Test Pack Please Ignore - The Official Modpack of http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast
(artwork courtesy of BigBadChris)
Hello friends! Welcome to the TPPI FTB forum thread.
We're very excited to be bringing this modpack to you all.
(artwork courtesy of BigBadChris)
Hello friends! Welcome to the TPPI FTB forum thread.
We're very excited to be bringing this modpack to you all.
TPPI is a public third-party modpack on the FTB Launcher. As of right now, the pack is in an open beta period and is accessible through a private pack code. Upon its "full release", it will be 100% public on the main launcher. Remeber that this is a beta, and that there will likely be at least a couple of issues. Report bugs through the relevant channels as outlined below.
Private Pack Code: MegaSharkPunch
This mod pack is designed and configured with a slightly more balanced feel to it. This, along with our extensive modlist, allows for more long-term worlds. We’ve brought to you a collection of the very best 1.6.4 mods, including our own utility mod, which you’ll find out about as soon as you begin. We've been heavily inspired by FTB Ultimate, and ship a (highly configured, non-instrusive, and "classic" feeling) GregTech.
Remember: this is a BETA and should be treated as such. Report all bugs in the appropriate places.
Brought to you by the magic of collective process and involvement from the reddit community!
Here is our current full mod list.
Development + How you can get involved:
Work on TPPI is done out in the open, with the dev team working together with the community to make the pack as good as possible.
We have our own subreddit for modpack news and discussion at http://www.reddit.com/r/testpackpleaseignore. Note however that this is NOT the place for bug reports.
Our github (https://github.com/TPPI-Dev/), contains repositories for our configs and our custom mod. If you want to contribute to the pack's development or in-game mod documentation project, contribute here. Bug reports should be posted as issues on the TestPackPleaseIgnore repository.
Lastly, you can talk with other modpack users and the dev team via IRC in #TestPackPleaseIgnore on irc.esper.net, and quick news and updates will be posted on twitter at @TPPIModPack.
The rest is all there in the manual. Thank you.
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