One time, I had been playing and saved near where the tnt gen was. Next day, I loaded up game, groggy, just woke up. And the gen noise kicked in before it was muffled by sound muffler (must have for this gen). I was rofl since I thought I loaded up COD or something. Then I was like, crap, the mobs have advanced and have weaponry/artillery. crap, get to cover!TnT generators are great, IMO. I've used one for quite a while. 2 Reactant Dynamos and a single Grinder and I still have all the gunpowder I need for my single TnT generator. It's 80RF/t for 2 mins per piece of TnT, but it runs like the Survivalist Generator, only eating a piece of TnT when the last one has run out AND it needs power. This makes it far superior to other generators, IMO, that will eat and eat and eat and waste power all day long.
So yeah, I love them. Remember, they are loud, noisey, and do hurt, even thru walls. And the explosion isn't always tiny, by any stretch of the imagination. So yeah...FAR away from your base. The upside is the explosions don't grief, even microblocks, so you're good on that front.

I was under the impression that the EU gens, the dynamos, all of them essentially stopped working when their buffer was full and stopped more things from being used.
Except for the solar gen which is special, all the EU gens, to me lack redstone control which bugs the crap out of me. I wish they had some way to disable them.
One of my first investments as I tech up the TE tree is to get alot of enderium to make resonant strongboxes and energy cells. If we get enderIO tho, that'll change and I'll invest in the capacitors and create a very large one as resources allow. That way, you can run everything on battery and not worry as much about something running out all the time. I think if that's the case, I'll start a huge farm of pigs on treadmills....

If natura is in pack, my goto setup for energy tho is bloodwood trees -> redstone farm via mfr -> heated redstone -> EU redstone gen. that thing is so OP even moreso than lava/magmatics since you can produce more then enough redstone for anything you can desire. I could scale it high enough to run mfr laser drills (like 3 in agskies, each with 4 prechargers).