh my God... Thank you for reminding me

FastCraft can be there two

About Dense Ores, I added it because before making this, I had another idea of the modpack... After that, yeah, it's not very necessary!
Dimensions... Hm, for now I don't have any purpose, but I can think on something (but I'll only do that when the main quests are all completed)!
Can a beginner use this? will it teach me how to play with bees (never ever touched bees)? I'd love to learn
Sort of... I'll have to make a slight change for that to occur... But, if you want to test and say "Hey, that pack doesn't help at all, change it here and there". I can have ideas to change it and change/add quests to handle people "needs" about learning how to use Bees
By the way, I really love Foresty! I always used apiarys from Forestry and I think they are awesome! In this pack, Gendustry is the most supported mod for breeding bees... Like I mentioned a lot of times, I don't want to have people saying that the pack is too slow... That it takes forever to make this and that, having the correct mutations, etc etc... Gendustry! It's quicker, it's faster and it lets you choose the right mutation (SPOILER: I give you an Advanced Mutatron in one early quest in Bee Restaurant). I'll advice you to see this two videos from Direwolf20 (who else) in his Singleplayer series, so you can see him working with the apiarys/machines from Gendustry (if you don't know how they work):
I'm really glad that you liked the pack and I hope I can always help you and bring nice new quests and updates