Pack code: the95pack
Server files:
Recommended Version: 1.2.2Server files:
Server Files can be downloaded via the FTB Launcher
Most Recent Version: 1.2.2
Are you the sort of person who enjoys mods with hard recipes, which take a long time to get to the end-game items? Do you also prefer to play without hardcore mobs, which make night-time almost impossible to survive? If you answered yes to either, or both, of those questions then this could be the pack for you.
The 95 pack is a community driven pack, with updates recommended by you, the players. Although I may release updates with certain bug fixes, config changes, etc. Most of the updates will come in the form of mod additions/changes as recommended by you.
This pack is by no means easy to start with, but at the same time you won't be struggling for survival early game either. You can find small hints on how to start out or make surviving easier further on in the thread, but for those of you who like to figure things out yourself, just avoiding opening that spoiler.
Known Issues:
Skyblock map in adventure mode by default in versions 1.2.1 and prior
Placing Circuit Fabricator next to Oil Fabricator has been known to lead to crashes
Work in progress:
Artwork for the pack. I am not very good at art and design, so the artwork for the pack isn't great. When I come up with a good picture idea I will attempt to make something better than what is in use at the minute.
Changelog key:
#: Released, [#]: Currently unavailable but will be soon, ~#~ Available but not recommended
Mod Changes:
-Added Galacticraft
-Added Gravitation Suite
-Added Small Boats
-Applied Energistics no longer requires power (this is to cut down on lag)
Saves changes:
-Skyblock map no longer in Adventure mode
Quest Changes:
-Quest lines no longer require you to acquire iron to see any of the quests
-Reward bags have been rebalanced, and reward types have been renamed (e.g. Thaumic Reward)
-A few more quests added, mainly Gregtech and Blood Magic
Crafting changes:
-Added recipe for Galacticraft silicon
-Added recipe for Certus Quartz
-Vanilla recipes for Iron tools re-add (screw you Greg)
-Tesseract recipe changed
-Added recipe for Essence Oreberry bushes
-Fixed Advanced machine recipes (Compressor, array controller and macerator, so far) to work with GregTech variants
-Recipes for: Creeper Plant, Helium Plant, and Rain Plant seeds added
-Added recipe for Philosopher's Stone (Minium stone's break too easily)
-Added Ender-Lilly seed recipe
-Changed Coffee Table recipe
-Added Zombie Head recipe
-Added "retro" RE-Battery Recipe
-Swapped Gregtech Bucket recipe for vanilla
-Swapped Gregtech hopper recipe, for ALMOST vanilla
-Glowstone recipe re-added
-Vanilla Iron Door recipe re-added
-Vanilla Cauldron recipe re-added
-Vanilla Iron Bars recipe re-added
-Added Yellorium Dust recipe
-Added Gregtech to Mekanism Osmium Dust recipe
-Atomic Core can now be used as an Advanced Circuit
Mods added:
-Soul Shards Reborn
-Enchanting Plus
-Logistics Pipes
-Equivalent Exchange 3
-MrCrayfishes Furniture Mod
-Carpenter's Blocks
Config Changes:
-Mekanism Circuits now work with IC2 machines (I don't like the Bronze Age in GregTech)
-Mekanism now displays RF not Joules
-GregTech TooEasyMode disabled
-GregTech HarderSpawners disabled (yes, you can break them now Sol)
-Enabled OpenBlocks blocks which were disabled: XP Drain, XP Bottler, XP Shower
-A few ID changes
Quest changes:
-Add a few more reward bags, thinking about removing the electric boat reward, because it seems too common.
-Added a few more quests.*
-Added new quest lines: IC2, Blood Magic, PneumaticCraft, GregTech, Better Vanilla.*
*Quests are still in very early alpha. A lot of new quests need to be added, I have just started out, and I am struggling to work out the best way to progress in the mods, via the quests.
Crafting changes:
-Added recipes in the Blood Altar for: Chicken, Cow, Sheep and Witch spawn eggs, and Wither Skulls
-Changed crafting recipe for Auto-Spawner to be a little harder to get.
-Added crafting recipe for squid spawn eggs
-Added Induction Smelter recipe for Steel
-Macerator Recipes: Cobblestone - Gravel, Gravel - Sand, Sand - Dust
Fixed issue with HQM being in editor mode
Mods added:
-Hardcore questing mode
Maps Added:
-Learn the Mods (Skyblock)
Quests Added:
Very few, alpha release of the questing system
Config changes:
Fixed recipe changes that broke in previous update
Stable server!!!!
