I decided to give Faction's another go as its been updated, First off you be glad to know there's no nether portal at spawn of the nature age

Don't know if I skipped it the first time I play but the Oreberry bush doubling recipe dose not work, but I noticed after placing them in the world and breaking them they end up with a different ID (eg iron orebush ID 1485:8 but after placing and breaking its ID 1485.)
I rewrote the TiCon.cfg in the minetweaker folder and the recipes work, although it dose remove the recipes from NEI. Also added the Alu bush recipe as its not in the original config.
Hope you don't mind me doing this.
#ID dictionary
IronBush = <1485>;
CopperBush = <1485:2>;
TinBush = <1485:3>;
GoldBush = <1485:1>;
AluBush = <1486>;
ExpBush = <1486:9>;
Iron = <265>;
Copper = <14276:9>;
Tin = <14276:10>;
Gold = <266>;
Alu = <14276:11>;
ExpBerry = <14360:5>;
BushBush = <18>;
Ink = <351>;
SunSeeds = <15937>;
GravelB = <2523:6>;
Flint = <318>;
SunF = <3939>;
YelF = <37>;
#Berry Bushes
recipes.addShapeless(IronBush * 2, [Iron, IronBush]);
recipes.addShapeless(CopperBush * 2, [Copper, CopperBush]);
recipes.addShapeless(TinBush * 2, [Tin, TinBush]);
recipes.addShapeless(AluBush * 2, [Alu, AluBush]);
recipes.addShapeless(GoldBush * 2, [Gold, GoldBush]);
recipes.addShaped(ExpBush * 1, [[ExpBerry, ExpBerry, ExpBerry],
[ExpBerry, BushBush, ExpBerry],
[ExpBerry, ExpBerry, ExpBerry]]);
recipes.addShapeless(Ink*1, [SunSeeds, SunSeeds]);
recipes.addShapeless(Flint*1, [GravelB]);
recipes.addShapeless(SunF*1,[YelF, SunSeeds]);