Please can someone help me ? I'm stuck at the grinder quest, I can't craft the grinder, I tried restarting my game and other crafting table but nothing work, my game is broken somehow or I'm missing something ?
Look closely at the books you're trying to use.
Been posted 4 or 5 times in this thread already.
Don't use books from the city, craft your own. Only takes string, wood (patterns), and paper. You can smelt rotten flesh for leather too.
Take a look at this post:
Generally rushing a furnace will be enough. Once I have a furnace and shears (1 pair of shears makes what? conservatively around 15 water bottles) I tend not to have to worry about water as long as I farm trees occasionally. Some things you can try:Hello people of Internet!
I request aid! I always get stuck at a certain point in this map. It's the water problem. I get to the cobble gen phase, have a small food income, and I have to bonemeal trees if I need wood. The problem comes with the water, because I never have enough. I cannot spend my time on anything else except water canning the crops or bonemealing trees, and using it to create dirt and making clean water with my furnace. I get bored and try something else, but then I get a heat stroke, get swarmed with spiders and lose all my hunger or something else. I'm playing the hard route ofcourse.
Any tips for early water gain? I tried shears but I run out of iron pretty fast. Thanks a lot in advance!
that is a particularly interesting bug. i have no clue what could be causing it or how to fix it though.anyone have any insight?
critiques/clarifications in blue.Generally rushing a furnace will be enough. Once I have a furnace and shears (1 pair of shears makes what? conservatively around 15 water bottles) I tend not to have to worry about water as long as I farm trees occasionally. Some things you can try:
one pair of shears gets you 23.8 water bottles worth of water in the liquid transposer. i'd have to do further research for the cruicible/barrel method's output.
Using the Water can on trees will speed up the process as well.
watering can is mostly useless considering the ludicrous amount of bonemeal you get for making the morning rounds of your trench. you'll need it for spreading grass for seeds though.
'Spider-proofing' (making an extrusion around the top of your base) will prevent most spiders from getting in.
this is only a good idea to do once you're well established. spider eyes are absolutely essential until you get a diverse farm setup.
Make a tree farm...space some trees out to get 4-6 growing and it's much easier to farm. (note: I only use one tree but that's cause I'm weird)
there's no point to planting more than one wood/leaf gathering tree, as you can just bonemeal it. you'll want as many different fruit trees as you can get though.
Make a crucible...It lets you go directly from leaves -> water (and can be automated later!)
by the time you have the ability to make a water crucible, you should easily be able to automate it already. it only takes a single transfer node or itemduct.
Maybe spend more time sieving? I normally have enough iron dust for about 4 pairs of shears (32) in the first couple days.
you should be able to get shears for day 2 without issue if you sieve a couple stacks of dust on the first night.
i did a quick search of this thread and i didnt find anything helpful so i thought i would ask...
ive been playing this map for a while now however my radar icons are bugged. ive tried re downloading the pack and downloading the mod and re installing just the mod, and using texture packs,.. but nothing seems to be working.
my issue is that the icons are, instead of mob heads, small mini maps. they over take my whole map and over lap each other and i really have no idea how to fix it... anyone have any insight?
Did you try fiddling with the map controls - that kind of looks like an underground mode or something? Think it's under "m"?
Hello people of Internet!
I request aid! I always get stuck at a certain point in this map. It's the water problem. I get to the cobble gen phase, have a small food income, and I have to bonemeal trees if I need wood. The problem comes with the water, because I never have enough. I cannot spend my time on anything else except water canning the crops or bonemealing trees, and using it to create dirt and making clean water with my furnace. I get bored and try something else, but then I get a heat stroke, get swarmed with spiders and lose all my hunger or something else. I'm playing the hard route ofcourse.
Any tips for early water gain? I tried shears but I run out of iron pretty fast. Thanks a lot in advance!
See, that's all well and good, but... look at my screenshot again. This is the dawn of the third day in that world. I haven't had nearly enough time to get a huge walled-in compound in order to push the mobs back. This early, I rely on the drops from a drowning trap (quickly updated to lava) to get a stockpile of compressed dirt that'll last me a good while as I set up a proper dark room grinder with punji trap and vacuum hopper.I say someone add MFFS and see if they get through that. then we'll know if Iskandar's trolling us or not.
