Yup, we had this discussion inserver. Sorry again.[DOUBLEPOST=1384380678][/DOUBLEPOST]Apologies, the Water guardian was giving me trouble, so I made a manyullyn rapier and used all the quartz on it.Hallo,
Today i woke up, without my epic fortune autosmelting in my chest.
I alsonoticed someting from ars magica in my base.
DArkus, i know youre staying at Pascal_ownt, but the wooden thing in the water is my base.
For some strange reason i am unable to log on. When I try, I get stuck at the mojang symbol.
anyone know the reason for this. (I followed all the steps to instal them)
Tyvm I'm going to allow more memory to itGetting stuck at the Mojang symbol is usually caused by a memory error in Java. Even if it doesn't show it, there is usually a crash log or report in your .minecraft folder, may be under the forge-log heading. See if it says anything there about running out of memory or having issues loading classes. If so, setting your Java arguments to allow more memory or permgen memory will likely fix it.
I left a chest in your house for you.A few days ago i lost 15 magmacream because i put it in the crafting table and the server restarted ( whole description on page 46) can i get it back?