[1.6.4] InfiTech Modpack [GregTech/Galacticraft hard-mode modpack] - DISCONTINUED

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an idea I had for a cheap and easy way of early-game power:
  1. Vanilla cactus farm with water streams leading into hoppers;
  2. Cactus into coke oven for cactus charcoal;
  3. Cactus charcoal into Generator/Steam Boiler;
  4. Creosote oil for rails, excess burned in Semifluid Generator/Bio-engine.
Looks familiar? :)


Screen from our development server. While it's essentially free power (you only need to repair turbine rotors once a week or so), it requires a lot of tedious and annoying work.
This is a 14x14x10 cactus farm, enough to power 2 railcraft turbines and some leftover for MJ generation. It's featured in one of Jason's videos on Youtube if you want to take a closer look.

However, I need 64 coke ovens to process the cactus :D.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only until the game loads all these ovens. After that it's perfectly normal for me (and I by no means have a high end machine).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hehe... Well water is not that hard to get still infinite. After you are set-up with good basics, you will be able to generate lot of water.
BTW: its not really good idea to start inside big desert :)

I watched your Infinity series - so really, you just shift from infinite water 'in world' to huge cactus farms to supply the same thing. Problem is then that you can then rely on the cactus for infinite water and infinite power with which can be automated really easily. Honestly though, my only real problem with turning off infinite water is that with it off, it really messes up how rivers/lakes/oceans look after taking some water out of them which really drives me nuts with all the flowing water blocks since I always build around them.

I just turned it back on.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Call me a noob but I can't tell how the cactus is being harvested there. I can't make out any pistons or such.[DOUBLEPOST=1404310748][/DOUBLEPOST]
Honestly though, my only real problem with turning off infinite water is that with it off, it really messes up how rivers/lakes/oceans look after taking some water out of them which really drives me nuts with all the flowing water blocks since I always build around them.
I agree; I get OCD and start filling in with dirt, etc, to fix the horrid ugliness. I'm keeping the infinite-water rule in place however in the spirit of things. I only ever pick up water for a couple days during the early-game anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Call me a noob but I can't tell how the cactus is being harvested there. I can't make out any pistons or such.[DOUBLEPOST=1404310748][/DOUBLEPOST]
I agree; I get OCD and start filling in with dirt, etc, to fix the horrid ugliness. I'm keeping the infinite-water rule in place however in the spirit of things. I only ever pick up water for a couple days during the early-game anyway.

Cacti will 'auto-harvest' when growing if the new growth is next to an adjacent block that is non-air. From the looks of it - those fence posts/pillar things are filling the space above and next to the cactus. I usually do the old Etho cactus farm with


Where the X is a block one higher than the cactus with signs on all 4 sides around - when the cactus around grows up, they auto pop off into a water trench around the sand blocks.

I'm disciplined enough that if I'm not supposed to use infinite water I won't - I really wonder if water could be modded so that if # of source blocks next to each other was > 100 (or whatever) make that pool infinite, otherwise - finite. I don't know enough about how fluids are handled in MC to know if that'd be possible. Guess I better go look.

Although... I figure I balance it though since I remove modular powersuits and AE from any pack I play, so having infinite water is a good trade. :p
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Updated mods:
- Big Reactors to 0.3.4A2
- Galacticraft (all 3 modules) to
- LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.279
- MobiusCore to 1.2.2
- FMP Integration to 1.2.4

Config Changes:
- Unified Flour to AE version (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/6721053a893bd9fcdbbdaceb9365dd924f406331)
- Unified Sulfur to RC version (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/6721053a893bd9fcdbbdaceb9365dd924f406331)
- Fixed recipe for PneumaticCraft Kinetic Compressor (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/6721053a893bd9fcdbbdaceb9365dd924f406331)
- Lowered fuel usage of Big Reactors (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/6721053a893bd9fcdbbdaceb9365dd924f406331)
- Added recipes to EnderIO Alloy Smelter to be in-par with GT Alloy Smelter (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/6721053a893bd9fcdbbdaceb9365dd924f406331)
- Fixed crafting of Tinted Glass Panes (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/dd56c9013ee494779ad04c8638c6df5a94c7e1f7)
- Fixed exploit with smelting Iron Nuggets -> Steel Nuggets (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/bc2dd41d7e8b8f944c9845dbc38f3b6ecb7112ba)
- Fixed Plugins for Forestry Barrel recipe (and tweaked it a bit) (commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech/commit/bc2dd41d7e8b8f944c9845dbc38f3b6ecb7112ba)
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I havent played with BR at all. But one from my dev team has.

