[1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

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Does anyone have a species count on this pack? The Apiary Chest says 277, but the Apiarist Database says 244 (possibly 252 if the 'secret species' aren't included in the 244). I'm suspecting that the multiple ways to get Common and Cultivated bees comprise the difference.
Does anyone have a species count on this pack? The Apiary Chest says 277, but the Apiarist Database says 244 (possibly 252 if the 'secret species' aren't included in the 244). I'm suspecting that the multiple ways to get Common and Cultivated bees comprise the difference.
I've run into at least one bee that can't be bred (can't recall which) so that will throw some numbers off too. :)
You have to have space in your inventory because the frames do not stack! (I'm guessing that this is the problem?)

I just had the same problem. I had the reward picked, but clicking "Claim Reward" didn't do anything.

You're right, the frames don't stack so you need 11 inventory slots to claim the reward. I claimed the reward after I put away some items. Would be appreciated to put this tip in the quest text!
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It seems a Minecraft problem... Did you run it on Curse or FTB?

In the world's folder, you have the save there? Or it just vanished?
At the title screen, it vanished. But if I go to the saves folder, the save is there...
Something odd just occurred while I was doing the Reactor Casing quest. I made 2 instances of the recipe (8 casings), and the Questbook registered me as having made 12 casings.
I've run into at least one bee that can't be bred (can't recall which) so that will throw some numbers off too. :)

Just found that one - the Tarry Bee (given as a quest reward) cannot be bred naturally because there is no Refined Bee in this pack.
Does anyone else think that gene samples should be stackable (up to 16) like enderpearls?

Oh sweet Notch, yes.

Random idea I had: What if Beeswax and Honey drops could be combined into 'storage blocks' the same way that nuggets can? My coding skills aren't very good, but I was thinking that nine beeswax could make a 'Wax Bar' (essentially a cream/yellow ingot) and nine Wax Bars could make a Wax Block (same color in a standard block size). Nine Honey Drops could make a Honey Bar (possibly edible?) with a translucent shade of medium yellow, and nine Honey Bars could make a Honey Block (like a Slime Block only honey-colored - possibly sticky/bouncy like a Slime Block as well). Both could be 'uncrafted' on the off-chance that actual wax or honey is needed.
Does anyone know how to get aluminium in this pack? (deep dark I know about but not ready to go there yet) Is there a bee for it?

also as an aside what is the ideal number of frames housings to use. I know there are other alveary blocks you can use too. And as far as that quest goes do Alvearies use power? if they dont have any lighting or mutation blocks in them?
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There is an Aluminum bee (Industrious+Cultivated in the Mutatron. Doesn't require the 'block of Aluminum' to breed it). No clue on the alvearies - I completed all those quests without setting one up. I don't recall having to power the multi-block alvearies in Regrowth, except for pumping appropriate fluids into the temperature/humidity adjusting blocks.
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Thanks @OniyaMCD I didn't notice that one before. Im also considering making a Google Doc. for this mod showing the Bee Name, Princess+Drone, and Production. Anyone want to help?

Also whats the best method of storing gene samples not including AE2?
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Thanks @OniyaMCD I didn't notice that one before. Im also considering making a Google Doc. for this mod showing the Bee Name, Princess+Drone, and Production. Anyone want to help?

I think I have most of that, with the exception of 'Production', in an Open Office spreadsheet. (My family laughs at me about my spreadsheets.) I've already gone through 146 species, and I have a total of 248 listed with a reasonable chance of accuracy from when I made the original list for Regrowth. Pulled out a few that aren't appearing in this pack, and added in some that were new to me as I came across them.
Oh sweet Notch, yes.

Random idea I had: What if Beeswax and Honey drops could be combined into 'storage blocks' the same way that nuggets can? My coding skills aren't very good, but I was thinking that nine beeswax could make a 'Wax Bar' (essentially a cream/yellow ingot) and nine Wax Bars could make a Wax Block (same color in a standard block size). Nine Honey Drops could make a Honey Bar (possibly edible?) with a translucent shade of medium yellow, and nine Honey Bars could make a Honey Block (like a Slime Block only honey-colored - possibly sticky/bouncy like a Slime Block as well). Both could be 'uncrafted' on the off-chance that actual wax or honey is needed.

I'd like beeswax to be able to be converted into a block, and replace the early cobble gen. But I'm crazy like that. :)
Anyone, out of curiosity, running a server for Bee Happy. Id love to do some colabs
Hi guys. MineYourMind.net launched a BeeHappy Server. You find details here: https://mineyourmind.net/forum/threads/bee-happy-skyblock.13942/

I also wrote a short starter tutorial for our players, some feedback would be nice: https://mineyourmind.net/forum/threads/bee-happy-starter-tutorial.13945/
It includes epic bee quotes.

Have a nice day

BEEst regards

Tip on the Vazbee: Don't try to use the Genetic Sampler to get the 'Vazbee' species gene like you did with the Botanic Drones. Instead, use it to get the 'Floral' species gene (as you can generate Floral Drones much faster.)

Set a Princess to Floral, dunk in the Manapool. Breed with a Floral Drone (not with the Mutatron!) Once the queen dies, take the resulting Princess (which is probably Floral with an Inactive Vazbee) and dunk her in the Manapool. Breed with the Floral/Vazbee drone. Repeat until pure-bred.