[1.6.x] Thaumcraft 4.0.5b Research Cheat Sheet - 1Mil Views!! - Topic above me is a doodoo head. HA!

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I stated something you prolly didnt read i will say it once again and this is the last time.
(Talking about the Thauminomicon Entries, Those will get renewed in upcoming version)

That update will be TODAY, not speeding things up, but i can release since it is done.

and you probably didn't understand me when I said what I said, so i'll say this one last time also before I move on. The Thaumonomicon entries shouldn't be fixed now...they should have been done straight from the off, not patched later on, it's lazy. I dont think you view Thaumcraft the same way I view Thaumcraft obviously. The Thaumonomicon entry is the first thing everyone is going to see, it's what will make or break your mod and I can't udnerstand why you can't see that. Imagine walking in to a brand new computer games store all exited and all lined up in front of you as you walk in are broken shelves, ripped boxes and an assistant smiling at you who hasn't washed, showered or brushed his teeth in about 7 years. First impressions count and you've just discarded them and said ' i'll do this later on '
and you probably didn't understand me when I said what I said, so i'll say this one last time also before I move on. The Thaumonomicon entries shouldn't be fixed now...they should have been done straight from the off, not patched later on, it's lazy. I dont think you view Thaumcraft the same way I view Thaumcraft obviously. The Thaumonomicon entry is the first thing everyone is going to see, it's what will make or break your mod and I can't udnerstand why you can't see that. Imagine walking in to a brand new computer games store all exited and all lined up in front of you as you walk in are broken shelves, ripped boxes and an assistant smiling at you who hasn't washed, showered or brushed his teeth in about 7 years. First impressions count and you've just discarded them and said ' i'll do this later on '
I know what you mean that was stupid from me at that points, but that is the past, then i didnt know what people wanted. now i know so i can now improve it.
Okay boys, break it up. There's plenty of Anna to go aro- ohgod.

But yeah. I'm aware 4.0.5 is here and yeah, I'm internally screaming. I'm praying nothing much has changed.[DOUBLEPOST=1385240762][/DOUBLEPOST]Want a realtime chat with me? I'm watching this stream.

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Basicly bugfixes, performance tweeks, and some work with labels. I am liking the sounds of being able to pre label jars... mmmm labeeeeels.

Also just a quick copy, paste, edit of the changelog. Most of the changed I thought you might want for images and tidbits. Aswell as a heads up on the location changes of things in the book.

- new things for essentia management
- moved warded jars and labels to their own research entry for easier access. They are still unlocked along with essentia distillation.
- added the ability to pre-label labels
- removed labels ability to be put on straight
- arcane lamps are now arcane crafting. Most Thaumaturge's agree this makes them 20% more arcane.
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nah mostly just bugfixes and the arcane lamps an arcane infusion recipe now.
If the change log's to be believed.

Here's the changelog for everyone else's convenience.

- golems and pech should properly accept nametags
- the hover harness should no longer cause server-side kicks
- new things for essentia management
- fixed "fake" player crashes caused by a derp in newer-than-recommended versions of forge
- fixed render bug for items on pedestals in fast graphics mode
- fixed an issue where the location of tainted chunks would remain constant between different game worlds if you don't quit mc
- added a null check to pechs to prevent derpiness on MCPC servers.
- ethereal blooms will now revert magical forest biomes that have been created via silverwood nodes as well.
- moved warded jars and labels to their own research entry for easier access. They are still unlocked along with essentia distillation.
- added the ability to pre-label labels
- removed labels ability to be put on straight
- arcane lamps are now arcane crafting. Most Thaumaturge's agree this makes them 20% more arcane.

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Research may take a while, my lab's misbehaving.

Lab's fucking dead. Going to have to start from scratch.
Be clear, what need to change
If i don't know what to fix i cannot fix it, hope thats clear (if you dont know the bug you cannot fix the bug, as of now almost all bugs i know off and i was told of are fixed there is just 1 left, which the api doesnt allow to work)
Also some stuff you cannot use i am using an API which also has restrictions.
About the research block, it seems that TC4 Only allows a few aspects at the same time.