All releases prior should be considered unplayable
#: Released, [#]: Currently unavailable but will be soon, ~#~ Available but not recommended
Mod Changes:
-Added Galacticraft
-Added Gravitation Suite
-Added Small Boats
-Applied Energistics no longer requires power (this is to cut down on lag)
Saves changes:
-Skyblock map no longer in Adventure mode
Quest Changes:
-Quest lines no longer require you to acquire iron to see any of the quests
-Reward bags have been rebalanced, and reward types have been renamed (e.g. Thaumic Reward)
-A few more quests added, mainly Gregtech and Blood Magic
Crafting changes:
-Added recipe for Galacticraft silicon
-Added recipe for Certus Quartz
-Vanilla recipes for Iron tools re-add (screw you Greg)
-Tesseract recipe changed
-Added recipe for Essence Oreberry bushes
-Fixed Advanced machine recipes (Compressor, array controller and macerator, so far) to work with GregTech variants
-Recipes for: Creeper Plant, Helium Plant, and Rain Plant seeds added
-Added recipe for Philosopher's Stone (Minium stone's break too easily)
-Added Ender-Lilly seed recipe
-Changed Coffee Table recipe
-Added Zombie Head recipe
-Added "retro" RE-Battery Recipe
-Swapped Gregtech Bucket recipe for vanilla
-Swapped Gregtech hopper recipe, for ALMOST vanilla
-Glowstone recipe re-added
-Vanilla Iron Door recipe re-added
-Vanilla Cauldron recipe re-added
-Vanilla Iron Bars recipe re-added
-Added Yellorium Dust recipe
-Added Gregtech to Mekanism Osmium Dust recipe
-Atomic Core can now be used as an Advanced Circuit
Mods added:
-Soul Shards Reborn
-Enchanting Plus
-Logistics Pipes
-Equivalent Exchange 3
-MrCrayfishes Furniture Mod
-Carpenter's Blocks
Config Changes:
-Mekanism Circuits now work with IC2 machines (I don't like the Bronze Age in GregTech)
-Mekanism now displays RF not Joules
-GregTech TooEasyMode disabled
-GregTech HarderSpawners disabled (yes, you can break them now Sol)
-Enabled OpenBlocks blocks which were disabled: XP Drain, XP Bottler, XP Shower
-A few ID changes
Quest changes:
-Add a few more reward bags, thinking about removing the electric boat reward, because it seems too common.
-Added a few more quests.*
-Added new quest lines: IC2, Blood Magic, PneumaticCraft, GregTech, Better Vanilla.*
*Quests are still in very early alpha. A lot of new quests need to be added, I have just started out, and I am struggling to work out the best way to progress in the mods, via the quests.
Crafting changes:
-Added recipes in the Blood Altar for: Chicken, Cow, Sheep and Witch spawn eggs, and Wither Skulls
-Changed crafting recipe for Auto-Spawner to be a little harder to get.
-Added crafting recipe for squid spawn eggs
-Added Induction Smelter recipe for Steel
-Macerator Recipes: Cobblestone - Gravel, Gravel - Sand, Sand - Dust
Fixed issue with HQM being in editor mode
Mods added:
-Hardcore questing mode
Maps Added:
-Learn the Mods (Skyblock)
Quests Added:
Very few, alpha release of the questing system
Config changes:
Fixed recipe changes that broke in previous update
Stable server!!!!
All releases prior should be considered unplayable
Mod list:
Applied Energistics
Big Reactors
Blood Magic
CoFH Core
Equivalent Exchange 3
Ex Nihilo
Extra Bees and Trees
Extra Cells
Extra Utilities
Forge Multipart
Harcore Questing Mode
Hunger Overhaul
IndustrialCraft 2
Inventory Tweaks
Logistics Pipes
Magic Bees
MineFactory Reloaded
Modular Powersuits
Modular Powersuits Addons
NEI Addons
NEI Plugins
Nether Ores
Not Enough Items
Not Enough Keys
Plugins for Forestry
PowerCrystals Core
Project Red
Soul Shards Reborn
Spice of Life
Steve's Carts 2
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion
Tinker's Construct
Tinker's Mechworks
Tinker's Steelworks
Twilight Forest
Zans/Voxel Minimap
Recommended to add:
These are mods that I cannot publicly distribute due to the mod's license, but I highly recommend adding either due to the functionality the mod adds to the game, or just because the mod is pretty cool, and/or could help with other mods in the pack.
