[1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

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i just created an Account to tell you how much i love your modpack! I was noticing the efford you put into answering the forums, and just had to download it. Right as i started, i saw Chisel and Carpenter's Blocks and was purely happy after playing a lot of AS2 lately. I could only play half an hour, but giving us a quick start with hidden treasure through boring ex Nihilo is fantastic, not that i don't like it but it get's boring after the 20th time you do it. You might want to change the Bread Quest into a consume task, i spent 20 min just growing seeds for Wheat. For now, i only want to encourage everyone to try this out, it looks like a lot of fun! I never really did Bees myself, so i will give information on where i have problems understanding any mechanics. If i can help you with anything else, just tell me and i see what i can do. I'll write more once i progressed a bit further.
Uau! Thanks Conansson :) About the quest, I'll not change that to consume because I really want you to get some wheat before you really start messing around with them! I will, thought change it to be more easy because today I say that 8 bread (without Natura conversion of wheat) it's a tedious job, I agree... Maybe reducing to 4 (instead of 8)...

About the help, please, give me suggestions, ask me questions! I really want to make this pack good for everyone! Tweaks here and there are always welcome :) I'm glad you are trying the modpack and I hope you like it! Feel free to ask me anything ^^

Really really thank you :)
This pack is really fun, it's a cool and original idea! :)
Also, I made a thing!
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About the quest, I'll not change that to consume because I really want you to get some wheat before you really start messing around with them! I will, thought change it to be more easy because today I say that 8 bread (without Natura conversion of wheat) it's a tedious job, I agree... Maybe reducing to 4 (instead of 8)...

Just my 2 cents, but I didn't find the 8 bread too tedious, really... There's a balance between purpose and grind-for-the-sake-of-grind, and I think this quest is already nicely balanced. I really liked that it wasn't consume for that very reason: you give us a bit of food stockpile.If you wanted to change it, my recommendation would be to change it needing the amount of wheat (or even a half stack), because once you get the pulverizer, you can convert a single wheat into a single bread just by pulverizing and cooking. To me, stockpiling a bit of food is a nice thing, and leaves me free to relax on other aspects of the skyblock.
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This pack is really fun, it's a cool and original idea! :)
Also, I made a thing!
Thank you ^^ two questions! The images are free - did you make that knowing that the images that you used are free? If the first question has an affirmative answer, can I use it?

Just my 2 cents, but I didn't find the 8 bread too tedious, really... There's a balance between purpose and grind-for-the-sake-of-grind, and I think this quest is already nicely balanced. I really liked that it wasn't consume for that very reason: you give us a bit of food stockpile.If you wanted to change it, my recommendation would be to change it needing the amount of wheat (or even a half stack), because once you get the pulverizer, you can convert a single wheat into a single bread just by pulverizing and cooking. To me, stockpiling a bit of food is a nice thing, and leaves me free to relax on other aspects of the skyblock.
Hm hm... Can you explain me better what you said? I didn't understand yout recommendation :\
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Hm hm... Can you explain me better what you said? I didn't understand yout recommendation :\

I'm sorry. I rambled a bit, didn't I?

My suggestion was that instead of making the quest about getting bread, make it about getting the ingredients for the bread, without making the person craft the bread, because 24 wheat can make 24 bread once you have the pulverizer, instead of the 8 bread it makes on the crafting table. However, I didn't find the bread quest a hardship in any way, so to me, it really doesn't need changing.

By the time you have 24 wheat, you probably have a fairly decent little farm set up, so that you can continue to get wheat after, so the whole "stockpiling wheat for the pulverizer" thing isn't really a concern. (By the time I was done with getting the pulverizer, I had a full stack of wheat stockpiled to make bread, and I was only casually farming it.)

24 wheat = 8 bread using the crafting table
24 wheat = 24 bread using the pulverizer and furnace
Ah, now I get it :P honestly, my goal with that quest is exacly to make a little farm! But I agree with putting the ingredients (like 12 wheat) instead of the bread!
Next update will bring some news ;)
I uprooted my farm after I'd stockpiled some toast, but that's only because I didn't like my design. I'm working on a new one now. XD
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I was very happy to see your recent update was ready when I got home from work today! Not sure how much use it'll be to me at this stage, but I'm anxious to see what's in store.
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The update just add 20 more quests and change some power gen in the beginning... No more Leadstone Conduits and Leadstone Energy Cell! I replaced by Hardened... And the Solar Panels are higher tier too... I really was surprised when I decided to play it for real (without editing) and see that the consume was away to high... I just decided to upgrade to higher tier... After all, that's not the tech that's required to do the quests, just Bees :)
are we supposed to turn in the centrifuge? The wording is similar to the bread one but we don't have to turn in the bread as well.
Yes! You have to deliver the Centrifuge! The bread it's for you to make a small farm at the beginning! I don't want you to just deliver what you already have, but I want you to craft them!

The main difference is the Centrifuge you don't need that now, but food yes...
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Thank you, I'll correct that :)

By the away, for people that are seeing this for the first, and even for people that are constantly trying to help me and are enjoying the modpack, I changed the front page! It's now cleaner and it has more informations :)
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Well I'm glad this going well for you, I posted on this forum 3 days ago and I've been getting constanly spammed with updates ever since. Gz on having a fairly active thread for your modpack. Just remember, don't let this die. If people suddenly stop playing, make a sequel, or maybe branch out. You've done a very good job with this.
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Thank you ^^ the main reason the thread is active it's because people are playing! I'll try (like I did since the first day, 3 days ago) to change the modpack and put it good for everybody! I know that having a modpack focus only on one thing it's different from others, and I tryed to make this possible, and I will continue to update this and hopefully get it Unlisted on FTB - with this, I think more people can play (it's my guess)...

The only thing I want you to know is that this modpack is all about the Bees... I want people to mess around, learn more, or just learn! I'm not going to make ultra hardcore quests about getting the ultimate things of Thaumcraft or Botania, I'm just concernig to to put the Bees in the right spots and let them work! I really enjoy this, seeing that people liked it :) I'll always be available for answering questions, for take notes!

Really really thank you all!
One thing I've noticed as I continue to play the pack is that I'm not inclined to try getting the mineral bees through mutation. In my first playthrough, I found it much easier to craft an automatic sieve and igneous extruder, and then sieve tons of gravel to get enough metal for the nuggets. I'm not sure if you'd intended for that to be a way to get the bees or not...
I know that getting the minerals throught the sieve is way faster... I'm considering changing the recipes of nuggets so you can't do that! The purpose is actually making the bees, making the resources throught them! I know that getting the materials from the ingots it's faster, but I'll see if I change that in the future (because I used the bees that produce the iron nuggets, not the one that produces combs)...

To simplify this: the intention is to make the bees to make the resourses and then get the quests! Not using simple crafting recipes...