If you quickly want access to all the aspects, but don't want to combine aspects in the research table (unless it's really necessary), then follow these Guidelines.
First, research these in order:
- Torch --> Lux
- Stone, Cobble --> Saxum
- Coal --> Potenia
- Bedrock, Bowl --> Vacuos
- Research: (Aqua + Terra) --> Victus
- Seeds --> Granum
- Gras --> Herba
- any Wood --> Arbor
- Trapdoor --> Motus
- Iron Ingot, Ore --> Metallum
- Potion of weakness --> Mortuus & Praecantatio
- or alternatively:
- Research: (Victus + Perditio) --> Mortuus
- Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. --> Praecantatio
- Chicken --> Volatus & Bestia
- Soul Sand --> Spiritus & Vinculum
- Paper --> Cognito
- Rotten Flesh --> Humanus & Corpus
- Flint --> Instrumentum
- Wool --> Fabrico & Pannus
- Cake (Item) --> Fames, Messis & Sano
- or alternatively:
- Apple --> Fames & Messis
- Milk Bucket --> Sano (not a requirement for other aspects)
- Obsidian --> Tenebrae
Then research these (no particular order necessary):
- Snow, Ice --> Gelum
- Blaze, Obsidian Totem --> Alienis
- Diamond --> Lucrum & Vitreus
- or alternatively:
- Gold Ingot --> Lucrum
- Glas --> Vitreus
- Slime --> Limus
- Fence Gate --> Machina & Iter
- Ethereal Essence --> Auram
- Zombie, Skellington --> Exanimis
- Spider Eye --> Venenum, --> Sensus
- Any Hoe, Farmland --> Meto
- Arrow --> Telum
- Leather, any Armor --> Tutamen
- Any Pickaxe --> Perfodio
- Tainted Goo --> Vitium
- Research: (Aer + Aqua) --> Tempestas
Anybody (who sees some value in these guidelines) is free to include them in their own Guide, repost them, or do whatever they want with it.