The impression I get from your mod is that you're new to modding and you're so excited about all these cool things you've learned how to do that you're making these items JUST to test out various features of the API or Forge. Air block shows off the "isAir" check, etc... And that's cool. That's how you learn to mod. I'm certainly guilty of making silly mods as a way to learn modding. But what seems super awesome to you because of that rush you feel when you successfully make something new won't necessarily be all that great for other people using your mod. Ask yourself "Would someone out there actually use this particular feature?" Also remember that presentation matters. If someone cracks open the Thaumonomicon and finds a halfassed entry full of grammar errors, they're going to feel like you don't care about your own mod. And if you don't care about it, why should they?

As for the research block problem, I suggest breaking the research block down into several different damage values and splitting the aspects up over the different damage values.

ie. Research Block Metadata 1 has Alienis - Herba, Metadata 2 has Humanis - Messis, etc...

If you program your mod to dynamically divvy up the aspects, you can even account for other mods adding custom aspects.
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Void Jar Too much essentia? Impossible!
: Aqua - Perditio - Vacuous
Required Research: Warded Jars and Labels
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Essentia Bin
Void jars function much the same as normal warded jars with one important difference - even when fill they are still able to accept essentia, but the excess essentia is simply lost. This allows you to always have some essentia of that type available, but get rid of any excess that may build up.
Like normal jars, void jars can accept labels, but their suction with a label is less than that of a normal labeled jar. (about halway between a unlabaled and labeled jar).

Filtered Essentia Tube What you want, where you want it
: Aqua - Ordo - Praecantatio
Required Research: Essentia Tubes
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Labelable Pipes
Filtered essentia tubes work like normal tubes, except it is possible to mark them with labels. When marked they will restrict essentia flow through them to what they have have been marked with.
Shift-clicking on them with an empty have will remove the label.

Traveling Trunk Mobile Luggage
: Arbor - Spiritus - Vacuos
Required Research: Wooden Golems - Hungry Chest
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Living, moving, talking chest! (What do you mean it doesn't talk...?)
An extention of your golemancy research has lead you to a useful companion for any thaumatuge on the go: The Traveling Trunk.
This wooden chest will happilly hop after its master, always ready to provide a convenient storage space for anything you pick up.
The traveling trunk is touch and can take a significant amount of beating. Is it highly resistant to fire and cannot be harmed by falling.
The trunk can follow its master everywhere - even distant dimensions. Should you wish it to stay put however, there is a convenient button located in its gui which will make it remain in it's current position.
The traveling trunk slowly heals itself over time, but you can also feed it all manner of food to speed up this process.
Like normal golems, the trunk can be picked up by left clicking with a golemancer's bell. It will drop all items in it's inventory if you do so. Shift clicking will also cause it to drop any upgrades you have applied to it with the normal loss chance.
It can accept a single upgrade like normal golems, but they grant unique abilities to the trunk. See the following pages for details as you discover the relevant upgrades.
Golem Upgrade: Air
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will move faster.
Golem Upgrade: Earth
With this upgrade installed the trunk will be able to carry more items and will gain an aditional row in it's inventory.
Golem Upgrade: Fire
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will defend its master when he is attacked
Golem Upgrade: Water
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk cannot be opened or picked up by anyone else but its master.
It also become highly resistant to all but the most devastating amounts of damage.
Golem Upgrade: Ordo
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will retain its items when it is picked up using a golemancer's bell. It will drop items as normal when shift-clicked is used.
Golem Upgrade: Entropy
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will automatically suck in nearby items it has room for.

Lamp of Growth Encouraging things to grow
: Herba - Lux - Victus
Required Research: Arcane Lamp
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Plant Grower
Unlike the Arcane lap from which it is made, the lamp of Growth does not catch much light unless it is provided with Herba essentia. If this is done any plants which grow where its light shines the brightest will grow much faster than normal.
Essentia can be fed to the lamp either by placing a jar nearby, or attacking the lamp directly to an essentia piping system. The pipes are slightly more efficient and will make a single point of essentia last about 10% longer.
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Okay guys. I'mma make this short before the moderators have to step in and hurt me.

This thread doesn't cater to beating on modder newbs and it certainly shouldn't put people off trying to add to the thaumcraft universe. This is a reference guide. I want this to stop now. You can continue your arguements, debates, discussions about TCE in the PM's or at the very least, the Addon Compendium if this discussion is relevant and constructive and not just Waslie-bashing which I think this is quickly spiraling into.

As of THIS post. I will be actively requesting deletion of any posts refering to TCE in this thread. I don't care if it's relevant. I don't care if it's constructive, I don't care of it's TCE's author saying it.