TBH, the incursions I have seen were preventable using blocks that they can't spawn on in first place. Thus, half slabs and TE metal blocks.
They seem to ignore lighting from artificial sources to some degree and there is a specific unknown reason why that isn't a global problem, but under some circumstances, it fails and allows spawning in (and this is not the reinforcement mechanic at work).
Then you have reinforcement or whatever which I just can't speak for since I tend to hold back the mobs and push them to a certain distance away.
All I can say is. The way I play, I spiral out in 4 directions, usually one at a time, while I have resources/time, after about the first or second week, planning more space for things to plop down, etc... but continue doing that as I go on even when I don't need anymore space. Hard to explain without huge wall of text and/or pics. I'll try to make it one paragraph.
Initial walls trench take me 3-4 days to do and is about 20-30 blocks away from ship and engine on all sides. lit by torches. I pick a side to expand and go out about 40-50 blocks and close off that area, fence/slab top, and then light inside. Rinse repeat for other 3 blocks so I have a funny non symetrical city blocks. Then rinse/repeat a couple more times outwards. I usually end up with 1 city block area between any buildings/structures/factories whatever that are actually being used. All the exterior areas are lit by glowstone glass or bricks. Yes, I see yellow lines on F7 but they disappear as soon as you walk on them.
With that setup, over multiple games, I've had a handful, maybe 2 of 'incursions' and they are always (always!) on the outter areas lit by artificial lights. I've never ever had any incursions that I didn't cause myself on that important first ring of walls. ever.
That leads me to believe that proximity is key here. I don't know. I like it this way. Hell, I don't even get ghasts come a visiting since they like all mobs have to spawn outside and they have no LOS to me so they don't enter or just freely fly over and into my area. It's nice and peaceful and I can build in peace. Every so often I'll get bored, run around walls and taunt the mobs and sometimes jump over until I realize I'm being stupid and head back.
I say that if you actually like having them as neighbors, consider all the problems an added bonus and stop griping about itSeriously! Unless we figure out what's causing it, there's not much to do about it cept use my strategy. I guarantee 100% it does work.
Don't patronize me. I've been playing this modpack long enough that I don't have to report to or please you, or anyone else, by playing Hard route every single time. Nothing aggravates me more than staring at a sapling for 20 minutes at the start of a map. I want to jump right in and get things going so I can get back to where I was more quickly. Sync is also great for people like me who have older computers and die because of Minecraft performance issues. It's kind of hard to fight back against a baby zombie that somehow spawns literally 3 blocks away from you inside your hermetically sealed ship when your fps drops to 2 if you take damage from a zombie, yeah?It looks like you haven't fixed up the front of your ship. They probably climbed over the cockpit into your walled off area.
You don't need to convince anyone other than yourself. Taking the easy route and using NEI on day 2 though...
i've been there, except in reverse. i was the sick kid, and my mother got sick while caring for me. strep throat really is one of the most bothersome viruses that go around ever year... not even remotely deadly (unless you have a weak immune system in the first place), but strong enough to keep you bedridden nonetheless.Been away due to sick kids, one with strep throat and now I'm sick. (yay)
Except I'm not using Special Mobs. Even with v3.0 in Crash Landing 1.1.2, it causes massive fps spiking every night. It's not as bad as it used to be with the utter lack of pathfinding optimization, but the mod is apparently still hogging resources in ways that Programmers Should Know Not to Do.it's stuff like this that is the reason i turn special mobs off. the mod is just too far broken, all the problems vastly outweigh the extra variety it adds.
the upside is you only carry the one strain that you happen to be carrying, so people who have gotten sick from you are usually immune to it the next time around.Yeah, strep throat is really prevalent because of people like me. I can carry the virus w/o ever getting sick so I spread it around to everybody unknowingly.
irrelevant, i was just using the situation you described as an example for my own statement.Except I'm not using Special Mobs.