I don't think i touched the BR recipes at all. Why? Well since you need some way of getting water to them, its challenging as it is. But if we will find out that recipes are too easy... we can always change it to require iridium, tungstensteel and other "easy" to get materials :D

Biggest change to BR is the fuel consumption, non-infinite water and less Yellorium in the world.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Ok got it. Do not yet know for sure but I suspect it will need your MineTweaking abilities. Water is irrelevant, and once you have a quarry going, so is Yellorium.

Hopefully I won't be able to gloss over medium-level power such as Ethanol and Fuel completely.

Will find out this week :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was updating my privat InfiTech Server with FTB launcher and the FTB InfiTech client to version 2.1.4.
Now I cannot logon to the server due to some mod version mismatches:

>Edit: Error in Client is:
"Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server
The mods and versions listed below could not be found
They are required to play this server"

Affected mods are:

Server - Client
Galacticraft Core 2.0.13 - Galacticraft-1.6.4-
LogisticsPipes|Main 0.7.4.dev.241 - LogisticsPipes-MC1.6.4-0.7.4.dev.279
BigReactors 0.3.3A - BigReactors-0.3.4A2
GalacticraftMars 2.0.13 - (cannot find the mod withing minecraft directory)

How can I solve this problem?


Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry about that. For now you can either manually put missing mods from the client to the server (BigReactors, GalacticraftCore/planets, micdoodlecore and logisticpipes) or you can use for now the 2.1.3 version until the correct server files are uploaded.

If you will start moving files from Client to Server make sure to: 1) Do backup and 2) Delete the old versions of the mods

I will let you all know when the server files are fixed.

Sorry for inconvenience.[DOUBLEPOST=1404759029][/DOUBLEPOST]Or you know what.... I will sent you a PM for the fixed pack. If anyone needs this, just let me know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thx for answer and no problem,
just downgraded again. Will wait a little longer until fixed.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everthing is working fine on 2.1.4.
THX for working and updating that absolutly awesome Modpack.



Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Diamond Dolly :)
What, seriously?? I thought they only moved jabba barrels.

What have I been doing with my life????

On a sad, different note: I built a (small) BigReactor yesterday while still fiddling with my steam-power age. It came way too easy.

So, the good news is that I'm currently enjoying nuclear power before I have a tree farm. The bad news is that I'm probably going to minetweak the reactor casing recipes and destroy my reactor.

If you're interested, I'm going do the following at the very least:
1) Remove the coal->graphite furnace recipe. You can still get graphite by grinding diamond ore. (and you can get diamond ore with a rock cutter; RNG-luck with Silk touch not necessary)
2) Replace the steel-plate requirement with...tungstensteel probably. This might seem insane, but BR provide freaking godlike power.
3) Anything else Jason recommends; I'm not familiar with some of these mods (galacticraft in particular)

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What, seriously?? I thought they only moved jabba barrels.

What have I been doing with my life????

On a sad, different note: I built a (small) BigReactor yesterday while still fiddling with my steam-power age. It came way too easy.

So, the good news is that I'm currently enjoying nuclear power before I have a tree farm. The bad news is that I'm probably going to minetweak the reactor casing recipes and destroy my reactor.

If you're interested, I'm going do the following at the very least:
1) Remove the coal->graphite furnace recipe. You can still get graphite by grinding diamond ore. (and you can get diamond ore with a rock cutter; RNG-luck with Silk touch not necessary)
2) Replace the steel-plate requirement with...tungstensteel probably. This might seem insane, but BR provide freaking godlike power.
3) Anything else Jason recommends; I'm not familiar with some of these mods (galacticraft in particular)

Well its true that BR is making a lot of power, but there aren't many machines that needs RF/MJ... You have Quarries, AE, Forestry and Galacticraft. What I am thinking in doing for 2.1.5 update is lowering the power output of BRs. That actually seems like better solution than making it that much expensive. Even classic IC2 nuclear reactor is not "that" expensive.

But if you want to stick with this idea, here is something to think about. You can make the casing to use combination of Steel and Meteoric Iron from Moon. So that will force you to go to moon, for which you need rocket and making rocket in InfiTech is post-mid tier. Tungstensteel is kinda end-tier which can make BRs kinda useless at that point.