This is my first and last warning for what it's worth, as someone who wants to keep this thread from being locked for a stupid reason.
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Arcane Lamp is a crafting recipe instead of an infusion now? That's good. Infusion recipes usually stop me from ever making an item I don't desperately need.
Void Jar Too much essentia? Impossible!
: Aqua - Perditio - Vacuous
Required Research: Warded Jars and Labels
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Essentia Bin
Void jars function much the same as normal warded jars with one important difference - even when filled they are still able to accept essentia, but the excess essentia is simply lost. This allows you to always have some essentia of that type available, but get rid of any excess that may build up.
Like normal jars, void jars can accept labels, but their suction with a label is less than that of a normal labeled jar. (about halway between a unlabaled and labeled jar).

Filtered Essentia Tube What you want, where you want it
: Aqua - Ordo - Praecantatio
Required Research: Essentia Tubes
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Labelable Pipes
Filtered essentia tubes work like normal tubes, except it is possible to mark them with labels. When marked they will restrict essentia flow through them to what they have have been marked with.
Shift-clicking on them with an empty have will remove the label.

Traveling Trunk Mobile Luggage
: Arbor - Spiritus - Vacuos
Required Research: Wooden Golems - Hungry Chest
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Living, moving, talking chest! (What do you mean it doesn't talk...?)
An extention of your golemancy research has lead you to a useful companion for any thaumaturge on the go: The Traveling Trunk.
This wooden chest will happilly hop after its master, always ready to provide a convenient storage space for anything you pick up.
The traveling trunk is tough and can take a significant amount of beating. It is highly resistant to fire and cannot be harmed by falling.
The trunk can follow its master everywhere - even distant dimensions. Should you wish it to stay put however, there is a convenient button located in its gui which will make it remain in it's current position.
The traveling trunk slowly heals itself over time, but you can also feed it all manner of food to speed up this process.
Like normal golems, the trunk can be picked up by left clicking with a golemancer's bell. It will drop all items in it's inventory if you do so. Shift clicking will also cause it to drop any upgrades you have applied to it with the normal loss chance.
It can accept a single upgrade like normal golems, but they grant unique abilities to the trunk. See the following pages for details as you discover the relevant upgrades.
Golem Upgrade: Air
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will move faster.
Golem Upgrade: Earth
With this upgrade installed the trunk will be able to carry more items and will gain an aditional row in it's inventory.
Golem Upgrade: Fire
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will defend its master when he is attacked
Golem Upgrade: Water
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk cannot be opened or picked up by anyone else but its master.
It also become highly resistant to all but the most devastating amounts of damage.
Golem Upgrade: Ordo
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will retain its items when it is picked up using a golemancer's bell. It will drop items as normal when shift-clicked is used.
Golem Upgrade: Entropy
With this upgrade installed the traveling trunk will automatically suck in nearby items it has room for.

Lamp of Growth Encouraging things to grow
: Herba - Lux - Victus
Required Research: Arcane Lamp
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Plant Grower
Unlike the Arcane lamp from which it is made, the lamp of Growth does not catch much light unless it is provided with Herba essentia. If this is done any plants which grow where its light shines the brightest will grow much faster than normal.
Essentia can be fed to the lamp either by placing a jar nearby, or attaching the lamp directly to an essentia piping system. The pipes are slightly more efficient and will make a single point of essentia last about 10% longer.


also I hope you don't mind but I did some grammar checking, with the corrections in red. I hope you don't mind, if you do just tell me and I won't do it again. never really like it either if people start going all grammar on me...

Here's a very small Thaumcraft addon you may find useful for updating this guide in the future:


nice little mod, very useful. have you also considered a command which automatically unlock all research? it'd be like the cheat sheet, but instead of the cheat sheet if you've new research you can still research it instead of it already automatically showing up in the thaumonomnomnom. this would be very handy for people who lose their research because of a bug or a crash.
Glad I could be of some help. :)

nice little mod, very useful. have you also considered a command which automatically unlock all research? it'd be like the cheat sheet, but instead of the cheat sheet if you've new research you can still research it instead of it already automatically showing up in the thaumonomnomnom. this would be very handy for people who lose their research because of a bug or a crash.

You could use the cheat sheet before upgrading your version of Thaumcraft.

Writing an "Unlock All Research" command would be slightly more complicated to do and would mostly just duplicate the effects of the cheat sheet. No idea how I'd go about making it only unlock specific version's researches. I'm honestly surprised I managed to write even this mod considering I haven't written a mod since MC 1.3. XD