Traincraft - Traincraft
Big Reactors
Blood Magic
CoFH Core
Equivalent Exchange 3
Ex Nihilo
Extra Bees and Trees
Extra Cells
Extra Utilities
Forge Multipart
Harcore Questing Mode
Hunger Overhaul
IndustrialCraft 2
Inventory Tweaks
Logistics Pipes
Magic Bees
MineFactory Reloaded
Modular Powersuits
Modular Powersuits Addons
NEI Addons
NEI Plugins
Nether Ores
Not Enough Items
Not Enough Keys
Plugins for Forestry
PowerCrystals Core
Project Red
Soul Shards Reborn
Spice of Life
Steve's Carts 2
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion
Tinker's Construct
Tinker's Mechworks
Tinker's Steelworks
Twilight Forest
Zans/Voxel Minimap
Recommended to add:
These are mods that I cannot publicly distribute due to the mod's license, but I highly recommend adding either due to the functionality the mod adds to the game, or just because the mod is pretty cool, and/or could help with other mods in the pack.
Traincraft - Traincraft
Notable changes to vanilla gameplay:
Wooded tools have less durability, and wooden pickaxes cannot be crafted
Stone pickaxes cannot be crafted
Hunger overhaul makes foods give less hunger and saturation back
Gravel will no longer drop flint just by breaking it (you can either craft it, or get it via a sieve)
Help guide for starting out:
To get tools you will want flint, as flint will give you your first pickaxe. To obtain flint you will need to craft it with 2 gravel.
Once you have obtained flint tools, you will want to set up a smeltery from Tinkers' Construct to obtain better tools.
Food is of abundance in this mod pack as Pam's Harvestcraft adds so many new foods to the game, so once you have played for a while you will be able to gain a wide variety of foods. However starting out could seem like a harder task than it has to be. While looking for a place to spend the night, along with cutting down trees, break berry bushes and tall grass and try and get as many seeds as possible, avoid eating berries if possible, as they can be used to make better foods as soon as you get 3 stone, using a juicer.
Also remember food has diminishing returns, so it is best to have 3 or 4 different foods on you when you go mining, exploring, etc.
There are 3 main energy units in this pack MJ, EU, and RF. EU is used primarily for IC2 and Gregtech machines, but most Minefactory Reloaded machines will accept EU. MJ is Buildcraft's power source and is also used to power Forestry machines, however you can power machines from these mods with RF, by using energy conduits. RF is the power source most machines will accept, this has many different ways of being generated, the most basic being the Survivalist Generator.
To get tools you will want flint, as flint will give you your first pickaxe. To obtain flint you will need to craft it with 2 gravel.
Once you have obtained flint tools, you will want to set up a smeltery from Tinkers' Construct to obtain better tools.
Food is of abundance in this mod pack as Pam's Harvestcraft adds so many new foods to the game, so once you have played for a while you will be able to gain a wide variety of foods. However starting out could seem like a harder task than it has to be. While looking for a place to spend the night, along with cutting down trees, break berry bushes and tall grass and try and get as many seeds as possible, avoid eating berries if possible, as they can be used to make better foods as soon as you get 3 stone, using a juicer.
Also remember food has diminishing returns, so it is best to have 3 or 4 different foods on you when you go mining, exploring, etc.
There are 3 main energy units in this pack MJ, EU, and RF. EU is used primarily for IC2 and Gregtech machines, but most Minefactory Reloaded machines will accept EU. MJ is Buildcraft's power source and is also used to power Forestry machines, however you can power machines from these mods with RF, by using energy conduits. RF is the power source most machines will accept, this has many different ways of being generated, the most basic being the Survivalist Generator.
If you can speak Russian check these guys out they seem great 

Texture Packs:
Special Thanks:
xBlitz2011 - Compiling Sphax Texture Pack for this Mod Pack
xiiRockstarrTv - For artwork used in 1.2.05 and onward releases
Not to forget the beta testers:
Jedi13, k9officerk9, 924Shrapnel, Mr_Doodley, LeeYohXL, ChaosReaver101, CarlyBenables
xiiRockstarrTv - For artwork used in 1.2.05 and onward releases
Not to forget the beta testers:
Jedi13, k9officerk9, 924Shrapnel, Mr_Doodley, LeeYohXL, ChaosReaver101, CarlyBenables
Backup of Skyblock map
Support the people who made this pack possible:
These are the only pages I could find: in the upper right is a donate button for the quest mod in the upper right is a donate button for the quest mod
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